I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 11: The third round of attacks!

The long-lost feeling of palpitations came again, Xie Yan was shaking all over, a few leaves collided with each other, and rustled.

Tension, fear, fear...

All kinds of negative emotions came to mind.

"Calm down, I want to calm down! I have made sufficient preparations, the tragedy of the previous round will not repeat itself!" Xie Yan continued to comfort himself, forcing himself to calm down.

The ground began to vibrate, and the root system spread over thousands of kilometers easily caught the oppressive running sound in the distance.

Xie Yan was tense, this movement... as he had imagined before, the mysterious man really brought a group of cows over!

The green cockatoos perched on the wall of thorns felt the crisis and fled in fright. The last time a green cockatoo left the thorn wall, Xie Yan's field of vision saw the heads of bulls. They looked at the wall of thorns and nothing, and hit them head-on!

The tremendous impact caused the vines to tighten in an instant, and a very exaggerated deformation appeared on the wall of thorns, making an overwhelming squeak. Soon, these vines reached their limit, the inch broke, and the cattle were about to break through the line of defense!

Then they fell down.

You know, the wall of thorns is covered with poisonous thorns. When the yaks rushed up, the poisonous thorns scratched their skins, the venom invaded their bodies, and began to eat their flesh.

In addition, the yak that didn't stop in the back simply hit his companion, and even a series of rear-end accidents occurred in some places.

It can be said that the wall of thorns accomplished its task brilliantly-hindering the cattle charge!

But Xie Yan did not dare to relax, after all, this is just the beginning! He quickly counted the number of yak, about 60 heads, excluding the first round of death and injury, there are about 40 heads!

The pressure is still great!

Driven by the mysterious man, the surviving yak pushed the corpse of the companion and continued to move forward. Some yaks could not wait any longer and simply stepped on the corpse and jumped over the wall of thorns to enter the position!

They are greeted by stumbling lines and traps!

The first yak that jumped over the wall of thorns was very unfortunately stepped on the trap, the mechanism triggered, and then only heard a click, the trap closed quickly, and the animal's teeth pierced into the cow leg.

The yak screamed, his knees fell to the ground with a soft knee, and while he fell to the ground, several traps were continuously triggered, puncturing his body and nailing it firmly on the ground. At this moment, the wall of thorns behind it was broken, and a wounded yak rushed in rushed in.

I thought it was another rear-end collision accident, but unexpectedly, this yak was very alert, and it quickly slowed down and was ready to evade his companions to charge at another angle. However, it stopped, and the yaks in the back are not as gentle as it is, they only know that they are heading straight!

So the tragedy happened, not only the yak, but also the yak that first jumped over the wall of thorns was traumatized. Other yaks trapped in stumbling lines and trapped by beasts were also relentlessly struck by their companions, and their second half of the body was bloody.

And those poisonings are in the state of poisoning... For a time, the yaks are in a mess, and there are even two injured yaks fighting inside...

After many obstacles, only four yaks were lucky enough not to scratch any stinger, not to step on a beast trap, and not to be blurred by the blood and flesh hit by their head companions. They finally came to the third line of defense while waiting for their Is a pungent gas!


At the moment when the yak came, Xie Yan triggered the ejection of the poisonous mist, the pods exploded, and the spouts carrying the strong volatile venom were fired out and exploded in the air.

The gas is pervasive.

The four yaks were unavoidable and had to be forced to inhale poisonous gas. Soon, their bodies began to experience various adverse reactions.

Soft legs, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting...

Various adverse reactions make the yak emaciated, in addition, they must pay attention to the stumbling line on the ground, be careful not to be tripped, otherwise in this case, it is a question whether they can stand up again.

The more the poison sucks, the more the two yaks can't stand and fall down. Unfortunately, a yak was hit by a tripwire, struggling twice, and was unable to get up again. Only one end came to the entrance of the cave with perseverance! And waiting for it is a stinger wall that makes the cow feel desperate! And the poison on this stinger is not the kind of poison that has slow effect on large animals before, but it is one of the best poisons in the world. Once it is stabbed, even if it just cuts the skin, it will be killed on the spot!


The creature would have made the yak aware of the danger, and his heart began to struggle. He wanted to look back, but there was a force that forced him to continue to move forward.

In desperation, the yak could only plunge into the stinger wall, killing him instantly.

Since then, more than sixty yaks have all died!

"Hoo~" Xie Yan was relieved, he hurriedly checked the damage situation.

The thorny wall broke four or five big holes, which is equivalent to the total loss of defense. 90% of the traps are gone. After all, they are large yaks. When they fall to the ground, they will inevitably touch other traps. This makes many traps very low in utilization rate, but as an auxiliary defense weapon, they have such a record It has been unexpected.

More than 80% of the ejected poison fog can be used, which will be the main defense force of the next few waves of attack!

"The other party seems to be getting smarter!" Xie Yan secretly said, in the previous attack, the mysterious person tried to let the troops eat up his ranch as much as possible, but this time did not do so.

Xie Yan speculates that it is likely that different divisions of labor have different divisions of labor, or the mysterious man sees too many plants, and simply gives up the minutiae and takes the enemy.

Either way, Xie Yan can’t relax now!

It didn’t take long for the second wave of attacks to come, that was hundreds of big gray rats! They rushed in directly from the broken opening in the wall of thorns, escaped the remaining traps with the help of the yak's body, and rushed straight to the third line of defense.

Xie Yan was about to set off to eject the poison mist, but unexpectedly, these big gray mice ran over to bite the ejection pods.

"This is..." Xie Yan felt something wrong. "No, this is the anti-drug force sent by that guy! Use the mouse to destroy my catapult poison mist, and open the way for the attacking forces afterwards!"

How to do?

Xie Yan was in a bad mood, and those bad memories came to mind.


On the wasteland, Zhou Qing, driving a buggy, stepped on the brakes.

"What's that?" Zhou Qing said, pointing to a small moving point in the distance.

Li Yinsheng, who was in the short video, picked up the telescope and glanced into the distance.

"Lying trough! What a big wild boar!" Li Yinsheng exclaimed. "It's a mutant! Turn off the flame, don't get noticed!"

Zhou Qing did not dare to neglect, immediately turned off the flame, and then glanced through the telescope and fell into silence.

It was a large copper-colored wild boar, whose skin shone with a metallic luster under the sunlight, and it was very dazzling. Zhou Qing roughly estimates the weight of this guy, I am afraid it will be seven or eight hundred pounds!

The wild boar gradually went away, and the two of them were relieved. Fortunately, this head was not for them, otherwise the car would be overturned. There is also that copper-colored skin. I am afraid that ordinary pistols can only barely break the skin.

"Where is this beast running so anxiously?" Li Yinsheng asked curiously.

"Should you catch up and see?" Zhou Qing said.

Li Yinsheng shook his head frantically.

Catch up and see... It's almost the same to catch up to death!

"You come to drive, I will report this matter first." Zhou Qing said, and replaced the seat with Li Yinsheng, and then took out the encrypted phone to report the situation of the big wild boar, let the above pay attention, after all, if this wild boar is Suddenly rushed to the human city, the consequences are unimaginable.

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