I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 1: Self-reforming stick


"I suck!"

Xie Yan worked hard to absorb the nutrients in the soil, and the nutrients entered the young stalks, waiting for further transformation of photosynthesis.

This is the fourth day since Xie Yan was reborn.

In these four days, Xie Yan was absorbing the nutrients in the soil for the rest of the day except for the first day he was mourning his tragic past life.

As for the matter of becoming a plant... Xie Yan is not exclusive, and reincarnation is not something he can control, as long as it is not too ridiculous, he can accept it. Because he is still alive, this is more important than anything! Moreover, he still retains the memory of his previous life.

So after understanding his situation, Xie Yan accepted it openly and began his career in planting.

"After all, what am I now?" Xie Yan slowed down the absorption of nutrients from the soil by the rhizome and fell into contemplation.

First of all, he has eyesight, colorful, can see things around five meters and his body. And these five meters naturally include five meters underground, which allows him to stretch the rhizome for more purpose to absorb nutrients.

The second is his appearance. The part exposed outside the soil is only a stalk and the top flower and bone. At first glance, it looks like a little mallet inserted on the ground. The total height of the stem and flower bones is half a meter, which is his approximate height measured by five meters of vision.

The last thing is Zhisheng. After seeing his appearance, he probably understood his mission, that is, to let the flower on the top of his head blossom and bear fruit!

So in the end, he still didn't know what plant he was.

Similar thinking, come so many times a day, it is really...

"This life is too boring." Xie Yan sighed, and the stem bent slightly.

As the afternoon approaches the evening, Xie Yan will slow down the absorption of the roots and turn his attention to the sun shining on him!

Because his eyesight is only five meters, Xie Yan does not know where he is. He only knows that the soil he grows is very poor, and the sunlight that shines on his lower body on time every afternoon.

"Praise the sun!"

Xie Yan worked **** photosynthesis to convert the absorbed nutrients into energy, so as to promote the growth of flowers and bones. Unfortunately, the efficiency of the bare stalks is too poor, plus the sun can only be used for a short time every day, the energy is not enough, and the growth of the flowers is very worrying.

"Why don't I have leaves!" Xie Yan was helpless. If there were leaves, the efficiency would increase a lot!

It didn't take long for the sun to set and the outside world was dark.

Xie Yan had no hearing and could not hear howling wolf howling. He stared boredly at the ground, and after a few ants counted, he fell asleep.

day to day.

Some day.

"Damn, how nice it would be if there were leaves!"

Xie Yan complained again, there was no way, there was too little sunlight, and for plants, the light was white rice that filled his stomach, so from a certain angle, Xie Yan was hungry every day.

One day or two can still persist. After so long, his main stalk has begun to yellow slightly, and he looks very depressed.

"Don't I have no leaves!" Xie Yan was really angry. If he goes on like this, he must starve to death! So his lower body began to work hard, trying to rush out a leaf or two.

Unexpectedly, this vent action is really effective!

Xie Yan felt that the energy transformed by photosynthesis was pouring somewhere in the lower body, and then there were two small protrusions on the original bare stem!

He was shocked.

In the next few days, Xie Yan temporarily gave up the supply of nutrients to Hua Gu Duo Er, and transferred all the energy to these two small protrusions. As time progressed, the small protrusions grew larger and larger, and eventually turned into two rectangular shapes that looked like solar panels on artificial satellites.

"What the hell!"

Xie Yan looked at this strange leaf and didn't know what to be happy about, but still had to lift the table.

But no matter what, this is also a leaf! From today on, he is also a plant with leaves!

And this experience made Xie Yan understand that as long as he has enough energy, he can transform his body! After many attempts, Xie Yan mastered the essentials.

For example, for this strange leaf, as long as Xie Yan exerts a little force on it, inject energy into the leaf, and then imagine an oval, the leaf will gradually become an oval leaf!

After that, Xie Yan made further improvements to the leaves, forming uneven wave folds on the surface of the leaves and increasing the area of ​​contact with sunlight.

The improved leaf's photosynthesis efficiency is not many times stronger than that of the stalk. Thank you for being hungry for many days, you can finally fill your stomach a little.

However, the arrival of the leaves has advantages and disadvantages. There is more energy, and the rate of water loss will also increase. In order to obtain more water, Xie Yan reapplyed his tricks. He poured energy into the roots to promote root growth and development. In order to reach a place with more resources.

Within a few days, with Xie Yan as the center, the underground space with a radius of five meters was basically occupied by his rhizome, so that the balance between consumption and supply was maintained.

"This place is really too poor." Xie Yan sighed. He remembered the pots in his house before, and small flower pots were enough for plants to grow. Which is like this, such a large root system can only barely maintain basic consumption!

The hunger crisis has been resolved, and the next day it will return to its original appearance. The difference is that Xie Yan now supplies Huaguduo'er with energy several times more than before!

Under his nurturing, the flowers and bones are getting bigger and bigger, and the appearance has appeared light red. According to the speed, it is estimated that it will become a bud in another ten days and a half months, and the flowering results are just around the corner.


On this day, Xie Yan's two leaves wobbled slightly, and he felt that there was something more in the air! Very weak, but he is eager!

It's just that the existing leaves and stems can't absorb these things. Xie Yan tried to transform the leaves. However, he found that this needs to change the basic structure of the leaves. Once the transformation is completed, the two leaves will not be able to perform photosynthesis.

"Is it necessary to grow two more leaves that specifically absorb this thing?" Xie Yan thought, but this way, the consumption of water will also increase. He must bury the roots deeper and absorb more water. That's it!

If you want to continue to take root, you must first solve the problem of vision. Xie Yan has tried it before. The growth range of the root is limited by vision!

But the field of vision cannot be like a long leaf. If you expand it, you can expand it. Now Xie Yan does not have the ability to expand your field of vision!

"What should I do?" Xie Yan felt a bit distressed. The place where the bird didn't **** really caused the plant a headache.

The method was conceived. After careful thinking, Xie Yan had an idea, "I can build a water storage device, and then save a little water every day to store it, and then use it when needed! By the way, I can also create an energy storage device. Device to store energy!"

"Huh, I'm a genius!"

Xie Yan danced cheerfully with two leaves and began to transform her body.

I don't know how many days later, Xie Yan has two more sacs where the stem contacts the soil, one for storing water and one for storing energy. In order to prevent the water storage bladder from being directly exposed to the sun, he specially made the water bladder out of the sun behind him.

After so many long transformations, Xie Yan vowed that if there is a chance, he must build a mobile tool to leave this place where the bird does not shit! If he were not a plant now, he had little idea of ​​time and his temperament was slow, otherwise he would have been driven into madness by this grinding efficiency!

"Save water, make leaves!"

Xie Yan shook two wavy leaves to start a new phase of renovation.

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