I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 4: Flowering and the second round of attacks

Both roads were blocked. Xie Yan didn't think of any new ways for the time being. He could only stay on the ground honestly and develop the third plant that failed to transform into a third eye plant, increasing the field of vision to 20. Dom.

With the completion of the third root plant's underground root system, Xie Yan's income finally outweighed the expenditure. For the time being, there is no big move, he mobilizes all Reiki and energy, and concentrates on cultivating flowers and bones.

As time goes by, the flowers and bones grow larger and larger, and the color on it changes from the original light red to pink, and the color is still deepening.

At this point, it should be changed to call it a bud.

And when the color of the bud changed to deep red, Xie Yan knew that it was time to flower!

At night, various creatures dormant in the cave come out to forage. The lively nature of nature at night is no worse than human cities.

Suddenly, many creatures stopped their work, and they all looked in one direction. At this moment, whether it is sensitive or poor, they all smelled an attractive aroma, such as bees and other flowers. Honey's little animals couldn't resist such temptations, flapping their wings and quickly rushing towards the source of fragrance.

At this time Xie Yan had no sleepiness, and his attention was all on the flower buds above his head!

As the flower bud shook, Xie Yan felt that the flower bud was drawing a lot of energy from the energy storage bladder. Fortunately, he expanded the energy storage bladder to two, otherwise this flowering might end in failure!

It didn't take long for an energy storage bag to empty, and the flower buds looked like they were full, shaking slightly, like a comfortable burp. And in the next second, the petals above one by one, layer by layer, begin to bloom!

Every time a layer is bloomed, the flower blooms red light once, and it blooms seven times before and after, the brightness is stronger than once, and the last time is to wrap all the surroundings with red. From a distance, it looks like a huge red lantern.

The fragrance of flowers overflows, and the wild animals are intoxicated by this smell. However, the scent is so extreme that most animals are unable to distinguish the source of the scent. Everyone can only blind cats to catch the mouse and go around.

"It's open! Finally it's open!" Xie Yan was very excited. He was like a dad who saw a newly born child, and his inner emotions were very complicated.

There are seven layers of safflower, each with four petals. The petals are bright red in color, as if infected with blood, strange and flirtatious. The stamens are bright yellow and the stigmas are white, waiting for pollination.

The scent attracted dozens of bees of different varieties, and fell on the stamens in groups to gather flowers and collect honey. Later, it also attracted nectar-eating butterflies and a few flies.

"Go away!" Xie Yan hated the flies very much, but he had no hands and could not drive these guys away, so he could only let people steal nectar.

But no matter how, people also came to help pollinate. Thinking of this, Xie Yan was a bit awkward in his heart, but also acquiesced in the existence of flies.

The beautiful flowers are so fragrant. Early the next morning, the flowers begin to wither, and the petals wither and fall, leaving only a bare stamen.

Xie Yan lost her heart and was in a mood with him, as well as various animals who found the source of the night. When the fragrance dissipated, they seemed to have lost something invaluable, some fell into depression, and some were lost. Then turn the loss into a desire to attack.

These Xie Yan naturally do not know that he now has a new task to conceive fruit!

The logistics system has been initially established by him, so the growth rate of the fruit is several times faster than the previous flower and bone flower. At this speed, it will not take long for him to bear fruit.

Over the past few days, the flower buds disappeared and replaced by a fist-sized blue fruit with a smooth and shiny skin.

At the beginning of the fruit, some unscrupulous guys flew over and wanted to spawn in the fruit.

"Grandma, a bear, who will give you the courage!" Xie Yan was angry, and finally produced a fruit, was it okay to be ruined by this group of guys?

So he immediately consumed energy to make a layer of skin grow at the top of the main stem and the fruit, and wrap the fruit. At the same time, a large number of small holes were left on the skin to ensure that the fruit could contact the external environment.

"The skin that wraps the fruit, I'll call you in the future... The insect cover is ready!" Xie Yan gave this layer of skin a very serious name.

After the construction of the insect repellent cover is completed, although there are still unwilling insects flying over and wanting to break through this layer of membrane with a self-thinking powerful organ, they are all poisoned by the venom secreted on the insect cover.

Xie Yan, who took care of everything, laid back again, and then, as usual, he began to think about Zhi Sheng: "So what do I do to bear fruit?"

In fact, this question is the same as why you want to have a baby. Everyone has different opinions. For inheritance, for companionship, for coping with the lips of the previous generation...

And in thinking, the feeling of palpitations before came again!

Xie Yan gathers his mind like an enemy. He did not forget how miserable the previous attack made him!

"I'm ready this time, come on!" Xie Yan stood up against the wind.

After some preparation, he now has a burr of varying lengths. Any small animal who wants to climb the main stalk will definitely be scratched by the burr! The burr also carries poisonous juice, and it is a new poisonous juice modified by Reiki, which is more toxic than before!

Of course, the pores used to secrete the venom have not been abandoned, he can still use the venom to wash his body if necessary.

In addition, he also has four full-state water storage bladders, two full-state energy storage bladders and a storage bladder that has absorbed a lot of Reiki, even in an emergency, he can make adjustments immediately!

Soon, the third eye strain found the enemy!

That is a group of green caterpillars, the number is extremely large, it is estimated that there are hundreds of them!

Unsurprisingly, the third eye strain became their primary target of attack. A caterpillar climbed onto the third eye strain. A burst of pain struck and the caterpillars began to bite the third eye strain.

Xie Yan didn't equip the three eye strains with some offensive and defensive hardware such as burrs and pores, and only had the most basic venom, so the third eye strain was cleaned by deadly caterpillars in a few clicks.

The field of vision around the third eye plant disappeared, but Xie Yan was not distressed, because the root system under the third eye plant was still there, and he could grow another eye plant in the same place when the battle was over.

What happened next is the second eye plant, which is different from the bare third eye plant. This plant has two leaves for photosynthesis, which are relatively valuable.

However, Xie Yan had experienced an attack and knew that these little bugs were tough, not afraid of death. Even if the two leaves grew on the main stalk, they would not necessarily survive the attack. And, by the way, help him kill more enemies!

A few minutes later, the vision of the second eye strain disappeared, and then the first eye strain. This strain is Xie Yan's outpost. Naturally, it will not be as simple as the previous configuration, but has the same burrs as the main stem and pores that can secrete poisonous juice.

The caterpillars killed as usual, but this time, they gnawed hard bones.

The first plant is full of glitches, and the first few caterpillars that climbed up were directly killed by the glitches! Finally, relying on the corpse of the companion, the burr was exposed, and a drop of venom was smashed down.

The green caterpillar has a certain anti-toxic ability. It may not be anti-toxic. It does not mean that it is immune to toxins. Under the scouring of a large amount of venom, they can only advance hard. Then they must use their mouths to bite these highly toxic things...

It took a lot of energy to make the caterpillars bite the first strain.

"Ninety percent is gone." Xie Yan looked at a large number of caterpillars, full of pride and pride, and the remaining ten percent was dealt with by the main stalk, of course.

An hour before and after, the army of caterpillars was wiped out!

"Huh~" Xie Yan snorted softly, shaking the Reiki leaves disdainfully, but soon he found out that the palpitations had not passed yet!

"Is there a second wave of attacks?" Xie Yan did not dare to despise.

As expected, the second round of attacks followed, this time not caterpillars, but a group of ants, the number of which was comparable to the first attack.

"Well, what did you think..." Xie Yan shook the leaves, put on a relaxed look, and then slowly mobilized the water in the water storage bladder, began to secrete poisonous juice, poisoning all ants to the Lord Under the stalk.

There are also those ants who dig into the soil and eat the roots of Xie Yan. For these guys, a plant doesn’t want to be bothered and is pure pedicure.

"It should be gone now," Xie Yan secretly said, but the sense of crisis did not disappear with the death of the last ant.

It's not over yet!

The leaves of Xie Yan suddenly couldn't rejoice...

"Sure enough, it's not that easy!" Xie Yan waited severely. "But it doesn't matter. I still have more than three bags of water. I haven't moved the energy and the aura. Even if there is an emergency, I can respond in time!"

Xie Yan thought so, and his heart felt a lot relieved, and then he felt the shock from a distance.

It looks so big?

The vibration was getting closer and closer, Xie Yan's leaves began to tremble instinctively, and the sense of crisis in the heart reached its peak at this moment, and finally turned into fear.

Then he saw that a pair of horns protruded into the field of vision, and behind the horns were the head, neck, body...

This is the protagonist of this round!

"I'm fucking..." Xie Yan was shocked. Why didn't this play according to the routine? Say good little animals and small insects? Why did you bring the whole cow over?

Such a big yak, he took the lead to deal with it?

The yak slowly approached Xie Yan, and when it saw the fruit wrapped in skin graft on Xie Yan's head, his turbid eyes splendidly slobbered and drooled.

"Don't come!" Xie Yan shouted again in his heart. Of course, the yak could not hear his heart, but he took care of himself, stretched his mouth over, contained the fruit in his mouth, and then clicked...

"Ah! I'll fight you with the beast!" Xie Yan went crazy again.

Well, it took many days and nights to cultivate the fruit!

Xie Yan's heart was bleeding, but no matter how angry he was, he knew that he couldn't beat a cow! And the fruit is just the beginning. After swallowing the fruit, the yak will continue to nibble the main stalk and eat him completely!

Xie Yan now only hopes that his well-developed root system will bring him a chance to make a comeback, and will not kill him.

Soon, the yak swallowed the fruit that had not chewed a few bites, ready to wait for leisure before ruminating, and at this time, Xie Yan who began to autistically heard the call in the stomach of the cow.

That is……

Xie Yan was stunned. It was the call from the fruit. Both sides share the same roots. Even if the physical connection is cut off, the spiritual connection is still alive!

The fruit is waiting for his command!

There are many options flashing in Xie Yan’s mind, these are the messages that the fruit passes to him, and each option is accompanied by a success rate, because the fruit has just grown up, and the success rate of most options is even ten millionths. None at all.

But there is also a choice with a 100% success rate!

"Become the most terrifying toxin in this world, poison it!" Xie Yan said angrily!

As you wish...

As the fruit sent the last message, he was about to scream at the yak moo Xie Yan, and fell to the ground. The yak twitched slightly on the ground, and then spitting foam at the mouth and bleeding.

In the second round of attacks, Xie Yan won the victory at the expense of fruit.

Xie Yan looked at the corpses and the bare head, and felt a sense of sadness at the same time, his anger reached its mechanism.

"I don't care who you are, but I will never forget what happened today! Wait, I will find you out, I will make you pay!" Xie Yan was shaking all over. For the pain of bereavement and the revenge of killing a child, he must let the other party pay back twice!

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