I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 17: New soil

Duyan University.

Ge Zheng planted the four eye strains he brought back in the greenhouse. He plans to continue to study the toxins on the eye strains to see if he can further dig out the value of this toxin. If the toxin extract can treat a certain terminal illness, then He is really rich!

The one that was studied together, and that seed, but it was not the university associate professor who studied it, but the two more daring students.

In order to avoid being discovered, Wang Jin and Xue Shaoqian specially found a cheap small hotel outside to conduct experiments. The experimental instruments were all bought online, and there were also a few mice bought in the pet market.

"Go ahead." Xue Shaoqian said.

Wang Jin nodded and took a knife to start cutting the seeds.

At this time, they didn't even know that this knife went down and opened a Pandora's Box!

In order to ensure that all parts of the seeds are non-toxic, they need to take samples of the epidermis, endosperm, cotyledons and other parts of the seeds and feed them to the purchased mice. They will only be okay if they have been eaten. edible.

"What if it's poisonous?" Xue Shaoqian asked aside.

"Find a way to detoxify, there is no way to do it anymore, you can only give up." Wang Jin said, placing the removed sample on the slide.

But he asked himself, would he really give up?

Finally, there is a hope of becoming a mutated person. Do you really want to give up?

Wang Jin didn't know that this question only flashed through his mind.

After all the parts were separated, Xue Shaoqian labeled the samples and fed them to the purchased mice.

Effective, very fast!

All mice died without exception!

You know, the bovine blood poison is stored in this kind of seed, and one gram can poison the entire planet. How can the little white rats withstand it?

The faces of Wang Jin and Xue Shaoqian became very ugly. They recreated some samples, cooked them at high temperature to see if they could take this opportunity to eliminate toxins, and then fed them to the mice, the result was the same.

After that, the two used the idea of ​​acid-base neutralization to neutralize the toxin. As a result, there was no change!

The toxin of the seed is terrible and stable.

"Forget it." Xue Shaoqian retreated, and with their abilities and equipment on hand, they couldn't do more detoxification experiments.

Wang Jin nodded. Although he was unwilling, he could only retreat from the cliff.

The two began processing the scene. Wang Jin collected the seeds and simply disinfected the instruments used to process the seeds. Xue Shaoqian packed up the mouse corpses and prepared to find a garbage dump.

The cow blood poison was like this, and they were taken into the city by the two!

Early the next morning, the people who came to throw away the garbage found that the garbage dump was like a **** on earth, with huge corpses of cockroaches, birds, and stray cats and dogs.

In the Internet age, this spectacle was immediately posted online, but unfortunately it didn't cause much sensation. After all, it was all unremarkable lives.

Until the next day, there was an accident at Duyan University. The students were accidentally poisoned and died. The aunts who washed dishes in the canteen also died of poisoning.

The incident occurred in the cafeteria, so everyone subconsciously thought it was a food problem. The investigators also started from this aspect. Unfortunately, the direction was wrong, which led to the continued increase in the number of deaths in the next few days!

The ox blood poison is like a **** of death wielding a sickle, wantonly harvesting life.

It wasn't until the seventh day after the incident that the federal government controlled the spread. Even so, many people were contaminated with very small amounts of toxins and were sent to the hospital for rescue.

And the only one who has the ability to control the bovine blood poison is riding the scrawny wild boar into the forest.

Day and night, Xie Yan's water storage bladder and energy storage bladder have been used up. In order to save water, several eye strains have withered. The copper-skin wild boar can only be said to be the copper-skin wild boar, it has lost its previous weight, only three-color bees, still alive and kicking.

"Ah, I'm going to die..." Xie Yan was very uncomfortable. It was like getting sick in a car. He had a feeling of vomiting. Fortunately, he had already entered the forest, and the Long March would end soon.

The copper-skinned wild boar is very hungry, and while walking and eating, his body slowly recovers.

Of course, Xie Yan will not allow it to do this. Anyway, this is also a guy who has been controlled by a mysterious person. Before unloading and killing the donkey, he had to pick a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, such as a cave, such as a cliff.

Xie Yan rode the big wild boar and went deeper to find the most ideal place.

Three days later...

"The place the day before yesterday is very good. Do you want to go back? Or look for it again?" Xie Yan was very entangled. He couldn't help but think of the Plato's answer to the disciples' story of marriage.

"Will it bother you?" Xie Yan hesitated.

While he was thinking about it, the copper-skinned wild boar had lost his balance, and the whole pig lost his balance and rolled down the slope, dying, and there was a small cliff at the end of the slope.

The copper-skinned wild boar simply couldn't hold its feet, and the whole pig fell.


With a loud noise, Xie Yan lost the vision of the copper-skin wild boar, and the pig fell to death like this!

Xie Yan also dropped the seven meats and eight primes. Fortunately, he was a plant. This height did not affect him, but he could not continue to migrate, and he could only take root here.

"Fuck, I chose to be there yesterday if I knew it!" Xie Yan was a bit regretful, but it was obviously useless to complain at this time, not to mention that such an accident was not something he could have expected.

"Right bee!"

Xie Yan checked the situation of the hive for the first time, and saw that there was mucus flowing on it, honey, and slurries from larvae and adults.

The surviving three-color bees only crawled out of the nest. Xie Yan counted them, and the number was less than one-third. The only good news is that the queen bee is still there! She was flying around the squashed nest, looking very sad.

"You are still there." Xie Yan was relieved. As long as there is a queen bee, the three-colored bees have a chance to come back.

Next, Xie Yan looked around and judged the situation.

However, his sight was shortened to 510 cm, which made him feel very uncomfortable, especially the dark, gloomy 510 cm away, which made him feel a little afraid.

"It's time to expand." Xie Yan felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and he immediately began to conceive of a new round of expansion and construction plans.

First of all, the main stalk must be straightened. Xie Yan thought about it and decided to spend some time to get down from the dead body of the copper-skinned boar and land on the ground.

Therefore, he used the nutrients left in the body of the copper-skinned wild boar to induce new rhizomes to break through the pig skin and drill into the ground, using these new rhizomes to transfer and straighten the body.

And at the moment when the new rhizomes entered the soil, Xie Yan's admiration was plentiful by the sufficient nutrients in the soil.

"This fertile level is at least several times the wasteland!" Xie Yan was very excited. This is the value obtained from the absorption efficiency of the existing root system. When he used aura to transform the rhizome to improve the absorption efficiency, then this so-called multiple, It is estimated that it can be turned up again.

The fertile soil makes Xie Yan's construction fly quickly!

The green leaves, which used to take several days to hold back, now only take less than a day. The most important thing is that today Xie Yan does not need to think about any balance of payments. Spend and grow leaves as much as possible.

"Comfortable!" Xie Yan waved the newly-grown leaves. If he had tear glands, he would definitely leave tears of excitement.

You can finally live a hard life!

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