I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 3: Migration plan

Angrily Xie Yan began to examine his injury.

Most of the two leaves were gnawed, and it seemed that they were not saved. He actively cut off the nutrient supply of the two leaves and prepared to make two new ones.

Root damage is around 20%, with the least degree of injury.

In addition, there are bite marks on the body, Xie Yan also began to repair.

In general, the losses are heavy. The only benefit of this battle is probably the corpse of ants everywhere. In the future, Xie Yan will not lack nourishment.

With the passage of time, the pile of ant corpses gradually dried, and Xie Yan's body was gradually repaired.

The bite wound on the stalk has scabed, two new leaves have grown out, the two water sacs have begun to re-storage, and the energy storage sac has also begun to accumulate a new round of energy. Everything looks organized.

But Xie Yan's mood is very bad.

Someone is **** him!

Every time I think about that day, Xie Yan was afraid for a while. If I didn't have any whimsy, no water sacs, or energy storage sacs, then I am afraid that I have been buried under the ant's mouth and become a pile of ant feces!

Xie Yan had a hunch that this kind of attack might be more than once or twice! Even worse, he didn't even know when the next round of attacks would come!

"What is this place!"

Xie Yan in a bad mood began to re-examine his surroundings, especially those areas that were invisible from 510 centimeters.

Maybe, he was standing in a laboratory, in a field where he could not see, a group of researchers, pointing at him.

"Open your eyes!"

The darkness of 510 cm away made Xie Yan very uneasy. He began to think about ways to expand his horizons.

Relying on Reiki a little bit too slowly, he must think of a simpler and more convenient way.

For example, plunge?

"Maybe I can learn bamboo to grow a ramet by the root system? Then use the transformation ability to give the ramet vision?" Xie Yan thought he could give it a try.

Therefore, Xie Yan delayed the absorption of Reiki, focused on his huge root system, and selected the strongest one as the experimental object, allowing it to extend to the border area of ​​510 cm, instilling energy to stimulate the shoots .

Two days later, new sprouts grew out of the roots, breaking open the soil, pushing the rocks above, and exposed.

"Feasible!" Xie Yan was excited. Even if he couldn't open his vision at the end of the experiment, he could use this ramet to do other things, such as photosynthesis!

At that location, the light will last longer!

After that, Xie Yan continued to infuse the tender seedlings, and the brain complements the tender seedlings to grow a picture similar to the eyes. A few days later, a small ball emerged from the top of the tender seedling, not a flower and a flower, but an eye-like thing.

When this eyeball matured, Xie Yan's vision suddenly became bright!

"It's done!" Xie Yan waved the leaves happily.

The visible range of the eye plant is also 360 degrees and 510 centimeters, which directly makes Xie Yan's field of vision reach ten meters!

Once the field of vision is opened, the root can continue to grow in that direction. In other words, Xie Yan's "hand" can be extended to a farther distance!

After being happy, Xie Yan reexamined himself.

"A plant that can transform his own body at will!" Xie Yan realized that if he continued to expand in this way, wouldn't this planet be his own master?

"It shouldn't be that easy!" Xie Yan dispelled this unrealistic idea. First, he needed to survive the attack sent by the mysterious man. Second, the root system also had transmission efficiency, so there was a growth limit.

Naturally, if the soil is fertile enough, the expansion distance will be farther away, but anyway, Xie Yan is now in a poor place, not to mention expansion, whether it can maintain basic consumption is a problem.

"You have to find a way to leave here!" Xie Yan was fed up with this poor land!

But if the plant wants to leave the place where it takes root, it is easier said than done, and it loses the soil. Xie Yan estimates that he can only live a day or two at most.

But the solution was conceived. Besides, he is not an ordinary plant, but a special plant with self-transformation ability. Xie Yan has full confidence in himself!

Next, Xie Yan began to carefully plan his development strategy.

Reiki must be sucked, and the field of vision must be expanded. In addition, various means must be prepared to counter the attack of the mysterious person.

And, relocation experiment.

Xie Yan can't go directly and leave, where is he going? How much water and energy will be consumed on the way? All need to be planned, not to mention whether it can be uprooted or left.

Too many things to do, Xie Yan suddenly felt a big head.

The first to start layout is naturally the root system, and the explosive soldiers need to mine first. This plain truth Xie Yan still understands. The root system began to spread out. After covering the first five meters of soil, Xie Yan began the next step-reserve resources!

The number of water storage bladders has doubled to four, and the energy storage bladders have also increased by one. As for the storage bladders, none of them are filled, and the second one is temporarily unnecessary.

Further on, it is armed preparations.

Xie Yan's stalks were covered with dense burrs of varying lengths. Considering the next round of attack, the mysterious man may send insects with anti-poison ability to prepare physical weapons for this purpose.

In addition, Xie Yan also began to make Reiki leaves, and used the absorbed Reiki to transform the existing poisonous juice! Make it more toxic!

"Who else!" Xie Yan looked at his heavily armed self, and the four leaves were shaking, and he couldn't look good, but one said, now he really has the power to ignore the previous ants!

With more new equipment on his body, daily consumption also increased accordingly, and Xie Yan continued to expand outward. It didn't take long for the second eye strain to be born, and Xie Yan's field of vision expanded to 1,530 cm.

When the second eye plant matured and had visual ability, Xie Yan's field of vision appeared a curved rock wall.

"I'm in a cave!" Xie Yan came to this conclusion in combination with the direction of the sun.

Because it has already reached the hole, the second eye plant has very good daylighting. Xie Yan thought about it and simply pinched off the two green leaves on the main stalk, and in turn let the second eyeball grow out of the leaf, where to perform more efficient photosynthesis effect.

Energy harvesting efficiency, increase again!

Everything is going in the good direction!

"The next step is to prepare for flowering, and then to prepare for migration!" Xie Yan secretly said that the flower must bear fruit before migration, otherwise flowers and fruits will waste a lot of resources and even wither during the migration!

The flowering is simple, but the migration... Xie Yan needs to make more attempts and more considerations.

"The success rate of the plan of directly uprooting and leaving people is probably very low, not only to reserve a lot of resources, but also to guard against attacks by mysterious people during the migration process!

"Once an attack occurs, whether it survives or not, it is very fatal to me!"

After thinking carefully, Xie Yan decided to postpone this set of solutions, there are too many uncertain factors, and the risks are great! As a last resort, he can only think of other ways.

For example, by transferring the ramets a little bit, waiting for the destination, and then developing the ramets into a new main plant!

It looks very safe, but it is a very large project that requires a lot of time and energy, and Xie Yan is uncertain. What happens to your consciousness after the main stem stalks wither and die due to cutting off the main stem's nutrients? Is it transferred to the new main stalk, or is it still lingering in place? Or can death die directly?

After thinking about it, Xie Yan took the third ramet to be unearthed for experiment. First of all, he had to make sure that the ramet had the ability to transform into the main stem, otherwise the follow-up would be empty talk.

Then Xie Yan failed!

Even if Reiki is used, the third branch will not develop the same flower and bone as the main stem!

This means that the main plant of Xie Yan cannot be copied in this way! The idea of ​​shifting by ramet also shattered.

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