Looking at the seeds, Wang Jin's thoughts flowed.

If this is really the seed of a mutant plant, then plant it and grow another mutant plant?

This is not the key. The most important thing is, is this a treasure of heaven and earth? If yes, what will happen if you eat it? Can awakening change?

You know, at least 30% of those aberrants are caused by eating all kinds of weird alien plants or alien creatures, which leads to awakening! Although the Federal Government has issued a statement warning the public that eating such things may cause undesirable consequences, but who will listen? It's not that there is still a group of people stealing food, and this group of guys who secretly eaten into mutants are now in Dongdu mutants school.

After all, change is the future trend! In the future, it is very likely that there will be an era of esteemed people! Even if it hasn't reached that level, who doesn't desire this superhuman power?

As long as the seed can be confirmed to be non-toxic, the seed in front of him is an opportunity for him.

Wang Jin glanced at Xue Shaoqian, and the other person's eyes told him that they thought the same thing!

"There is nothing in this cow's belly, right?" Xue Shaoqian said.

"Well, we didn't find anything!" Wang Jin silently wrapped the seeds in a clean cloth and stuffed it into his pocket.

Next, the two cut the shredded fruit into several pieces and hid them in the cattle corpses for destruction. In the process, Wang Jin also compiled a story to explain why they treated the cattle in the cave. The corpse is interested.

As for on-site monitoring...A place that is not valued, there will be no such thing.

After they were all settled, the two silently stayed in the isolation shed until they changed shifts. When they left, they behaved as usual as possible, without letting others doubt.

But the two were unnatural, and how could they escape Zhou Qing's eyes, but he didn't wait for him to interrogate the two, a new piece of material came down, the importance of this place dropped from B+ to D level.

This means that the quarantine shed can be removed, and the contents inside will no longer be classified, but will be publicly available intelligence. Researchers want to take a little back to continue research, it is possible!

In other words, no matter what Wang Jin took, they all met the regulations. Zhou Qing also lost the reason to cross-examine others, and this matter could not be eliminated.

"It's down to D?" Li Yinsheng saw a smile on his face when he saw the report, "Hey, I'm going to dig a plant away!"

Zhou Qing was a little helpless to this subordinate, "Just do it, remember to wear gloves when digging, this thing is highly toxic!"

The toxins in the plants have been detected, and even if the toxicity does not rank in the top ten in the world, it is between eleven and twelve.

"Relax, I dig the fourth row of plants without burrs, I can't get it." Li Yinsheng said, happily took out the tool, and dug out an eye plant with better growth in the fourth echelon and put it in a plastic bag. Ready to take away.

Coincidentally, Ge Zheng was doing similar things, and dug four plants mercilessly. Others also have some emotions, but the plants are highly toxic, and not everyone can handle them properly. If they accidentally poison themselves, it will be more than worth the money. Therefore, these people gave up the idea of ​​bringing a plant back.

A week later, the greenhouse was removed, the research report was handed in, and everyone left. Zhou Qing and several staff members left a scene after placing a plant poisonous warning sign here.

This entire process was all seen by Xie Yan!

It's a pity that he has no hearing, and he can't hear what these people are saying. Fortunately, the world seems to use Chinese as well, and he can understand some by reading lips.

The best news is that five eye strains were taken out! This means that he can get a preliminary understanding of the world through these eye strains!

In addition, there is that seed. To be reasonable, if Wang Jin took out his stomach with curiosity, Xie Yan really did not know that there were seeds in his own fruit!

In this regard, Xie Yan wondered.

There are seeds in the fruit, which should be a normal thing, but why have they ignored it somehow?

Something like a mallet couldn't figure it out and didn't understand it.

In addition, he neglected one thing, that is, he did not recover all the bovine blood poison! Some of it remains in the yak that was stabbed to death!

But in any case, these things have passed, and now Xie Yan only hopes that he can plant it soon, not just himself, but those eye plants that have been taken away should be planted as soon as possible.


Wangshan ran a dead pig, and Xie Yan ran all the way after leaving home. Although he was getting closer and closer to the mountain, there was still a long distance. In addition, he will spend time arranging the feeding of the copper pig and the three-color bee.

Three-color bees are relatively simple. If there is really no nectar to gather around, Xie Yan can help to secrete a little honey. It will be a short time, anyway, these little bees will not spend much resources. But the copper-skinned wild boar is difficult. It is big and eats a lot. Where does this wild wilderness eat so much?

Therefore, since being parasitized by Xie Yan, the copper-skinned wild boar has not eaten enough and his body has shrunk severely.

A few days later, Xie Yan clearly felt that the body functions of the copper-skinned wild boar reached the limit. He no longer absorbed the nutrients of the copper-skinned wild boar and instead consumed the energy and water in the storage sac.

"It's so uncomfortable..."

It's been a few days, not only the copper-skinned wild boar, but even Xie Yan was sick, but he was not a halo pig, but as a plant, he couldn't stand such a long journey, not to mention the great temperature difference between the day and night in the wilderness. It was also a test for him.

But Dashan is in front of him, Xie Yan can only insist on clenching his teeth.

During his long journey, the five eye strains were planted one after another.

One of them followed Li Yinsheng to the Dongdu Mutant School.

"Just put you here." Li Yinsheng walked into the teacher's dormitory with a flower pot. This flower pot was specially bought for Yan Zhu when he got off the plane.

"I'll call you a hammer in the future. Obediently help me improve the aura in the house. Then the fertilizer will be big!" Li Yinsheng stretched out his fingers and rubbed the eyeballs on the eye plant. Looking at him, he was in a good mood.

"I don't know what happened to Zhou Qing's guy, but he is a double-mutant person, and he shouldn't form a team with me again in the future, right?" Li Yinsheng thought of this, his expression was a bit lost, after all, he had been punished for nearly ten years. Teammate.

However, within a few seconds, Li Yinsheng began to think about how to contact female students. After all, he has been single for so many years...

Zhou Qing, who was in his mouth, was called to the office by Ke Yang as soon as he had finished the test in Beijing, and browsed a test report.

"Very poisonous?" Zhou Qing frowned.

"Yes, the toxin in the cow's blood is more toxic than the botulinum toxin, and it can kill all living things on this planet in less than one gram!" Ke Yang said quietly to make others unable to calm down: "The most What's worse is that this poison is very stable, high temperature and low temperature, strong acids and alkalis, etc., will not change its nature, which means that there is currently nothing to neutralize this toxin, all experimental instruments that have touched this poison, forever Will carry this poison!"

"Including human hands! Those who accidentally touch cow blood, even if there are no wounds on their hands, will be penetrated into the skin by toxins within three days and cause death! Dead corpses, like this toxin, touch these corpses people……"

"So I want you to track down the wild boar's whereabouts, it definitely does not arch the main plant as you said! Otherwise, even if it is a mutant, it should be killed on the spot!"

"I want you to bring that plant back as much as possible!"

"How can you be sure that there must be such a toxin on the main plant? There is such a poison that is so dangerous that it should be destroyed in the first place?" Zhou Qing puzzled.

"I'm not sure if you're not sure." Ke Yang finished, silent for a while, Shen said: "As for why not destroy it... If you have to ask for a reason, I can tell you...A+ has been upgraded to S."

Zhou Qing's pupils shrank.

There is currently only one place rated as A+, and there is a golden gate with six people tall and ten people wide. Lying on the door, you can clearly hear the rapid roar from the end of the door.

There is only one case where A+ will be upgraded to S, and the door will open!

If this is the case, the reason for the poison above is obvious-acting as a secret weapon against the creatures behind the door.

"Relax, now a small gap has been opened, not to the worst extent." Ke Yang stepped forward and patted Zhou Qing on the shoulder, letting him relax.

"Hurry up."

"Yes!" Zhou Qing looked solemn.

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