After the excitement, Xie Yan looked at a messy cave and a position outside the cave with emotion. He did not set about repairing because he was ready to leave here!

There is no way. It is too barren here, and it has reached the limit of its development. The next round of mysterious attacks will only be more difficult. If you want to survive the next round of attacks, you must move to more fertile soil.

Xie Yan did not dare to delay and immediately prepared for the relocation. After all, he had to complete the relocation, expansion, and establishment of new fortifications before the next round of attacks, otherwise it would be a dead end!

Xie Yan has thought about the method of relocation, but before that, he needs to recycle some useful things. For example, the water storage sacs, energy storage sacs on the four guards, and the bovine blood poison on the stinger, all of which he must take away.

"Let's get started!" Xie Yan did not take a break and quickly started the relocation work.

The first is a transportation tool. His original idea was to use this corpse of attacking creatures to make a simple car, so as to ensure the supply of nutrients. But now there is a living creature in front of his eyes, and the mobility tool is naturally it!

Xie Yan expended energy to spawn rhizomes, so that a sub-rhizome on the main root system broke out of the soil and drilled into the body of the copper-skinned wild boar bit by bit. The root system of the plant is very strong, and some plants growing on the mountain can even open the mountain to split the stone, so the copper skin can't stop it!

When the rhizomes were drilled in, the copper-skin big boar began to struggle, but it was pressed with a large net made of dozens of rhizomes. The weight was not enough. With its own weight, the copper-skin big boar simply couldn't break away.

Xie Yan let the rhizome spread to the position of the scalp for the first time, and then drilled into the brain of the copper-skinned wild boar from the gap of the pig skull.

The copper-skin big boar began to twitch unconsciously.

"Try it, if there is no other way..." Xie Yan always had an idea in his heart. Taking this opportunity, he wanted to try it.

So, he increased the intensity of instillation, so that the rhizomes could develop brain nerves that could match the copper pigs! Then these implanted cranial nerves drilled into the brain of the copper pig.

After doing this, Xie Yan thought about it and transferred the information into the pig brain. The copper-skin big boar nodded.

This action is not the wishes of the copper-skinned wild boar, but the wishes of Xie Yan!

"Actually it has become!" Xie Yan secretly said, honestly, he had little hope for this approach at first. After all, the brain is a very complicated area.

But I did not expect that it really succeeded!

Xie Yan can only lament his powerful transformation ability.

However, the so-called control is still only at the basic level, such as manipulating the copper-skin big boar to shake his head, stand up, sit down, turn left and turn right, and so on. Deeper and more complicated movements are currently not possible.

"How do you feel that I'm getting more and more evil?" Xie Yan couldn't help but sigh, using poison, manipulating the brains of others, these are generally things that the villains will do...

After confirming that he can control the copper skin wild boar, Xie Yan began the follow-up operation.

First of all, he took all the large nets of the copper skin big boar to make the copper skin big boar a little easier, and then continued to spawn the rhizomes of the copper skin big boar, and developed several ramets on it, and let these ramets Develop storage sacs to store water and energy.

With all the support from the huge root system, these projects Xie Yan completed in just one night, and then he began the most important step... Transferring himself to the copper skin wild boar!

Xie Yan let the main rhizome protrude out of the ground. As before, he drilled into the body of the copper-skinned wild boar bit by bit, and then cut off the root systems used to fix the main stem, and then let the main root system pull himself over!

The whole process is not fake, especially when the main stalk rubs on the ground. But no matter how painful, Xie Yan can only endure, everything is for a better tomorrow!

I don't know how long after that, Xie Yan was pulled by the main rhizome onto the copper-skinned wild boar and "planted" it.

The parasitic site he chose was on the back of the copper-skinned wild boar, and in order to prevent the big boar from flashing to the waist when running, he chose a lying position to take root.

"It feels okay." Xie Yan shook the leaves on the back of the big boar, and the leaves scratched the back of the big boar, making it feel itchy.

Xie Yan later cut off the supply of nutrients for Reiki blades. These leaves are not only useless on the way, but also increase water consumption, so they must be removed.

After doing this, Xie Yan let the copper-skinned wild boar stand up. Now as long as he cut off the part of the root system that supplies the nutrients, he completely broke off the relationship with the land.

At this time, the queen bee appeared in front of Xie Yan, and she hurriedly circled around Xie Yan, and under her leadership, the worker bees also followed up.

"Do you want me to go together?" Xie Yan understood the meaning of the queen bee, but it was a long road, and no one knew what his fate would be. The three-color bee following him might not be a good thing.

And bringing a group of bees is a bit troublesome for Xie Yan.


He remembered the scene where the three-color bee tried to help himself stop the copper-skinned wild boar yesterday.

"Yes, I will take you with you!" Xie Yan made up his mind. "We are also considered comrades who are fighting side by side. We will be blessed to enjoy together, and difficult to be together!"

With that said, Xie Yan began to extract nutrients from the plants on the ground, and took a moment to get a green hive beside the copper-skin wild boar!

The hive does not require him to supply water and nutrients, so there is no need to worry that this thing will increase the consumption of the journey.

The queen queen saw Xie Yan helped them make a hive and flew to Xie Yan's side, dancing up and down, like that, as if thanking him!

"This queen bee is so spiritual." Xie Yan exclaimed, "If such a change continues, will these bees develop into a new civilization someday in the future?"

The possibility is not low!

"Let's keep it." Xie Yan once again confirmed the idea of ​​beekeeping.

Then under the command of the queen bee, the worker bees moved out the nectar and larvae in the old hive, although it took a little more time, but this time Xie Yan could wait.

When the three-color bee moved the family, Xie Yan's body swayed, cutting off the roots that provided the nutrients.

The journey has officially begun!

"Let's go copper pigs!" Xie Yan drove the copper pigs out of the cave.

The moment he left the cave, Xie Yan was suddenly bright!

Yes, through contact with the visual nerve of the copper-skinned wild boar, Xie Yan can now see the scenery in the distance! Although it is a little vague, it can be distinguished where there are mountains and trees.

This is also the first time Xie Yan saw the general situation of this area.

"Actually in the wilderness, no wonder here is so barren!" Xie Yan adjusted the perspective of the copper-skin wild boar, looked around, and finally placed his sight on the cave where he had been.

I don't know why, he was a little bit reluctant.

No matter how barren this cave is, it is also where he was born and his home.

"If it's not too barren, this is indeed a good place, it's a pity." Xie Yan sighed, he finally looked at the cave, and then turned the copper pig back, looked at a green mountain in the distance, spread the pig Hoof, move on!

However, not far afterwards, Xie Yan discovered that on the wasteland, an off-road vehicle was driving towards the cave!

"Humans?" Xie Yan thought about it and changed the direction of the copper-skin wild boar, as far away as possible from the off-road vehicle. Now, he better not contact humans. The ghost knows what will happen.

On the other side of the off-road vehicle, Li Yinsheng looked like a ghost, and he immediately stepped on the brake.

"It seems to be the one I saw a few days ago?" Li Yinsheng turned to look at Zhou Qing, the co-pilot, and asked in an uncertain tone.

"It's about the same size, but why is there a plant on the pig?" Zhou Qing put down the telescope and frowned. Suddenly he realized something and punched the glass window.

"What's wrong?" Li Yinsheng asked unclearly.

Zhou Qing looked very annoyed and said, "The things we are looking for are likely to be arched by this pig!"

Like I am a parasitic flower. Please collect it: ( I am a parasitic flower. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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