I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 19: Class A wanted, codename: poison man

While Xie Yan was developing forestlands, Du Yan City, under a bridge cave not far from Du Yan University, was in Jin Jing and shivered.

His eyes were blank, and he kept saying, "Dead, all dead."

Today is the ninth day of the poison incident at Duyan University. As the culprit of bringing the poison into the city, he has an inevitable responsibility, but the most surprising thing is that he is still alive!

You know, other people will be killed quickly if they are slightly contaminated with bovine blood poison, and as a source, he has not lived to a point!

Then there is only one possibility. Unconsciously, Wang Jin developed resistance to bovine blood poison!

Wang Jin took out the seed from his pocket and stared at the thing that killed countless people. He had thought about discarding this thing, but what happened at Duyan University made him afraid to do it. After all, no one knows, where will the seeds fall after being discarded? How many people will die as a result?

"I must destroy it!"

Wang Jin's eyes regained a little color, and at this time, he faintly heard the sound of a police siren coming from a distance. The whole person looked like a bird with a bow, and quickly found a way to escape.

Yes, he has been wanted by the federal government, according to the latest classification, he is now a class A wanted criminal! Codename: poison man!

Stumbled all the way, the hungry and cold Wang Jin didn't know where he ran, and even worse, it rained!

The rain in March was so cold that Wang Jin had no choice but to break into a small area without security guards, and found a building with an open door to drill in to avoid rain.

In order not to be discovered by the residents, he first climbed to the top floor. Generally, the place from the top floor to the roof will be made into a loft, where he is going to stay. However, the road leading to the top floor was sealed with an iron door by the highest-level occupants. It seemed to occupy the upper floor as his own. In desperation, he could only go back to the first floor and curled up behind the stairs. Dark corners.

"In two days, I will eat the seeds in two days." Wang Jin shuddered and said to himself.

For a senior student, the only way he can think of destroying the seeds is to eat it! Use this body to hone out antibodies to fight this unique and highly toxic.

This approach is not so daunting as it is to say that it is atonement, or more precisely, to avoid social trials on the pretext of atonement.

Compared with these, Wang Jin felt more regret at the moment. If he curtailed his curiosity in time, he would not kill so many people now.

Spring and rain continued, and the temperature dropped again. The body that had not eaten for a few days could not resist the cold outside.

Wang Jin's consciousness began to be a bit confusing. He shook his head and tried to stay awake, while his body curled to protect his hands, avoiding the venom-filled hands from touching the thing.

In the evening, the rain stopped and the residents in the building came back one after another. Wang Jin knew he should leave.

But before he got up, an aunt who was about to go upstairs found him. The aunt asked cautiously, "Who are you guys? What are you doing here?"

Wang Jin did not respond, staggering to stand up and ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, the aunt didn't let her go, so she came forward and asked to understand.

"Go!" Wang Jin roared, his eyes red, like a wild bison, full of aggression.

The aunt was scared. Taking advantage of this gap, Wang Jin quickly left.

A moment later, the aunt recovered, and chose the alarm as soon as possible.

Wang Jin's whereabouts were completely exposed at this moment, and a large number of federal agents were sent out. No matter where he went, there was a siren sound.

"How to do?"

Wang Jin panicked, he didn't want to be caught, so he would lose the so-called atonement opportunity and become a sinner completely! He didn't want to be a sinner, he wanted to seek spiritual relief in his own way.

"Is it going to eat now?" Wang Jin glanced at the seeds in his hand, and his heart was full of unwillingness. According to the process he envisioned, he should first adapt his body to the toxin that penetrated into the skin, and then lick the seeds to further contact the toxin. , The last thing is to eat the seeds.

Now, only the second step can be crossed...

"Don't move! Don't run! I will shoot if I run again!"

Finally, the exhausted Wang Jin was hit back and forth by three agents and was blocked in an alley.

"Don't come over, I'm all poisoned!"

Wang Jin, who was besieged, admitted his fate, and he cried with a begging tone, "I don't want to see the people who were poisoned by it anymore! So please don't come over, please? I kneel down for you, don't really come over!"

The man has gold under his knees, but at this time Wang Jin had no matter what the real gold and silver, he only wanted to keep the three agents away from him, so as not to be affected by the poison.

The three agents nodded. They had already been told about the power of the toxin. One of them hurriedly said, "We can't pass, but you must not run! That will only hurt more people!"

Wang Jin knelt on the ground and nodded.

The three police detectives were slightly relieved, and one of them returned to the car, took out a customized set of anti-virus tools, and a large box for recovering the poison source.


Suddenly, the agent who took the armor heard a blast from his teammates behind him. He quickly turned around and saw that Wang Jin had swallowed something.

The moment the seeds were swallowed, the toxin exploded completely in Wang Jin's stomach. He smiled fiercely, and there was a relief in his eyes.

The three agents looked at Wang Jin, who was falling to the ground, somewhat at a loss.

At the same time, Xie Yan, who was building his home, looked sharply into the distance, and he could feel that there was something very troublesome that was waking up!

"Is there a connection with me?" Xie Yan thought about it, "Is that the seed? Or something else?"

At present, the only things he has to do with the outside world are the seeds that were taken away by those two people, except for those eye strains.

"Isn't it going to germinate?" Xie Yan pulled the leaves, feeling strange in his heart.


A few days later, Wang Jin slowly opened his eyes in the isolation room of a facility.

"I am... who's here?" Wang Jin's mind popped up with such a question, and then the recovered memory gave him the answer, "Yes, I'm Wang Jin! I..."

The memory of a few days ago also poured into my mind at this moment.

Wang Jin's eyes widened, "I am still alive? That is to say, I managed to contain the seed?"

He hurriedly sat up from the bed, looked around, and pinched himself hard.

Not a dream!

"Good! In this case, antibodies should be born in my body! Those who are still lying in the hospital can use my serum to detoxify!" Wang Jinru was relieved and he saw a path of atonement.

And at this moment, there was a sweet chuckle in his head.

"Antibodies, you look down on me too much? Just because you are broken and want to resist my toxins, think beautifully! If you take me out of the cow's belly, do you think you can live to the present?"

"Who!" Wang Jin was startled. He looked around again, but there was no one around.

"Guess?" the voice replied.

Wang Jin's heart sank, he guessed a possibility, that seed!

"Smart!" The voice responded.

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