I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 109: green knight fused with tree

  Chapter 109 The green knight integrated with the tree

  Going far away from the sea fog and the seaman Manaklavi inside, no matter it is Gu Shanhai or the dark horse, they are actually relieved.

He wanted to run on the black road, but when he thought that he still had Gu Shanhai's hunting mark on his body, he didn't know what long-distance means the other party had, but when he was beaten to the ground with a single punch and even broke a lot of teeth, He doesn't want to bet his life.

  The opponent can still drive the boat without it, but if I die, I am nothing.

Gu Shanhai, who was lying on the boat, also detected the small entanglement and hesitation in the opponent's mind. Unfortunately, he was only the detection thought of the 2nd ring, not the thought probe and probing thought of the 5th ring, so he could only get the superficial Thoughts, can not be deeply understood.

  The ability to know so clearly is thanks to Gu Shanhai's large number of super magic skills, which makes the detection of thoughts far beyond the level of the second level.

  If it is a normal 2nd ring, what can be detected is also limited.

  After getting away, there is still an endless ocean. Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also had a premonition. It is impossible to say that he can really find it by bypassing Nakrawi. It is estimated that there is still a long distance.

  Because there is no corresponding ratio, Gu Shanhai also carried out prophecy and divination before, and the result was that he would arrive at the island after three sunsets.

  That's why the sunset on the first day hasn't arrived yet, so how could it possibly arrive.

The sky was also gradually dimming, and the sea was very calm. Gu Shanhai asked the black horse to come and rest for a while. It was a little slower than the normal speed of his black-covered boat. His black-covered boat did not use oars, but burned gasoline, so it was very fast.

   After the black horse climbed up, there was a long strangle mark on its body, which was almost embedded in the flesh and blood.

  But the other party's physical fitness is still very good, and has begun to recover.

   "Eat or eat feed with Xiaobai?" Gu Shanhai asked, Xiaobai understood, and then looked at the dark horse with a vigilant look, eating three points faster.

   "Why are you so impatient, food protection is not a good habit." Gu Shanhai corrected Xiaobai's bad habit.

  When Xiaobai heard this, he pushed his rice bowl reluctantly, indicating that he could give you a bite.

  Seeing this appearance, the dark horse has a black line, who will eat your feed.

  Although it is rich and smells delicious, it is not vegetarian.

   "Meat, I need to eat meat." The black horse also said without hesitation.

  It understands that although Gu Shanhai says some things it doesn't understand from time to time, he is not a stingy person.

  Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand to grab it, and an unknown fish jumped out. When it landed on the boat, it was already dead, and its body was pierced by some kind of sharp blade.

   "Is it enough? There is still not enough, you probably don't need to eat cooked food." Gu Shanhai hesitated and asked again.

  The black horse didn't say anything, just gnawed on the fish that was about the same size as it was, the teeth that were smashed by Gu Shanhai today had regrowth, and it might not be able to chew hard bones, but it was still no problem to chew the fish.

   "Can you eat slowly? It's all splashed all over the floor." Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, the black horse's eating was quite ferocious, and it had nothing to do with the appearance after being beaten.

  After hearing Gu Shanhai's words, the dark horse naturally restrained a lot, but it was still very scary.

  The fish's scales are so hard that a normal blade can't break them, but they don't seem to exist under the broken teeth of the black horse. If it were a human, the bones would have to be bitten off.

The black horse was actually thinking about it, it was a good thing it didn't run away, if it did, Gu Shanhai would have to eat stewed meat at night, while eating fish, it checked the wound, killed it with one blow, died on the spot, and the blood didn't have time to flow into the sea He was picked up by the other party.

  Using himself as a fish, it doesn't think it can avoid the opponent's unknown magic trick, yes, it is a magic trick in its eyes.

  Only this time, the dark horse also put out the idea of ​​running away now, and he had to find the right opportunity if he wanted to, at least he had to wait until the opponent was entangled and distracted by other enemies before he could run.

   After a fish of about the same size was swallowed with meat and viscera, the skeleton was thrown directly into the sea, and the injuries on the body gradually recovered, and the teeth that were originally shattered had also regenerated.

   "Go, wash your head down, the smell of fish is all over your body, as soon as the sea breeze blows, it's like pouring it into my forehead." Gu Shanhai said with some disgust.

  Heima gave a humane smile, then jumped into the sea and rubbed it, cleaning the flesh and fish smell from his body before getting up.

   "Tonight you sleep in the stern of the boat, don't grit your teeth and snort and fart, or I'll kick you down, and it won't be too late for you to pull the boat tomorrow morning." Gu Shanhai said.

He naturally knew what the dark horse thought and feared about him. The Kelpie elves are not a good thing. They have a lot of notoriety for murder, cannibalism, etc. You can give it some sweetness, but more often it will be bitter. Otherwise, once it learns about your weakness, it will kill you in turn.

   It's just that Gu Shanhai is not weak at all, and he gave it enough suffering, that's why he is so honest.

  The night was getting darker, and the black horse fell asleep at the stern, so there was no need to worry about it catching a cold. How could an extraordinary life catch a cold because of this, not to mention that it was originally living in colder sea water.

  Xiaobai snuggled up to Gu Shanhai's side to keep warm. Gu Shanhai didn't sleep, and now he doesn't need sleep much, so he continued to perfect the new animal companion skills.

   This is no small project.

   Just like this, three days passed and three sunsets were experienced. At noon on the fourth day, the black horse dragged the black boat and finally came across an island.

   "Hiss~ It's so far away." Gu Shanhai got up and moved his body, and then he took Xiaobai to the island, and he dragged the awning boat ashore and dismantled various equipment.

  Without the awning boat, he can rub it with his hands, but these modern equipment need industrial conditions to be produced.

As for the dark horse, Gu Shanhai did not treat it as a stew, but let it go. Seeing that it has been so honest and pulled the boat for him for so long, it can barely be regarded as a balance of merit and demerit, not to mention that it was Xiaobai who sailed the boat first. The other party hit

  Of course, if we meet again when we go back, Gu Shanhai will not hesitate to put a hemp rope on it to let it pull the boat and kill it to stew meat after landing.

  So it depends on fate, Gu Shanhai has not tasted the taste of elf stew, so he also hopes that the fate between him and the dark horse will be stronger.

   "It's a rainforest-like island, so I have to dig for the treasure next?" Gu Shanhai looked at the map, this thing is useless.

  He has predicted it through divination, and the location is here, but if he is more careful, he will not be able to go deeper, it seems to be blocked by something.

  He had already tried divination before, but to no avail.

   Stepping into the forest, the wet land indicated that it had just experienced a rain not long ago. As for how long it will be, Gu Shanhai is hard to say.

   "Fate, I don't know what the situation is."

   Gu Shanhai still bears the hexagram of little evil on his body. He has not encountered any danger in these three days.

   "These trees are interesting." Gu Shanhai discovered that the trees in the rain forest seemed to have never been seen on the mainland, and they belonged to a unique species.

  The bark is gray and white like bones, and the leaves are dark red, like thousands of blood-stained palms.

   "Don't you think it's boring after watching it for so long?" Gu Shanhai said looking at this unknown tree.

  Just now, he felt a new vision peeking at him, still through these trees as a medium.

After he opened his mouth, the line of sight changed to another tree, as if he wanted to use this method to avoid Gu Shanhai's perception, but with his current perception, unless the other party stopped peeping at him, he would definitely do it immediately find.

   It’s like when Xiaobai hit a dark horse with his boat, he actually noticed it, but because the boat didn’t have brakes and it wasn’t his own person, he didn’t care.

   "Is it interesting? I don't know if I change the tree," Gu Shanhai complained.

  The wind blows the leaves, making them rustle, and an old voice comes from the wind: "Come to the center of the island~"

  The sound seemed to be brought by the wind, which made Gu Shanhai's expression condense. Although it was a coincidence, it was a reclusive old monster again, and he didn't know if it was a druid or what.

It’s all here, so go and have a look. I grabbed Xiaobai and stuffed it into the portable laboratory. I thought it was digging treasures, but I didn’t expect to find an old monster that hadn’t been buried yet. I didn’t know it was a monster. Under what circumstances is it possible to linger here.

  Gu Shanhai can also confirm that the reason for his inability to divination is 90% likely to be due to the other party.

   Galloped all the way, and soon came to the center of the island. The center is a lake, which is similar to an eyeball. The reason for saying this is because there is a small island in the center, forming an illusion like a nesting doll.

  Gu Shanhai checked the lake. It is a freshwater lake, not seawater. It seems that it is because of this freshwater lake that this island is isolated from a lot of unnecessary troubles.

The demon seaman Manaclavi can't cross the freshwater lake, and the sea goods version of the Kelpa elves will feel uncomfortable when entering the freshwater lake. Most sea monsters and sea monsters on the ocean have this nature, and I don't know what the **** it is. .

  Among many islands, having a freshwater area is tantamount to obtaining a safe shelter, and ordinary sea monsters and sea monsters will not approach.

   Stepping on the waves and entering the island in the lake, what I saw was a dilapidated church covered with moss and various plants.

   "The church actually has people left behind here. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for nobles to be willing to be priests in this place that doesn't shit." After Gu Shanhai walked in, he didn't see anyone.

   "Church and pastor, what is that?" An old voice came.

When Gu Shanhai took a closer look, it was not a person, but a giant tree, which belonged to the same species as those unknown tree species on the island. A solid man covered in armor.

   "You don't know the church and pastor? Then your church"

   "Young child of the forest, the outside seems to have changed a lot, don't you mind telling me?" the other party asked.

Gu Shanhai found that his detection thoughts were unable to take effect on him, so he had no way to determine whether the words were true or not. More importantly, there were various bryophytes growing on the other party's green armor, so he couldn't see the other party at all. expression.

   "Of course, but I only know a little bit." Gu Shanhai briefly talked about knights, priests, druids, wizards and so on.

  The other party was also silent, and then said: "In the end we separated, and even the natural will became the master."

   "If you don't mind, tell me your story, such as calling me the Son of the Forest." Gu Shanhai found a place to sit down, and then said.

   "I may be the last green knight. This is not the knight profession you mentioned, but the child of the forest, that is, the druid you mentioned."

  From the other party, Gu Shanhai learned that the other party's name was Ammet Greenwood, and he was a member of the front-line combat corps in the Children of the Forest. Besides, there were also shapeshifters, animal trainers, and so on.

  When Gu Shanhai heard this, it seemed that this was the source of the various druid schools back then. Although druids were responsible for sacrifices, not all druids had this responsibility.

  He also found the source of the dragon druids, who belonged to the shapeshifters, and the imprint druids were from the priests.

   "That is to say, the knights used to be a member of the druids, and they rode everything, instead of just riding horses like now." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but complain.

"To be precise, the superhuman you mentioned, in our era, the only way to become a transcendent is to go through trials, which is the way you call a druid to achieve." Amter corrected Gu The words of Shanhai.

   "But the green knight, wait, the immortal green knight? You won't die if you cut off your head, right?" Gu Shanhai seemed to have thought of something, and asked hastily.

   "It seems that you have found something from your inheritance. It is true that we green knights will not die after cutting off our heads. This is because we have strong vitality." Amter said.

  Gu Shanhai's expression changed slightly. Naturally, there is no relevant information in his inheritance, but there is in the information collected in his previous life.

  In the previous life, Artorius's half-sister, the witch Morrigana, once formed an evil knight order. The name was the Green Knights. Its characteristic was immortality, and it was called the immortal Green Knights.

   It’s just not at all like the current Ammet Greenwood, because the armor on Ammet’s body is not actually metal, but made of shrubs, moss, etc. Druids cannot hold metal equipment.

   And the group of undead green knights wore real metal armor, and also held weapons such as metal long swords and long axes.

   "So, the young son of the forest, do you want to accept the trial of the Green Knight and become a Green Knight?"

  (end of this chapter)

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