I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 2: Ant colony

In fact, the water storage device is also a cup of water. This is a thankful word, but at least it allows him to maintain the water supply during the process of creating new leaves, and then take advantage of some special substances while the water is still there. Xie greedy, by the way, see if it is of any use.

After the water storage bladder and the energy storage bladder were full, Xie Yan began to manufacture new leaves. Due to the experience of growing a leaf once, coupled with the sufficient supply of water and energy, the new leaves quickly grew out according to his ideas. , The whole process is progressing rapidly.

On the third day, two silvery wavy leaves appeared on the stalk, the size of which was equivalent to two green leaves used for photosynthesis. The moment the silver leaf matures, it automatically absorbs that special substance in the air.

When the first substance entered the body, Xie Yan trembled.

"Good energy! And it is different from the organic matter transformed by photosynthesis!" Xie Yan thought of this, the two words could not help jumping out of his mind--


"So I'm catching up with the reiki recovery?" Xie Yan danced the four leaves happily, dreaming of all kinds of fantasy pictures.

Therefore, Xie Yan can't wait to start studying the role of Reiki, the water sac is half empty, he must seize the time.

The first thing I tried was whether I could use Reiki to rub a Qigong to pop up... obviously, no.

So he dispelled those unrealistic ideas and tried to expand the field of vision with Reiki, which did have some effects, but the expansion rate was very slow! He then tried to inject Reiki into the Hua Gu Duo Er, the effect is very good, the growth speed of the Hua Gu Duo is about twice as fast as that of simply injecting energy.

Later, Xie Yan tried to transform the leaves and roots with Reiki. After the transformation, the leaves looked brighter, the photosynthesis efficiency was accelerated, and the roots were thicker and tougher, and the absorption efficiency was accelerated. However, the soil is barren, and even if the efficiency is accelerated, it is useless.

When Xie Yan prepared to use Reiki instead of energy to create new leaves, he found that it would not work at all!

"The icing on the cake!" This is Xie Yan's evaluation of Reiki after the test. It is useful, but it cannot replace the nutrients he absorbs every day.

Finally, Xie Yan concluded that the main role of Reiki for him at present should be to expand his horizons. Although it is slow, it is the only way.

Soon after, the water sac was empty, and Xie Yan decisively cut off the connection with the two silver leaves in order not to die thirsty. A few days later, the silver leaves withered and dropped. Xie Yan's bare body had two more small bumps.

"Scars are a symbol of men's bravery!" Xie Yan somehow jumped into his head.

With the help of Reiki, Xie Yan's field of vision expanded ten centimeters outward. Not to mention that it is only ten centimeters, but this expansion on the basis of five meters actually covers a large area.

Xie Yan's root system can grow down, absorb more water and nutrients, and carry out a new round of water storage.

During this period, Xie Yan simply stopped the energy supply to Huaduo Duo'er, and only maintained the basic consumption. After all, the old saying is good, the knife is not cut by the woodworker, and after he has a huge root system that can maintain the consumption of silver leaves, then directly Provide energy to Hua Gu Duo Er, the efficiency will be faster! And the green leaves transformed by Reiki are very bright, then he believes that the flowers spawned by Reiki will also be more beautiful and brighter!

In addition, the second phase of the storage bladder project began. Xie Yan prepared to create another water storage bladder. In addition, he referred to the Dantian thing and prepared to build a storage bladder to store the aura, and hoped that the aura could accumulate in the future. , Quantitative change to qualitative change, forming Jindan Yuanying or something...

After the second-stage storage capsule expansion project is completed and the storage capsule storage plan is completed, Xie Yan can finally start the second round of the Reiki absorption plan.

But when Xie Yan was about to make silver leaves, he suddenly felt a palpitation, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped him!

"what happened?"

Xie Yan's two leaves unconsciously shook into sieve chaff, rustling.

A moment later, a group of black crushed things entered Xie Yan's field of vision. That was a group of ants, ordinary black ants.

But the moment Xie Yan saw the ants, he immediately understood that this is the source of the crisis!

"What are these ants doing?" Xie Yan was facing an enemy, but at this time he could only watch the ants approaching.

"Don't come!" Xie Yan looked at the mass of ants, planting skin and numb, but his silent cry did not convey it. The ants pressed over in groups, climbed on his torso, and began to bite! Some of them even climbed onto the leaves, destroying this hard-won construction achievement! In addition, a group of people got into the soil and began to eat his roots! There are also several poisonous hands that have also suffered from storage bags!

An intense pain came from all over him, and Xie Yan was crazy.

"Go!" Xie Yan shook the leaves hard, trying to get the ants down, but the swing of his leaves was too small, and he couldn't throw the ants down.

And these ants who eat leaves are still good ants, and some of them are driving straight in, marching towards the flower bones above Xie Yan's head!


Xie Yan was in a hurry, but it was his hard work to grow up to the present flower and bone! Although he doesn't know what he is doing for flowering, this behavior is like planting children to plants. Now, if someone wants to move your children, can't you be in a hurry?

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Xie Yan panicked, he is a plant, unable to move, how to drive ants?

"Oh, make toxins, poison them!" Xie Yan was at a critical juncture. While several storage sacs had not been bitten, he quickly mobilized the energy inside and began to produce highly toxic juice to make ants bite. Die!

Half of it was made, Xie Yan changed his mind again. In order to kill ants on a large scale, he is ready to transform a poison with strong volatility!

When the ants are almost dead, they will probably recede... Xie Yan thought so.

With full energy supply, the poisonous juice was quickly produced and circulated throughout the body. The first thing that works naturally is the leaves. The ants that eat the poisonous juice quickly die, and the toxin is volatile, and the ants around the leaves are also successively recruited. The poison spreads to the root system, and all the ants that bite the rhizome die.

However, this does not stop the ants from advancing. They are not afraid of life and death, just to bite Xie Yan.

There are those who are moving towards the flower and bone, even if they are swayed by the poisonous gas, they must continue to go up!

"How could this be!" Xie Yan was shocked by these ant squads.

What do you hate?

When he buried the roots, he was always in good order, and did not destroy the ant's hometown nearby. He even took the initiative to separate some rotten roots for the ants to eat back in return for their feces.

But this life of mutual benefit, the other party suddenly no longer wanted, not only that, but also put him to death!

"That's it..."

At a critical juncture, Xie Yan's brain turned fast, and he began to create a new weapon-secreted poison!

Actively secrete toxins from the body and spread all over the torso. All ants who dare to climb onto his body will be unable to escape!

It takes a lot of water to secrete poisonous juice. Fortunately, Xie Yan has prepared two water sacs with sufficient water!

Soon, Xie Yan's stalks appeared small, similar to skin pores, these holes began to leak poison, and the ants submerged by the poison were directly poisoned into corpses.

The venom continued to be secreted, and the more it gathered, the bigger it finally ran down the stem, poisoning all the ants that were about to climb up.

Then, a scene that made Xie Yan feel horrified appeared. Even if they stepped on the corpse of their companions, they would continue to climb on his stalks.

Until all the ants in Xie Yan's vision are dead!

At the end of the battle, with Xie Yan's stem as the center, a circle of dead ants piled up, looking like a black pyramid.

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem here!"

Xie Yan felt something awkward. This attack was definitely a purposeful and planned attack, because the behavior of these ants completely violated the normal way of life of the creature! So the question is, who organized this attack?


Definitely not, the men are sent off, who will raise her and her ants? But besides the queen, who has the ability to organize so many ants to attack him?

"Damn, damn!"

Xie Yan's body was trembling, and thought it was a plain plant life, but unexpectedly, someone was behind him!

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