I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 108: Three horses trough map (ocean version).JPG

  Chapter 108 Three horses trough map (ocean version).JPG

   "By the way, do you have any relatives or friends at home?" On the boat, Gu Shanhai asked a dark horse.

   "What do you want to do?" The dark horse looked vigilant.

   "It's nothing, I just thought that relatives and friends should also be very hospitable with a good horse like you, and they should entertain this seaman Manaclavey for us." Gu Shanhai said seriously.

  The dark horse on the side is speechless. If you want to find someone to help you avoid disasters, just say it. There is no need to beat around the bush, and you are still hospitable.

   "Sorry, I have no one at home"

   "Oh, it turns out that you have only one page in your household registration. That's really pitiful. Batman still has a housekeeper." Gu Shanhai continued before the other party finished speaking.

  Dark Horse couldn't understand Gu Shanhai's stalk, but he also understood that what the other party said was definitely not a good thing. He just glanced at the seaman Manaclavey who came with the sea fog behind him, and swallowed his rebuttal.

   "I have a friend, it is very hospitable, I think it should help to entertain." The dark horse hesitated, and finally said.

   "You are sure to be your friend and not an enemy with a feud." Gu Shanhai felt that it would be really unlucky for him to be a real friend.

   "Friend, definitely a friend." Dark Horse said righteously.

   "Okay, let me show you the way, and I'll ask your friend." Gu Shanhai said that a dead friend is not a poor man, and he is not his friend anyway. Besides, the dark horse doesn't seem to have any intention of adding money to this friend.

   At this time, the dark horse also hesitated, but said: "I don't know where this friend is, he comes with the waves."

Hearing this sentence, Gu Shanhai was also speechless. He knew what it was from the four words "Follow the Waves". The horse of Mananan on the white sharp waves, Auber, is known as the God of the Sea, and he can indeed follow the sea. Mana Klavey fought a wave.

   "Are you sure that Mananan's horse, Auber, is your friend?" Gu Shanhai complained, and then said: "Why are the seas full of horses? I suspect that I came to the grassland in the wrong place."

  First there was the horse-like Kelpa elf, then there was the demon seaman Manaclavey, and now it's all right, here comes another sea **** horse.

   "You guys are planning to feed three horses. I am not Cao, nor do I have the habit of the prime minister, nor the status of the prime minister. There is no need to give me so many horses."

"Why don't you go to the freshwater area?" The dark horse didn't understand the meaning of Gu Shanhai's complaint, but the third horse still understood, and then said that if you don't want to find the ocean **** horse, then go to the freshwater area. Anyway, the seaman Manaklavi It will not set foot in freshwater areas, and as long as it lands, this thing will be helpless to them.

   "Let's go find Haishenma." Gu Shanhai said that his nitrogen acceleration would not last long.

  Besides, what does it mean for him to go back in such a dispirited manner, isn't he just a mere seaman, as long as he is willing to work hard, he can still be in seconds.

   "Guide the way, what are you thinking about?" Gu Shanhai asked when he saw the dark horse in a daze.

   "No, no, it's already here." The black horse said hastily.

  Gu Shanhai saw violent waves appear on the sea surface, a huge wave emerged, and a white horse came riding on the top of the wave.

   "Interesting, are you here to wait for me?" Gu Shanhai saw at a glance that the white horse was not a normal magical creature, but a druid transformed.

   That is to say, the **** horse of the sea, Obaer, the horse of Mananan, is real, but it was transformed by a druid.

  The dark horse's strength and vision were not enough, so it didn't notice it. Gu Shanhai noticed it easily. The other party should have found out that a druid like him was in danger and came here specially. Of course, it may have predicted something.

   "Devil! Go back, or the ocean will bury you!!" The white horse on the top of the waves issued a warning in a weird tone, as if the horse's physiological structure could not utter a human tone.

  The seaman Manakrawi, who was hiding in the sea fog, stopped for a few seconds before retreating with the sea fog, as if he was afraid of the other party.

  After the sea fog left, the white horse on the top of the waves also calmed down the waves and turned into a middle-aged female druid, wearing an unknown leather armor and decorations made by some sea monsters.

   "Young Druid, why did you break into Nakrawi's territory?" the female Druid asked.

   "Well, it's a long story, but the simple point is that it pulled the boat over." Gu Shanhai decisively threw the blame on the dark horse.

  The female druid looked at the dark horse: "Use an ocean kyle to send you a boat? My suggestion is to kill it."

  The dark horse is trembling aside, you druids have something wrong, didn't you agree to protect nature? How can I kill it at every turn? I don't know that it belongs to the treasure spirit, so how can I kill it randomly.

"I'm going to use it to stew meat, but it's a pity that it's not convenient to be at sea. Who would have thought that I would meet Nakrawi." Gu Shanhai said that he was indeed planning to do this, but not now. who will work for him.

   "Okay, you Druid is really strange, but which school do you belong to? I haven't heard of a new Druid being born recently." The other party asked again.

   "Imprint Flowing Mountains and Seas · Nature, ma'am." Gu Shanhai responded.

   "Mountain and Sea, that's a really good name. I'm an ocean druid, Lucy Wave." Lucy replied.

"Ocean stream? Ms. Lucy, have you ever thought about going to the royal capital of the Kingdom of Camelot? Many factions such as the imprint stream, dragon vein stream, and returnees have established a new king. He becomes the druid king. If Ma'am, if you go there, maybe the ocean druids can flourish again." Gu Shanhai reminded.

   It is estimated that Lucy Wave is the only druid left in the entire ocean current.

Lucy also looked interested, but said: "Sorry, I am blessed by the ocean and cannot set foot on land, but if the druid king needs my help, I will not hesitate to lend the power of the ocean to you." he."

  Obviously, the opponent has paid enough for such a powerful force, and being unable to set foot on land for a lifetime is a huge torture in itself.

  The desolation of the ocean druid may also have something to do with this.

  The strength of the opponent in the ocean area is probably stronger than that of Kurus Brass and Mafas Spike combined. Otherwise, how could the seaman Manaclavi leave just because of a word.

   Even the other party can transform into a sea **** horse, which is enough to show that the other party's inheritance is extraordinary.

   "That's really great. King Camelot will definitely be happy to hear your generosity, ma'am, and I will definitely bring it for you." Gu Shanhai also said politely.

That's right, after Lucy couldn't go ashore, the situation of the two of them has become a formality. The ocean will not be the home court of each kingdom, and it is impossible for Artorius to really use the power of the ocean, and Lucy's promise is even more important. Strange, the premise is to find Lucy to be able to use it.

   At least in the shallow sea area, it is impossible to meet Lucy. You have to enter the deep sea, and you need enough luck, otherwise you will not be able to meet her at all.

  Of course, you can also get Lucy's attention by alarming the seaman Manaclavey like Gu Shanhai. The other party has been guarding against this demon.

It’s just that the idea is very good, but the danger is very great. That is to say, Gu Shanhai’s awning boat has been remodeled, with nitrogen acceleration, so that it can hang the seaman Manaklavi. It is an undeveloped boat technology in this era. , must be caught up and torn to shreds in minutes.

As for why Lucy is so strong, why didn't she kill the seaman Manaclavey? It's very simple. The other party can be resurrected in the ocean after death, unlike the Balrog that Kurus killed back then. The environment is also different, so naturally they have different abilities.

  That's why Lucy only limited it to a certain area so that it would not have any behavior that would cause disaster.

   There are countless similar weirdnesses in the ocean, and Lucy has no way to kill them all. Besides, she is to maintain the natural order of the ocean, not to kill.

  After the two chatted for a while, Gu Shanhai saw that it was almost done, so he asked Lucy about the situation of this treasure map.

  Lucy's expression is similar to that of a dark horse, a picture drawn by a psychopath you are kidding me.

"Sorry, I can't be sure what this place is. The ocean is so big that I haven't even explored it completely, but it should be certain that your original direction is blocked by Nakrawi's territory, so I suggest that you take it as soon as possible." It’s a good detour.” Lucy knew a ghost, she suspected that Gu Shanhai went to the wrong place or the treasure map was wrong.

   "That's it, dark horse, are you confident?" Gu Shanhai looked at the dark horse of the Kelpa elves.

  The dark horse looked puzzled, why is it confident, shouldn’t you be confident? Then I immediately realized why I asked it, because I wanted it to pull the boat, so I asked it if it had confidence.

   "Yes." The dark horse looked at Gu Shanhai's eager look, and it was sure that if it dared to say no, it would definitely be turned into stew, and it was the kind that was shared by two druids.

  Kelpians don't have a good reputation.

   "As long as you have it, I'm optimistic about you." Gu Shanhai handed out the hemp rope, and the black horse put it on himself very skillfully and jumped into the sea.

"Since the mountains and the sea are about to set off, I won't bother you anymore. There are fewer and fewer young people who are willing to go to sea. One day, the ocean druids will also disappear at sea." Lucy sighed The breath turned into a white horse riding the waves away, gradually drifting away.

  Gu Shanhai didn’t offer any consolation either. If it wasn’t for his coquettish operation that made Artorius, the king of knights, become the king of druids, then not only ocean druids, but 99% of druids would end up like this.

   "The remnants of the old era may not be able to keep up with the new era and become trendy." Gu Shanhai said in a low voice.

  If I don’t work hard, I still tell him that I can’t do it. If I work hard, there may be results.

  However, it is estimated that the druids retreated from the world because they suffered too many beatings.

"Dark horse, move for me. This time, go farther away, but don't meet the sea man Manaklavi again. If you play tricks on me again, I will leave you to chat with your relatives." Gu Shanhai Throwing the hemp rope signaled that the dark horse had set off.

   This thing has a lot of eyes, and it wants to run away all the time, but after seeing Lucy and Nakrawi, it is a lot more honest, at least in a short period of time, there is no need to worry about what kind of tricks this thing uses.

  Received Gu Shanhai's order, the dark horse also dutifully pulled up the boat and moved forward.

   Don’t worry about getting lost or not knowing the location. The dark horse is a Kelpa elf, a natural water elf, and he can solve these things.

  Seaman Manaklavi itself is a stumbling block on that island.

  At this time, Gu Shanhai was also thinking about one thing, that is, how did the person who drew this treasure map get there when there was such a fierce demon as the seaman Manaclavi blocking the way.

  And what is it that can bury fate on that island? Is this treasure left by the drawer of the treasure map or existed before.

   No matter which one it is, it seems that there are confusing secrets.

  Gu Shanhai also carried out prophecy and divination again. The hexagram of the little fierce has always been there, so the demon seaman Manaclavey is just a threshold, and the real danger has not yet been revealed.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai leaned over, as if he wanted to know what Gu Shanhai was thinking and reminded Gu Shanhai that it was time to eat.

   "You know how to eat now." Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, but it was indeed almost the same time, and then began to prepare the feed.

In the recent period, Xiaobai's growth can be described as advancing by leaps and bounds. On the road, Gu Shanhai continued to improve and modify his magic pet skills to make it more suitable for Gu Shanhai and Xiaobai. I can't say that they are compatible, I can only say that they have nothing to do with each other.

  Computers are still made of various materials, but with these materials can they be pieced together to form a computer? It must not be processed into various electronic components and parts.

  Gu Shanhai used this magic pet skill as a raw material to further study animal companions, forming his brand new companion skill.

In addition, he also mixed in the Druid heritage such as advanced animal companions, dragon companions, etc. for research. He has not yet formed a complete animal companion skill, but he has also achieved a lot of results, such as small In terms of Bai's growth, Gu Shanhai used these skills to rearrange his diet, training and other daily routines.

And he also tried to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Xiaobai, such as the inheritance of Qingyuan White Deer, etc. Stepping waves, forest piercing, dark vision, etc. are just the foundation, and he also wants to try whether artificial interference can make it evolve or possess More abilities and such.

It's just that the progress of research on this part is relatively slow, because it is part of the partner's skills, and it is not a key part. It can be stimulated after Xiaobai grows up. What is more important for Xiaobai at this time is the growth potential and background, and then share it. Enough savvy for Gu Shanhai.

  (end of this chapter)

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