Wang Jin is a senior student at Duyan University. At the end of the last semester, he was assigned to the tutor Ge Zheng. The associate professor guided him to complete the graduation project and thesis.

In February, Wang Jin, who was worried about the topic, saw a message from his tutor in the group, saying that he wanted to participate in a research by the federal government, and interested students could go with him.

Seeing this news, Wang Jin's eyes lit up, the federal government's research projects, then just take out a few small results and small data, and the most important thing in a paper is not there? It's still a real thing, and it's got a lot!

Such a good opportunity, Wang Jin will naturally not miss it, and several other small partners in the group have also signed up, so he went out this time.

When they flew to the destination by plane, they were curious about the isolation shed in front of them.

"It must be a mutant plant, and the scale seems to be quite large!" Xuejin Shao, Wang Jin's roommate, took out his mobile phone and photographed all these things.

Other students are almost a move, and some people ran to take photos with the staff.

Unlike roommates and classmates, Wang Jin discovered the problem.

Too few people!

And they are all civil servants. There is no one with a gun. Looking at the expressions of the two graduate students and the mentor, they don’t care much about the greenhouse, indicating that this research project is probably not a key project!

In contemplation, an uncle who looked mature and stable came out of the temporary tent. Uncle and Ge Zheng started to talk and introduced themselves to each other. Wang Jin guessed that this person should be the person in charge here.

"OK, come with me!" The uncle in charge beckoned to them.

Upon seeing this, Wang Jin was disappointed.

"Xue Shaoqian took photos everywhere, but the captain of the surname Zhou did not pay any attention to it. If it is an important project, there must be a confidentiality measure, and it will not let outsiders take photos like this casually!"

"Combined with other points, this is really not an important project, and yes, the key project cannot be obtained by our group of half-hanging students!"

"Forget it, just have a long view, get some sets of data to write a paper, and find a place to prepare for internship next semester..."

Wang Jin was playing with his little abacus in his heart.

Under the leadership of the captain Zhou, Wang Jin put on protective clothing and wore this high-end thing for the first time, which made him feel very fresh.

At the moment when he walked into the shield, Wang Jin was shocked.

The corpses of yaks were stinking, the flies were flying, and the maggots were wriggling on the vague flesh. In front of the yak's body was a wall of thorns that had been broken through several holes. Looking inside, there are more yak carcasses, several plants that look very strange, and mouse corpses that are huddled together.

The two girls in the team screamed there again and again, and the words that Captain Zhou said later made Wang Jin feel even more shocked. The plants they saw were actually the same plant! The wall of thorns, or the strange eye-growing plants, all have the same root system and are one!

"Is this, the mutated plant?" Wang Jin swallowed. "I don't know if I have the opportunity to follow the mutated change. The mutated person can go to the Dongdu mutated person school to continue studying. Distribution, treatment should be not bad..."

Wang Jin was thinking there again.

"Remember, these plants are all poisonous. There is no antidote, so be careful!" Zhou Qing warned sharply, although he was covered with protective clothing, he was afraid that some guy would be dead.

Several students felt awkward after listening.

Next, Zhou Qing gave a brief explanation of the whole situation. Wang Jin felt a little sorry after listening to it. No wonder this place is not so valued. The original plant was digged away by a pig.

Of course, Wang Jin also understood that if it were not so, it would be their turn to deal with the plants on the spot.

At the beginning of the work, the first task of Ge Zheng's team was to figure out what plant this plant was before, and what subject it belonged to. The second is to extract the venom, study the toxicity, and estimate whether the ramet can develop into the main plant again.

And these have nothing to do with Wang Jin and others. The purpose of their coming here is to work hard!

Find suitable roots and leaves and send them to the temporary laboratory. If necessary, you have to run errands to go shopping in town...

"Fuck, I knew it was the end. I wouldn't be here!" Xue Shaoqian complained. He and Wang Jin were assigned to an isolated shed and accompanied by uncleaned cattle carcasses. They belonged to the worst group.

"The tutor said that there were too few rhizomes dug just now. Get a few more!" the girl outside preached.

Xue Shaoqian shook his head, began to dig the ground, and after simple treatment of the rhizome, handed it to the female student at the door. After doing this, he found that Wang Jin was staring at the ground, so he asked in the past; "What's wrong? What did you find?"

"Look at this seal here!" Wang Jin compared a circle at the entrance of the cave. "This place was originally lying with a cow! But it was gone!"

Xue Shaoqian glanced carefully, "How is that going? Maybe it was cleaned up?"

"No, it wasn't cleaned, but moved specially! It's like when you clean the warehouse, you don't start cleaning from the outermost edge, but step on a pile of debris to the innermost, clean from the inside out , This is clearly unreasonable!"

Wang Jin explained, "Unless there is a very expensive item in the warehouse, most people will not have such a wonderful thinking!"

Xue Shaoqian was stunned, "So the cattle carcasses put here are different from those...?"

Wang Jin nodded and continued, "You also see the cow corpse in the cave. The time of death is obviously different from the batch outside. The most important thing is that the cow corpse is very well preserved and there is no sign of corruption at all. !"

Xue Shaoqian swallowed, "What then?"

"I guess that the cow in the cave was dead by poisoning, and this one at the door, but the poison in them is not the poison on these plants now, but a more intense, antiseptic poison!" Wang Jin Jin said, turning his head, "But I have no evidence, and I haven't figured out why the cow outside the cave was moved, but the other side of the cave wasn't."

This question is actually very simple, because there is no bovine blood poison on the body of the cow inside the cave, and on the outside of the cave, there are some bovine blood poison that I forgot to recall!

Therefore, the cattle corpse inside the cave has no value for further research, while the one outside the cave has it. In addition, this place has not been valued by the above, which led to this ox corpse being left behind.

"Shall we go in and have a look." Xue Shaoqian's curiosity was hooked, and the cave was not explicitly blocked, and the stinger at the entrance of the cave has been shaved, so there is no danger.

Wang Jin nodded, and the two walked into the cave and squatted beside the corpse of cattle.

Wang Jin inspected the injured cow hoof and then circled around the cow corpse.

"How is it?" Xue Shaoqian asked.

"It's almost the same as I thought...Let's take a hand, turn it over and let me see it again!" Wang Jin said, working hard with Xue Shaoqian, trying to turn the cow around, however, there was something under the cow's body obviously Hooked, it is difficult to turn over!

Wang Jin leaned over and looked at him, shocked: "Lying trough!"

"What's wrong?" Xue Shaoqian leaned in, and then reacted.

Because under this head, there is actually a bunch of rhizomes!

"Do you want to report it up?" Xue Shaoqian felt that this was no longer something they could manage, so he quickly asked the instructor and Captain Zhou to come and see.

"No, they should have checked the situation of this cow already. Let's study ours!" Wang Jin shook his head and refused, extending his hand and saying, "Knife it to me!"

"What are you doing?" Xue Shaoqian froze.

"The cow has four stomachs and it doesn't digest things so fast, so I want to see what it ate in front of it!" Wang Jin said, taking the knife handed over by Xue Shaoqian, cutting the belly of the cow, and digging up the largest rumen. Come out and plan it apart.

It's already dry inside, it doesn't taste much.

Wang Jin asked Xue Shaoqian to break open his stomach a little, but stretched out his hand and looked inside. A large handful of hay was pulled out of the cow's stomach, and there was a fist-sized, shrivelled fruit that was not completely chewed.

At the moment when he saw the fruit, Wang Jinming had a hunch that this was probably the culprit of poisoning the yak!

"Is this the fruit of this mutated plant?" Wang Jin thought of this, digging up the fruit and finding an almond-sized seed hidden inside!

Like I am a parasitic flower. Please collect it: ( I am a parasitic flower. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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