I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 89 Little Tiangang Body!

After the winter solstice, the weather in Guangzhou gradually became colder.

The dusk of the winter solstice in Guangzhou is a peaceful and warm picture.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the streets, dyeing every corner with a light golden color.

The mountains in the distance were shrouded by the sunset, as if covered with a thin layer of red gauze.

The breeze blew across people's cheeks, and they could feel a chill, but it was not biting.

"Oh! Finally done!_φ(❐_❐✧ )"

Wang Hao was stretching at home at this time, and Wang Hao's desk was full of notes and materials on ancient characters.

Wang Hao looked at the pile of materials, which was the result of his hard work for two months!

That is, today Wang Hao completed the translation of the entire Tiangang body fragment!

Through the translation of the entire fragment, Wang Hao also learned a lot,

For example, this one should not be called a fragment,

but should be called the small Tiangang body!

After more than two months of continuous research,

Wang Hao also gradually understood that the Xiao Tiangang Body is a simplified version of the Tiangang Body.

Although in the introduction of the fragment, the author of the fragment mentioned that

the Xiao Tiangang Body is not as domineering as the Tiangang Body after it is practiced, it can also be ranked among the first-class skills in the Tang Dynasty!

Wang Hao, who translated this passage, also took a breath of cold air.

If in the era of physical training in the Tang Dynasty,

a fragment can be ranked among the first-class,

then he can imagine how great the existence of "Tiangang Body" is in the Tang Dynasty!

This also strengthened Wang Hao's determination to get the complete version of the Tiangang Body!

"I must get "Tiangang Body"! I have time during the winter vacation to go to northern Shaanxi!"

Thinking about it, Wang Hao's thoughts gradually drifted away.

He shook his head and pulled his thoughts back.

Now he still has something to do, that is, to practice the Xiao Tiangang Body!

The translation has been drawn by him, and now all he needs is to practice it!

Wang Hao turned around and looked at the contents of the translation attentively.

"Tian Gang Di Sha, Yin and Yang complement each other. Refining the body and tempering the soul, immortal and indestructible."

This is the opening outline of the Tian Gang body. Although it is not the first time to read it,

Wang Hao was still shocked by the courage and confidence of the author of this Tian Gang body when he could write such words!

In fact, what Wang Hao cares most about is the second half of the outline of the body and tempering the soul!

Wang Hao has studied with Mr. Xu for two months and can understand that tempering the soul probably refers to the way to improve mental power!

If he can learn this method of tempering the soul, Wang Hao's mental power can also be greatly improved!

However, Wang Hao flipped through the translation. Except for the opening outline, there is a mention of tempering the soul,

but in the latter part, there is only mention of how to refine the body, but not how to temper the soul!

This also made Wang Hao scratch his head.

He also understood that the chapter of tempering the soul is probably the core of the Tian Gang body,

and it will not be written in the small Tian Gang body!

"Li Yang is really good at fishing! He's afraid that others will find the cave where the soldiers are hiding and run away with the incomplete scroll!"

"He even set a bait in the middle and put the most important things in the complete scroll!" Wang Hao muttered,

"Forget it, let's continue practicing!"

Wang Hao continued to look down, and muttered in his mouth,

"The world is not yet settled, I will run rampant. The stars are bright, I will shine forever."


"The energy of Tiangang is vast and boundless, flowing around the body, protecting the body's true essence."


"The meridians are unobstructed, the soul is unified, the Tiangang protects the body, and all evil is invulnerable."


"To practice Tiangang, you need to draw Yang Lei into the body, sink it into Dantian, and cleanse the flesh."


"Finally, you will break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, turn into a dragon and ascend to heaven, practice to the extreme, and be unique in the world."

After Wang Hao carefully studied it, he also discovered the mystery of the small Tiangang body,

but also saw the method to practice it...

"You still need to draw Yang Lei into the body! (╬▔皿▔)╯"

"Just kill me! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻"

"Is this secret book authentic?ಠ_ಠ"

But complaining is complaining, life has to go on,

This small Tiangang body still needs to be practiced.

Wang Hao turned on his mobile phone and checked the latest weather forecast.

Don't say it, it's better to be lucky than to be early!

There will be thunderstorms tomorrow night!

That is to say...Wang Hao will be struck by lightning tomorrow!

Wang Hao was disappointed Putting down the phone, he muttered to himself: "Everyone has to die since ancient times, whether early or late! ╮(╯▽╰)╭"

"This thunder is the foundation for me to build an invincible body!ಥ_ಥ"

The self-touching encouragement method is really useful, and Wang Hao was moved to tears...


After school the next afternoon,

the sky was covered by dark clouds, and the whole sky was gray.

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao were walking on the way home from school.

Liu Yuzhao saw the gloomy sky and unconsciously quickened his pace. . . (/~0~)/

But Wang Hao behind him didn't keep up.

After Liu Yuzhao reacted and looked back,

he found that Wang Hao was still standing at the school gate looking at the roof of the school building.

Liu Yuzhao was puzzled, so he shouted loudly: "Wang Hao! Let's go! It's going to rain soon! (`д´ )! "

Wang Hao, who was called, turned around and said to Liu Yuzhao: "You go first! I still have something to take, and I have to go somewhere else later!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Hao turned around and ran towards the teaching building.

After hearing what Wang Hao said, Liu Yuzhao nodded and left.

Just now, Wang Hao was walking on the road thinking about the place where he would receive the Yang Lei tonight.

After thinking about it, it seems that only Yunshan has a high enough altitude near Guangfu City to be close to the clouds!

Then Wang Hao thought of another thing, how to attract the thunder in the sky?

He looked up at the sky and happened to see the lightning rod on the top of the teaching building!

Wang Hao suddenly had an idea!

So he quickly ran to the teaching building , walked up the stairs to the rooftop.

Although the rooftop of the school was locked, it did not affect Wang Hao at all.

He just teleported around the locked door!

Wang Hao looked at the two long copper sticks on the rooftop and said confidently: "Principal, don't blame me for damaging public property! I am doing this for practice, and I will return it to you after it's over! (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)"

Wang Hao did not make much noise, but it was a bit conspicuous to break the lightning rod on the rooftop.

However, it was raining, and the students who left the school at the end of school were holding umbrellas.

No one would notice what happened above the teaching building.

Wang Hao took down the two lightning rods and put them in the different space. It is better to keep such stolen goods out of the light. ( *︾▽︾)

Then Wang Hao left the school and took a car to Yunshan.

Wang Hao looked at the time and found that there was still more than an hour before the thunderstorm in the weather forecast.

He hurried up the mountain.

Since he had been here before and knew the approximate location of the military land,

Wang Hao wanted to be more concealed and did not want to be discovered by the military, so he deliberately took a detour.

The military's Yunshan base was in the south of Yunshan, so Wang Hao rushed to the north of Yunshan.

Separated from them, it was difficult for them to discover Wang Hao's existence!

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