I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 14: Blockade

"Fuck him! Then we spent so much time, aren't we working in vain?" Li Yinsheng's eyes widened and said angrily.

"Not necessarily, go to the scene to see, maybe there is a chance of salvation." Zhou Qing did not dare to say too much death, after all, many plants have tenacious vitality, such as weeds, if the roots are not uprooted, it will be green again in the coming year.

When the big boar went away, Li Yinsheng dared to start the car and continue to drive to his destination.

After a moment, Zhou Qing and Li Yinsheng found a green outside the small soil **** not far away. The two looked at each other and drove to Xie Yan's position.

Here, corpses run wild!

The two got out of the car and stopped outside the position, looking at the shocking yak carcasses on the floor, and could not help but take a breath.

"What happened here? Plants vs. yaks?" Li Yinsheng asked.

"I don't know. I'll go up the situation report first and see what it says." Zhou Qing said, pulling out the encrypted phone and dialing it out.

Li Yinsheng thought about it, took out his mobile phone, began to record video, and recorded the first-hand live information.

After finishing the report, Zhou Qing took out the white gloves and began to conduct a preliminary survey on the site.

"Be careful, I see that many cattle have signs of poisoning. These plants may be poisonous!" Li Yinsheng reminded.

After listening, Zhou Qing immediately inspected several cattle corpses outside the wall of thorns and confirmed that they had poisoning characteristics, and quickly took Li Yinsheng to take pictures.

Then the two carefully entered the position from the yak's mouth. Zhou Qing was attracted by the trap on the ground for the first time. He picked up one of the traps that had been triggered and found that there was a strange stem on the side. On the plant.

"How can this plant grow out of traps?" Li Yinsheng exclaimed.

"Variety plants, even if it grows an aircraft carrier." Zhou Qing is not strange. He used to do a lot of homework in order to buy the appropriate variant plants. He has seen even stranger guys than this.

Li Yinsheng pouted, God TM Aircraft Carrier... If something like plants grows, he will stand upside down and eat shit.

"These plants seem to be guarding the cave. Do you want to go in and see it?" Li Yinsheng looked around and then set his eyes on the cave, where it seemed to be the source of everything.

"Wait first." Zhou Qing was not in a hurry. He put down the trap and came to the third echelon.

Here, a large group of mice died, and the dense body of the rat was creepy, and the air was still filled with a very unpleasant smell, which was very disgusting when combined with the scene.

Fortunately, the two are not princes, this scene is nothing.

Because the catapult pods were all triggered by the rats, Zhou Qing stared at the broken pods and did not see them for a long time. So helplessly, they could only continue to go deeper.

The two came to the entrance of the cave, looking at a yak lying dead next to the entrance of the cave, and lost in thought

The reason why it is dead is because there is no sign of corruption on this cow. Compared with the dead yak and the dead mouse flying there, the difference is not a little bit.

Zhou Qing and Li Yinsheng were vigilant.

"Don't go inside? It feels poisonous everywhere, and we don't have protective tools." Li Yinsheng pointed to the stinger at the entrance of the cave.

"Okay, let's go here." Zhou Qing nodded. "The rest will be left to the Commissioner."

Li Yinsheng very much agreed with this, and secretly admired the big copper boar, who could actually retreat from this place.

The two retreated to the camp next to the off-road vehicle, waiting for the arrival of follow-up troops.

And this scene, all Xie Yan looked at.

The departure of the main stalk does not mean that the eye strains have failed. He can still see the situation here through these eye strains, but that's all. He can't manipulate the eye strains to grow all kinds of weird like before. thing.

"I don't know how these humans will deal with my branch." Xie Yan continued to follow developments.

Two days later, the staff arrived and blocked the site and conducted an in-depth investigation. At the same time, plant experts were invited to identify and study the plants in this area.

Zhou Qing became the temporary person in charge, in charge of setting up a temporary research site on site and contacting the researchers.

"Zhou Qing, people are coming!" Li Yinsheng walked into the temporary tent and said with some dissatisfaction, "I didn't pay much attention to it, and half of the people who were sent were actually students! It's like traveling!"

Zhou Qing was silent for a while, and sighed: "There are alien plants everywhere. Researchers are needed everywhere. Understand."

"But we are also B+ level observation areas anyway!" Li Yinsheng retorted.

In order to better arrange the manpower, the federal government divided the various visions that appeared after the aura revived into twelve levels according to the degree of harm and importance.

Above B+, there are only A and A+, which can be said to be more important.

"You also know that it is B+, do you know there are four A-level areas and one A+-level area? Besides, there are more than 20 areas in the same level here. Why should you send more elites here? Is it possible to downgrade?" Zhou Qing said angrily.

The main plant is dug, which means that the previous floral fragrance may disappear completely. Without the kind of aroma that can stimulate the awakening of the mutation, what is there to pay attention to?

Li Yinsheng shut his mouth obediently and no longer complained.

Zhou Qing went out to meet with experts and scholars who came.

Headed by an associate professor specializing in plants, named Ge Zheng, in his fifties. The other eight are students he brought, including two master students and six senior students.

Zhou Qing glanced at the eight people. The two master students were okay. It’s a little bit true to say, but the six senior students are not necessarily that. It’s not difficult to graduate with an undergraduate this year, as long as the tutor nods and checks the weight. Just pass the line, and the professional knowledge or something is basically forgotten after finishing the exam.

But Zhou Qing has no choice. After all, the most important thing here has already been arched by a pig! If there are no new discoveries, it will be demoted in a short time. Don’t even mention the associate professor at that time, maybe even people will not send one down.

"Captain Zhou, can you tell me the general situation?" Ge Zheng asked.

"Okay, come with me." Zhou Qing nodded, then took nine people to change clothes, walked through the shield to Xie Yan's position.

The moment the cover was lifted, including Ge Zheng, was shocked by the sight in front of me.

Cow corpses and weird plants that haven't had time to clean up...

"Oh, what's going on here? These cows are fighting with these plants?" A student couldn't help making a noise.

"Yes, it's a fight!" Zhou Qing nodded and said, "The attacking party has yak, mouse, and a wild boar, and the defending party is this plant here."

"This strain?" A female student heard the wording in the speech.

"Yes, the thorns on this wall, and the traps there, etc., all grew out of the same plant!" Zhou Qing said, which was the result of their inspection, "In short, this Large areas, including five meters underground, are the territory of this plant!"


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