I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 29: Golden gate

In the next few days, Xie Yan was paying attention to the live broadcast room of Dongdu Mutant School to see if any new news was shared.

Anyway, the live broadcast is in the evening, and the photosynthesis efficiency is poor at night, Xie Yan simply let go, and concentrate on watching the live broadcast.

I have to say that this time the Dongdu Mutant School has done enough preparation work, and all kinds of news are methodical, attractive enough, and do not violate the secrecy regulations.

For example, on the second night, the topic of whether awakening animals and plants can be awakened, a clear expression was given-

Only under the premise of becoming a first-wake person, eating mutated animals and plants is possible to accelerate the awakening of the mutation. Ordinary people eat these things before becoming the first-wake person. Physical damage!

In addition, there is also the question of whether it is possible to raise alien plants at home and increase the reiki concentration of the living environment. Here is also an explanation, explaining that the person is Li Yinsheng!

He asked the staff in the background to put a picture of Xie Yan's eye strain on the screen and said, "This thing, grab me aura every day! So don't believe that alien plants can improve the aura!"

Seeing this line of subtitles, Xie Yan restrained the urge to hit people.

What the hell!

There is no silver leaf on that eye plant at all.

However, excluding the special case cited by Li Yinsheng, the rest of the mutant plants will indeed grab the aura with the owner. But if this plant can flower and bear fruit, and the fruits are non-toxic and edible, then the value of these fruits is far more than those auras that have been sucked away in ordinary days.

So far, the entire Federation has not found a few mutant plants that can bear fruit and can eat fruits, so this information belongs to Xie Yan's exclusive news.

On the third day after that, the live broadcast room was even more popular. Twelve teachers helped the audience to identify the alien creatures, plants, and whether they were awakening.

In short, the video call never stopped this evening.

"Hello teachers, my name is...I didn’t come for identification, I just wanted to ask, last night, a suspected organized large-scale animal escape occurred in our zoo. After these animals changed and awakened, did their IQ change? Is it higher? And when they have thought and wisdom, they should not be called animals, but a civilization! At that time, how do we humans get along?"

It has to be said that this person is more level-minded, and so far, most people haven't considered it.

"Boy has a future!" Xie Yan likes this topic very much, because it is related to his vital interests. In addition, from the answers and barrage of several teachers, we can take a preliminary look at the human beings with intelligent animals and plants. What an attitude is.

While several teachers in Dongdu Mutan School were thinking about this problem, Wang Jin, in a research center in Beijing, looked at the screen and was lost in thought.

"The animals and plants that produce self-consciousness..." Wang Jin called twice in his mind, and the seed did not respond.

"Number three!"

At this time, a middle-aged woman in a white coat walked outside. "I agreed above. Someone will take you to the scene tomorrow."

"Got it, thank you Aunt Chen." Wang Jin responded.

Since waking up that day, Wang Jin has been receiving ideological education. He is very cooperative and has seen his attitude above, so Prisoner No. 3 has become No. 3!

To put it plainly is to accept Zhao An.

It's just that because Wang Jin's own abilities are relatively special, his right to freedom is still limited. Without the above approval, he can't make contact with too many people, and he must apply to go out.

While accepting Zhao An, Wang Jin also reported the set of narrations of the seed. Of course, he did not expose the existence of the seed. After all, the seed had told him specifically and he was not allowed to disclose his existence.

Afterwards, Wang Jin received a notice to meet with the top management. After the two sides met, he knew the existence of the door!

"The scourge of the seed should be something behind the door and something that humanity must face in the future!" Wang Jin has been told that he is a secret weapon against the creatures behind the door, so he can feel it whenever he thinks about it A pressure!

"No wonder the seed said that I would not reject it." Wang Jin shook his head with a wry smile, because he and the Federation both needed the power that the seed gave him!

Early the next morning, Wang Jin put on a tailor-made suit tailored for him, and under the guidance of two senior agents, he boarded an explosion-proof car.

Turnaround several times on the way.

A few days later, Wang Jin came to a mountainous area and walked for several kilometers on foot. He saw the troops stationed in the mountains and a golden gate six people tall and ten people wide surrounded by the troops!

Under the leadership of relevant personnel, Wang Jin walked to the gate, and after obtaining his consent, he reached out and touched the gate. As he approached the gate, an impetuous beast roared into his ears, even across a door, he felt the power of the sound master!

"How long?" Wang Jin pointed to the door slit that already had thick arms.

"At the current rate, a conservative estimate, three years later." The staff member said.

"Is there no way to destroy or close it?" Wang Jin couldn't help asking.

Another staff member could not help but shook his head, "I have tried it, and the existing forces cannot destroy this thing, so we can only change our thinking and find a way to delay the opening of the door, hoping to drag on for a few years!"

The longer the time, the better they are prepared, and the mutants of the Federation have time to cultivate.

Wang Jin nodded.

However, there was a disdainful chuckle in his mind, "A few years later...it's really light!"

Wang Jin was shocked, and it was difficult to meet the seed to speak. He hurriedly asked some doubts in his heart, eager to get answers.

"Oh, why should I tell you?" Seed sneered.

"I will exchange it in two years!" Wang Jin gave up his heart.

"Do you think I'm scarce of you for those two years?" After the seed finished, seeing Wang Qin's blue muscles burst up, he spoke slowly and calmly, "Okay, you don't want to be angry, just tell you a bit What about this door?"

The seed went on to say, "You should have completed the preliminary classification?"

Wang Jin nodded. Not long ago, Dongdu Mutant School just announced the rank of Mutant.

"Then you don't know, in addition to exotic plants, there are also exotic stones and exotic metals? This level applies not only to humans, animals and plants, but also to these exotic stones and iron?"

Wang Jin's eyes widened.

"Yeah, this door is made of very high-grade gold-grade iron. If you want to destroy it, you must use a higher-grade iron than it, and you want to close it. You must come to a mutant person, or animal or plant that is one level higher than it." After the seed finished, there was no voice directly, obviously he didn't want to ignore Wang Jin's questioning.

After receiving a response, Wang Jin, who calmed down a little, looked at the golden gate and muttered: "Stones and irons... The spirit of this world has just recovered, and it is too late to give birth to something of that level!"

Suddenly, Wang Jin frowned, "Wait, recovery? Why did everyone use the word recovery?"

Recovery means recovery, that is, originally owned, and then decayed for some reason, and then recovered again.

That is to say, almost everyone is acquiescing one thing, that is, there once existed Aura on this planet!

And if it is really a resurgence of aura, it means that somewhere in this world may leave the remnants of the last time aura appeared! Among those ruins, maybe you can find a different iron that can destroy this gate!

"Can you help me to contact the above, I have some important things that need to be investigated manually." Wang Jin felt it necessary to dig deeper in this regard!

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