I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 20: Zhanshan is king

Wang Jin's body was shocked, this seed was actually conscious! Incredible!

"Well, consciousness is normal, OK! Most plants are conscious, but there is no way to express it!" said the voice.

Wang Jin frowned, and the other party could read his thoughts directly. This feeling of being read was very bad.

"I said that you have something to be dissatisfied? I didn't poison you, let alone limit your freedom. Besides, with my help, you can already absorb the aura and become what... changeman! So you still Thanks to me!" Seed said.

Wang Jin was silent, but now it was not time to care about these things. He hurriedly asked, "What happened after I was in a coma. Has anyone died because of touching my body?"

"Huh? Why should I tell you?" Seed chuckled.

Wang Jin scratched his hair. He hated this ambiguous answer the most. But the seed did not want to answer, and he had no choice but to change the question, "Why don't you poison me?"

"Aren't I saying that, because you rescued me from the cow's belly! My seed, what is grace and hatred, is still clear!" said the seed.

"What about Xue Shaoqian? Does he save you? Why are you..."

Without waiting for Wang Jin to finish his speech, the seed immediately retorted: "I think too, but who made him so far away from me, and I don't have the ability to control the poison remotely."

Wang Jin was stunned for a moment.

"Okay, too lazy to talk nonsense with you, we have to say one!"

Seed directly showdown, "I can't keep you free forever, because I also have things I want to do, so... I give you ten years of free time! After ten years, you must listen to me and help me accomplish some things. , After these things are done, I will give you another ten years of freedom!"

Wang Jin frowned, "What if I disagree?"

"Oh, sorry, I haven't considered this issue, because I know you will agree!" The seed is proud, "There is a word I don't know if you haven't heard it, and it's called a blessing and a disaster! If you count the reiki recovery as If blessing, what is the disaster?"

Wang Jin was shocked.

"There has never been anything cheap in the world, including the ability I gave you, so... prepare yourself, teenager!" The seed finished, his voice sinking, no matter how Wang Jin called, he would no longer respond.

"Hey, what does that mean?" Wang Jin shouted subconsciously, this ambiguous thing, making him crazy.

At this time, the radio rang on the ceiling.

"You wake up on Prisoner 3, then let's talk seriously!"

Wang Jin raised his head, and the name "Prisoner 3" deeply penetrated his heart.


At the other end, the mountain where a plant takes root.

Here, completely reduced to the site of Xie Yan.

The tree is a branch of his growth, and the weeds are also the branches of his growth. Even the vines wrapped around the tree and the moss on the stone are his branches!

Of course, Xie Yan is not aimless growth, but planned to divide the whole mountain into four areas, from the inside to the outside are shelter area, horror tree area, guardrail area and peripheral area.

The masking area, as the name suggests, is the area covered by the field of view mask. The horror tree area is an area with a grimace tree, and also belongs to the core area. It is about tens of thousands of square meters. Within this range, it is all scary.

Further out is the guardrail area, which will be the first front against troops sent by the mysterious people. At present, there is only one prototype, and the internal weapons have not been arranged.

As for the outlying area, it is only monitoring the area that is not developing.

In short, the sun of the entire mountain, including the area of ​​human activity and the small village under the mountain, is under his supervision and control.

"Exhausted...Expansion is here." Xie Yan sighed in his heart, and the leaves hung down.

He has been engaged in expansion since this month, and expansion is not just a matter of thinking. In addition to certain planning and field measurements, he must also control the supply of nutrients.

At this stage, whether it is a long plant or rooting, if it is a long plant, what shape and shape, what function is needed, whether it is scary or used to decorate the environment, etc., need to be considered, otherwise it will get two pieces like the original leaves. The strange rectangular blades of solar panel come out!

It can be said that the whole process is very troublesome.

In addition, it is necessary to plan a time, so that after expanding to a certain extent, the roots throughout the mountain can continuously provide nutrients to the leaves for photosynthesis like floods, and then obtain very large energy.

This allows him to create tens of thousands of leaves in one minute, and can spawn ten or ten big trees three meters thick in one night! The efficiency is terrible!

This is really what I said. The sharpener cuts the woodworker.

However, although so many things have been made, they are all flashy, and the tofu project of cutting corners is everywhere, and these places are grateful to prepare to repair them later.

In addition, there are many wreckages of trees on the ground, wreckages of flowers and grass have not been treated, and the environment has been completely destroyed. Little bug in the soil!

They were all poisoned by eating Xie Yan's body parts!

The herbivorous creatures are gone, and the carnivorous creatures are not eaten, so they can only be forced to leave this woodland.


For these innocent victims, Xie Yan can only say these three words. He cannot let any creatures stay in this area. First, it is not safe here, and second, it is possible that the mysterious person will be caught and used as a gun!

He didn't want to make a lot of defensive weapons, but he was defeated from the inside!

"From the third attack to the present, about two months have passed. Assuming the attack cycle is once every six months, then I still have four months!" Xie Yan began to calculate the future again. "Four months, I need Do four things, invent new defensive weapons and lay them down, bloom again, try to fill the storage tank, and... engage in scientific research!"

Yes, engage in scientific research!

The attackers sent by the mysterious people will only become stronger, especially those alien creatures that can absorb the aura, and no one knows what horrifying ability they will change in the future.

Maybe one day in the future, Xie Yan has to face some fairies who can open mountains and split rocks! They are anti-poison and anti-beating, with great power, thorn wall, beast trap... I am afraid it is a joke in front of these gods!

The most crucial point is that human beings!

Xie Yan couldn't determine whether the mysterious man would unite humans to attack himself. During this time, he had initially observed through the eye strains that were taken out. With the technological level of this world, mushrooms could have been grown already. He Xie Yanneng Resist mushrooms? Obviously not!

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