I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 12: Copper Pig

Outside the cave, hundreds of large gray rats destroyed all the catapult pods and were poisoned with poisonous gas. Since then, Xie Yan's three lines of defense have been destroyed.

The palpitations are still there, which means that there will be at least one offensive behind!

"I still have a stinger wall, coated with the most powerful poison, no matter what kind of creature, it is impossible to come in!" Xie Yan's leaves once again shook into sieve bran, at this time he can only inflate himself and try to overcome This fear, "This time I will be intact! I will!"

Xie Yan pressed down the **** stress response, looked at the darkness outside, and roared, "Come on!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ground shook again.

"The shock is more regular and not messy, so there is only one attack in this wave!" Xie Yan was shocked. "If it is one, it is impossible to break through the stinger wall! Even a dinosaur, I have to lie at the door. Writing!"

Then, Xie Yan saw a copper pig with a weight of seven or eight hundred pounds!

At the moment when he saw the color of the boar's epidermis, Xie Yan reacted immediately. This is a mutant creature! And it is a mutant creature with defense as its development direction!

"No!" Xie Yan's heart jumped, this copper skin... He felt that the mysterious man was sent to deal with the stinger wall!

The result was soon revealed, the stinger wall could not stop it!

The copper-skinned big boar pushed away the dead yak at the entrance of the cave, closed his eyes, and the big stab broke into the stinger wall. The sharp stinger not only could not pierce its skin, but also broke off under the big boar's collision!

The strength of the copper-skin big boar once again refreshed Xie Yan's cognition of the mysterious man. This guy always seems to be able to take a step ahead of him and strengthen him.

After breaking all the poisonous stings, the copper-skinned wild boar opened his eyes, shook his sticky head, and walked towards Xie Yan. This scene is exactly the same as a few months ago!

At this moment, Xie Yan's unexpected thing happened. The tri-color bee that was dormant rushed over, and charged the copper-skinned wild boar without fear of life and death!

Their stings may not be able to penetrate the body of the copper-skinned wild boar, but the body of the copper-skinned wild boar is not completely an iron plate, nostrils, ear holes, these have become the target of the attack of the three-color bees.

The harassed impatient copper-skinned wild boar made a painful cry, and it shook its head, trying to get rid of the three-color bees in its ears. However, the three-color bees had all been trained, and they were stable. .

However, in the dispute, many three-color bees were hit by copper-skinned wild boars, fell to the ground dizzy, and were trampled to death by trampling trotters.

Xie Yan felt a little relieved, but at the same time he also knew that the three-color bees were not opponents of this wild boar, they could only harass and could not complete the kill.

"Enough." Xie Yan waved the leaves, beckoning the three-color bees, "Let him come!"

The queen bee flying in the air seemed to understand Xie Yan's meaning. Although she was a little puzzled, she still followed Xie Yan's instructions and let the worker bees withdraw.

"Thanks, I don't need you now." Xie Yan shook the leaves and looked at the big copper boar that had been harassed by bees, and regardless of whether the mysterious person behind it could hear it, he shouted in his heart: " Do you think you won?"

Perhaps it is because things are absolutely necessary, but Xie Yan at the moment can calm down, he continued to shout to the mysterious man:

"Do not!"

"In this round, you still lost! And it was a complete defeat!"

Speaking of which, a large net descended from the sky and covered the big copper boar. Without waiting for it to struggle twice, another big net was covered, followed by the third, fourth, fifth...

"My imaginary enemy is a dinosaur, but I know that it is useless to stop dinosaurs alone, you will definitely send a guy who is beyond my expectation, break through all the defense lines and come to me! Eat my fruit and eat my body !"

"So, I must keep my hands behind!"

"You should have seen it too? No, you shouldn't see it now!" Xie Yan's tone was full of certainty.

All along, the mysterious man can send a very targeted attack team. If it is not the first time his brain turns quickly to make poison, and the second time there is fruit to help top the bag, he is already dead!

So Xie Yan began to think about a question. Does the mysterious person know what he is doing?

If this is the case, I am afraid that my own arrangements have long been exposed to the mysterious man’s eyelids. Even if he arranges them even more powerfully, the other party can make a targeted attack plan according to his arrangement.

On the contrary, the mysterious man could not predict the poisonous juice that was suddenly made and the fruit with unlimited development possibilities, which gave Xie Yan the chance to survive twice!

And this time the cattle used to break through the wall of thorns, the rats that spoiled the poisonous mist, and the copper pigs that finally disregarded the sting wall, all proved this speculation... All the arrangements for Xie Yan, long ago Exposed under the eyes of mysterious people!

In addition, Xie Yan probably also guessed why the mysterious man had to send caterpillars to eat the three eye strains during the second attack. That was to destroy the vision and cover the subsequent yak to prevent him from converting the fruit into fruits in advance. Weapons against yak!

From this point of view, the other party's understanding of the use of the fruit is above Xie Yan! It's just that the mysterious man did not expect that the fruit will still be effective for a period of time after leaving the body!

And this time not to destroy the eye strain, it is not that the mysterious person has become smart, but that this time the fruit has been used by Xie Yan! Therefore, there is no need to guard against fruits with unlimited development possibilities.

Yes, in anticipation of the imminent attack, the uneasy Xie Yan decisively cut off the nutrient supply of the fruit, prompting the fruit to ripen and convert it into what he wanted--

Field of vision masker!

This thing is equivalent to an enhanced version of the crack generator, which is equivalent to creating an undetectable fog of war around Xie Yan, which can eliminate all detection methods in the world!

The large nets prepared by the rhizomes were arranged intensified after the visual field shield appeared, so the mysterious person could not see or know that he could not respond to the large nets of the rhizomes!

Generally speaking, several attacks are almost fighting intelligence warfare!

The large net continued to cover the copper-skinned wild boar, and the larger and heavier large net finally crushed the copper-skinned wild boar. It screamed and fell to the ground.

Xie Yan's palpitations disappeared at this moment!

"Hoo~" Xie Yan was relieved, and then his leaves began to tremble.

Not afraid, but excited!

Finally, I completely defeated the mysterious man once! The anxiety that has always enveloped my mind is also swept away at this moment!

"Hahaha... Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Finally let me know your little moves! You can't see me in the future, I see what you are going to win!" Xie Yanxiao's abnormal madness, lost several months of self-confidence, came back at this moment!

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