I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 21: Reiki explosion

Of course, compared with the gods, peaceful coexistence with humans in this world would be simpler, provided Xie Yan possesses the ability to counterattack.

But growing mushrooms...

Even Xie Yan, who had just gone to college, couldn't really breed it, and even if he knew the formula and kept pondering the experiment, it might not be successful. Because, here is not the earth! It is another world, another time and space. If you want to grow mushrooms in this world, you have to apply the theoretical system of this world!

So he can only open up a different path and make something comparable to mushrooms.

There are two ways, one is to rely on the fruit with infinite possibilities, but he knows that if he wants the fruit to develop into that kind of thing, it would have to be conceived for five, six or seven years.

If you want to speed up time, energy alone is useless. You can only infuse the fruit with a higher concentration of Reiki, such as completely concentrated into liquid Reiki!

Even so, it can be very good to reduce the cycle by half, five years, half and two and a half years!

The second method is to rely on hard-working hands and a body that can be reformed at will. After all, the fruits and Xie Yan's abilities should be the same. In this case, Xie Yan can theoretically make things that he can convert!

Of course, if you want to do it yourself, you must solve some fundamental problems. For example, technical and material issues.

Let Xie Yan create another one after imitating the vision mask, he can't do it! He can't imitate the materials used in the field of view shield and the internal manufacturing process, black technology, etc.!

Therefore, he has to engage in scientific research and find ways to come up with matching materials and related technologies.

Xie Yan always believed that if mass production could not be achieved, then the words "combat power" could not be talked about!

However, conducting scientific research is a long-term process. It is not anxious now. Xie Yan must first lay out basic weapons. For example, the previously used catapult poison mist, beast trap, etc. Although these methods have been known by the mysterious people, it does not mean that they are useless.

There are also thorny walls. Xie Yan made them look like green belts. The reason for this is because he wanted to give the passing mountain people an illusion of artificial planting, otherwise a neat row of plants, Certainly cause doubt.

In order to be more realistic, Xie Yan also made some signs on the green belt with signs such as "cherish life" and "look back at your family" to prevent this from becoming a suicide forest.

These things took Xie Yan more than half a month, he did not stop breathing, and immediately began to study new weapons!

"Requirement one, you can move! Requirement two, you must have flexibility!"

Xie Yan gave himself two indicators.

Of course Xie Yan is not immobile now, but you can only shake it like this, and then scare a group of three-colored bees looking for larvae...

The queen bee also flew out, holding a sad egg on her hind legs with the egg just about to be laid.

Can you speak in advance before shaking next time?

Therefore, letting the body move is Xie Yan's long-cherished wish, otherwise every time the mysterious man comes to attack him, he can only watch dryly, without any operation space, this feeling is very uncomfortable!

While issuing the indicators, Xie Yan already had some preliminary ideas.

He first picked a grimace tree, and made a few meters long vine with thick baby arms on the grimace tree, and then made four air holes in different directions of the vine.

"Just call you jet vines for the time being!" Xie Yan gave this weapon a name. Of course, if it can be put into use, you have to try it.

So, he began to fill one of the air holes with poison gas. After the gas was almost filled, he let the air vent open slightly and the poison gas was released instantly. At the same time that the poison gas was released, the ejected gas produced a reverse thrust, pushing the vines in the opposite direction.

It looks successful, but it's power... Probably the same level as a balloon that is leaking and running around.

Xie Yan shook the branches with dissatisfaction, which was too much different from his imagination!

He was a little unwilling to inject poison gas into it again until the vines expanded and deformed!

"It's always okay this time!" Xie Yan loosened the air vent and a large amount of poisonous gas spewed out, pushing the vines forward.

The effect is a little better than before, but the vines sprayed out still can't reach the point of hurting, it is about the same level as slapping...

"Why is it so bad..." Xie Yan was a little surprised by this, "It seems to be improved!"

After thinking for a long time, Xie Yan had a new idea, add a few more jets to the vines, and then inflate them together to release them together!


The vines made wind in the air!

Xie Yan was excited, looking like this, it seems feasible!

But then comes another problem-the attack frequency is too slow!

The inspiration for the jet vines came from the horn nozzle in the ejected poison mist, and this nozzle has a very fatal problem, that is the inflation speed.

In the wilderness, because of poor resources, the inflation rate was very slow, which made Xie Yan had to give up the idea of ​​the horn nozzle. Although it is now rich, the inflation rate is still very slow, and it takes about half a minute to fill it once.

Every second is crucial on the battlefield, not to mention half a minute?

Remedial methods are not without, for example, by increasing the number of vines, or finding a more suitable gas.

"Would you like to try Reiki?" Xie Yan had an idea. He released the poison gas from several vents and replaced them with Reiki. While preparing to release, he hesitated for a while, and then gritted his teeth, let go of these auras, pumped a denser mist aura from the storage capsule, and poured it into the spout.



A huge explosion sounded through the forest. If not all the birds were driven away by Xie Yan, there would be a spectacular scene of ten thousand birds taking off.

Looking back at the scene, a small pit appeared in the center of the explosion. The vines were torn apart and there was only a bar left hanging on the grimace tree.

"I drop the sky..." Xie Yan was shocked. This power was also a little scary.

After the shock, there was a burst of ecstasy, and the leaves were trembling.

The queen bee flew back to the den in a rage, and the old lady died today!

Xie Yan ignored the angry queen, and the unexpected explosion of the mist-like aura gave him a lot of inspiration. At this moment, countless new ideas came to mind.

"Come on one by one!" Xie Yan took a sip of carbon dioxide, filled with confidence! Even, he was somewhat looking forward to the scene of falling flowers being hit by his new weapon when the mysterious man sent troops to attack.

"Cough~ Some are floating..." Xie Yan put aside the unrealistic obscenity in his mind, preparing to further improve the vines.

He wanted flexible vines, not an aura bomb.

Of course, the Reiki bomb is not impossible to consider, but the meal has to be eaten bit by bit, anyway, there are more than three months away from the estimated attack time, and some have experimental opportunities!

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