I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 107: The spirit of the sea was hit by a boat! ! !

  Chapter 107 The elf of the ocean was hit by a boat! !

   "Riding a horse or taking a boat, it didn't say to go out to sea, I thought it was a small ditch." Gu Shanhai lay on the boat, looking at the sky helplessly.

  It was fine on land, but when we got to the water, we found that the ratio was wrong.

"The person who drew the picture definitely didn't think about the size of the drawing." Gu Shanhai couldn't help complaining. When he saw Hai when he walked along the map to the end, he was completely confused. I went on the wrong path, but after repeated comparisons and predictions and divinations, I was sure.

  I have no problem, the problem is this treasure map.

  Because the land is drawn too big, the upper area is insufficient, so the sea ditch is drawn as a water ditch.

  As for why it was a small boat, because no one sold him a big boat, and no one was willing to take him out to sea. It was not because of Gu Shanhai's mocking face, but mainly because the sea people had never been to such a distant sea area.

  There are not only seafood and seafood in this sea, but also sea monsters and sea monsters. What's more, there is a problem with the scale of Gu Shanhai's stupid map. Who knows how far the trench is, so no honest seaman wants to go.

The dishonest seaman and part-time pirate are willing to go there, but Gu Shanhai is not willing. He can detect the other party's superficial thoughts, and he can see at a glance that the other party wants to chop himself up after going to sea. Finally, he thought about it Let's go by ourselves.

   Anyway, it’s just rowing. After installing the engine, propeller and other things, and preparing some necessary things for the sea, he went directly to the sea.

Xiaobai who is currently driving the boat, don’t ask why the young deer can drive it, even this boat is a self-remodeled black awning boat, the parts are all in bulk, so what’s wrong with a deer who is driving the boat, Xiaobai is driving it anyway Very happy.

Gu Shanhai thought about teaching it to drive a car, fly an airplane, and learn everything a modern mount should learn, but when he looked at its hooves, he was able to assemble them from scattered parts, and he just had to keep an eye on the rudder. Don't worry about braking, because Gu Shanhai didn't pretend at all, if he hits a sea monster or an island, there is always a way to stop.


  Xiao Bai yelled, his tone was full of horror and crap, he didn't even care about the rudder, and he jumped back and dived under Gu Shanhai, obviously frightened.

   "." Gu Shanhai got up with a black line, what else can scare you at sea?

   "Fuck, I remember that the seahorse doesn't look like you, does it??" Gu Shanhai was also a little confused, he saw a black horse with a flowing mane.

   "I want to ask, when did you come?"

   Gu Shanhai hesitated to speak and looked at the seahorse's flowing mane, which seemed to be bald. According to his comparison, it looked a bit like being hit by another boat.

   "It came when your deer hit me with a boat." The dark horse spoke out, and his tone was full of shit. It didn't expect to be hit bald by a boat in the sea.

"What do you think, let a deer drive the boat for you, I can understand if you change to a goblin or a fairy." The black horse wonders if it has been in the sea for a long time these years, and the land has developed so fast that even the deer can If you can drive a boat, does it mean that the carriages on land are all driven by horses, and you don't need to be greeted?

   "Look at what you said, I just think that these goblins and fairies have to be willing too." Gu Shanhai retorted, doesn't he want beautiful female goblins? Think about it, but it's not practical.

   "Speaking of the horse in the sea, you should be a kelpie, after all, the seahorse should not be as big as you." Gu Shanhai looked at the black horse, and the other side was only leaning on the boat with its upper body, and its lower body definitely didn't look like a horse.

This thing looks like a horse, but it is actually a shape-shifting elf. It often appears by the lake in the form of a steed, abducting or deceiving travelers. Whenever a traveler approaches, it will turn into a monster that can confuse travelers. A girl or a black horse, a white horse or a handsome man, when the traveler rides on it, he can never get off again, and then the Kelpa will quickly jump into the lake and drown the unfortunate traveler.

  Protecting its river basin in this way sounds a little nonsense.

   "No, Kelpie is the elf of the freshwater lake." The black horse said jokingly.

   "Oh, Haihuoban heard that you cannibalize?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

"It's just meat once in a while, do you have anything else to say?" The black horse climbed onto Gu Shanhai's modified awning boat. The lower body looks like a human being, with obvious mermaid lines and muscles. I think he is still a ruthless person in fitness.

   Then he looked at the opponent's horse legs, and found one thing, that is, this guy doesn't seem to be! practice! leg!

   "A little bit, don't you usually exercise your legs?" Gu Shanhai asked.

  Unfortunately, the black horse failed to pick up the stem, and then showed its carnivore-like sharp teeth, which showed that the opponent was indeed not a vegetarian.

   "This is your last words, I"

  Before the black horse finished speaking, Gu Shanhai punched him to the ground, and his teeth were broken.

   "Let go!!" the black horse shouted cursingly.

   "Get off your face, my hands are sticking to your face." Gu Shanhai yelled back.

The kelpie has sticky skin, so after the incarnation of a human or horse, once the traveler rides on it, he can't get off because he is stuck. After Gu Shanhai punched it, the magic domain stuck to the opponent's body, which made the opponent sustained damage.

  The whole face is distorted by this.

   In the end, Gu Shanhai had no choice but to tear its face with tears, and finally burned it with flames.

  After the "you" black horse broke free, it saw Gu Shanhai approaching it, and hurriedly backed down: "It will fall off with a splash of water"

"Cough, I did it on purpose just now." Gu Shanhai explained, and then said: "By the way, I heard that you can change people, can you make me ugly and good-looking, tall but short, although It's a man but also a woman, someone who is obviously very attractive but can't help but want to beat him up."

   "." The black horse's horse face showed a humanized expression, probably you just killed me, there is no need to fix all these things, and why is this person so shameless, he dared to say that he deliberately targeted it.

   "Can't it be changed? Could it be that my request is too much?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled.

  'This is no longer something that is too much, but it is simply not something that a horse can do. ’ The black horse complained silently, but did not dare to speak.

   "It's a pity, otherwise, you can pull the boat for me, do you know this location?" Gu Shanhai took out the map, pointed to the island and said.

  The black horse took a look, looking at the ditch with a corner of the eye, who knows where it is.

   "Recognize" the dark horse does not dare to say that it does not know, because Gu Shanhai's eyes make it shudder, as long as it dares to say that it does not know and lose its own value, it is likely to be skinned by the other party.

   "I was scared to death. I thought you, a local horse, didn't know it. Now that you know it, it's easy to handle. Come on, put this thing on, and you lead the way." Gu Shanhai took out a hemp rope with a smile.

  Dark Horse really wanted to refute that it just looked like a horse, but it wasn't a real horse, but in the end he didn't dare to say this, because he dared to hit Gu Shanhai to admit it.

  'When I get into the water, I don't believe you can catch me! ’ The black horse said that he would bear with Gu Shanhai first, and when Gu Shanhai died, he would dig his grave.

  Gu Shanhai, who has the idea of ​​detection, said that this horse really dared to think.

"Don't worry, I'm a very measured person. I've put a hunting mark on you, and I'm also good at divination. You won't be able to escape my Wuzhi Mountain even at the ends of the earth." Gu Shanhai put a hemp rope on the black horse , said in a very kind tone.

  He promised to go ashore and peel the opponent's skin directly, and chop the rest of it and boil it into broth to eat. The seahorse is also called Longluozi.

  The black horse is a Kelpa elf, but it is also a horse in the sea, so it should have corresponding effects.

  The black horse looked at the hemp rope that Gu Shanhai handed over, and finally gritted his teeth and put it on, and then plunged into the water, dragging the awning boat and began to move forward.

   Both parties know that the other party has bad intentions, but they have their own thoughts.

   "Yo!" Xiaobai came out and shouted.

"You are a deer, a herbivore, and you cannot eat meat. What's more, the horse seems to belong to you. Hey, the deer seems to be of the order Artiodactyla, and the horse is of the order Perissodactyla, right?" Gu Shanhai discovered such a blind spot .

  The black horse pulling the boat in the sea didn’t know what Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla were, but he understood the word eating meat, and his heart skipped a beat.

   Who are these people, actually teaching deer to eat meat!

  Although it also eats meat, that deer is a real deer, not a real horse.

"Oh, you said that horse also eats meat? It's not a real horse. You'll find out when I find time to check its body." Gu Shanhai said that the physiological structure must be different, and he was very strict and small. Bai explained.

  It's a pity that Xiaobai couldn't understand, but he just said that he wanted to try it.

  Gu Shanhai is a black thread. If this thing can be tried, there will not be so many things. In the end, he strongly stated that he is not allowed to steal the black horse, and Gu Shanhai has to keep it to pull the boat.

   "I have to say that an elf is an elf. This speed is really not amazing. It is indeed much faster than my electric power. More importantly, it is environmentally friendly. The original ecology is different." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   I don’t know what this dark horse ate to grow up, but its strength is really worthy of its tendons.

   Then he paid a little attention to the dark horse and its location, so as not to deliberately take them into the ditch. On the other hand, he took out the treasure map and began to check.

  After tossing and turning, the result is still nothing. Except for the proportion of the ocean that makes people complain, there are not many problems.

"Wait, is this island the first island or one of the islands???" Gu Shanhai discovered something, because this island is at the edge of the corner of the treasure map, and because there is not enough paper, only this is drawn. One, does not mean that there is only one island in the sea.

   "So the person who drew the map must be sick. The useless land map is drawn so large. I omitted the key sea map."

  Gu Shanhai is really powerless to complain, but on second thought, this world is not the great sailing world of the pirate Wang Lufei, the mainstream is still knights, so the land is the core focus, so the irregular points of the painting are also normal.

  Dragged by the black horse, Gu Shanhai quickly entered an area full of sea fog.

  The kind that can’t see anything one meter away, even Xiaobai said that he can’t see his fingers in this place.

   "Are you sure you didn't pull it in the wrong place?" Gu Shanhai dragged the black horse onto the boat. Fortunately, the kid was honest and didn't run away.

   "No, I pulled it in the direction of the map location you gave, and besides, who can understand your map." The dark horse complained, and it was not the first time that it felt that this land person was crazy.

   "That's right, but as a local horse, you should know something." Gu Shanhai stared at the dark horse and said.

  The black horse also had tears on his face: "I didn't know, I was hit by your boat just passing by, and I don't live near here."

"Didn't you say you know each other? Just this sea fog, the fog at the Pantao Festival that Monkey King participated in back then was not as thick." Gu Shanhai performed a prophecy and divination, and the general direction is correct, so the next one should be the little murderer. Let's start gradually.

  Last time, Little Ominous faced the group of cursed monsters formed by knights in the camp. This time, he didn’t know what it was. It couldn’t be a sea monster.

  If sea monsters do exist, dark horses can barely be regarded as sea monsters. Generally, when sea people meet dark horses, they are gone now.

   "It's not because I'm afraid that you said you didn't know me and peeled my skin. So." The dark horse didn't dare to finish speaking, for fear that Gu Shanhai would attack it.

   "I want to ask, does that thing count as a relative of your family?" Gu Shanhai pointed to a burly figure in the sea mist, which combined the characteristics of a human and a horse, and was very huge.

  When the black horse saw the other party, the fur on its body began to flutter, and then said: "Run, that's the seaman Manaclavey, a demon!!"

"Aren't all demons dead? This is the ocean, so it's really easy to hide, let alone seafood." Gu Shanhai agreed with this, then flicked the rudder and stepped on the accelerator. At that moment, behind the awning boat The ten nitrogen injection ports are instantly opened.

  The flames pushed the boat soaring all the way, and the tall figure of the seaman Manaclavey followed behind the boat.

  The black horse hugged the bow tightly to avoid being thrown down at high speed. Xiaobai was not so lucky. If it wasn't for Gu Shanhai's sharp eyesight and quick hand to grab its left hind leg, he would have already flown out of the boat.

"Hurry up, let's go back to the Danshui area, or Nakrawi won't give up." The black horse hurriedly roared, the devil doesn't care about himself, this Kelpa elf looks like a horse like him, he should be killed Eating is never soft.

   "You said it lightly. We are at sea, where can we find freshwater areas for you? I really think I am omnipotent and can do everything." Gu Shanhai complained, and it really didn't hurt to stand and talk.

   Three eggs, 400 likes and more



  (end of this chapter)

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