I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 90: Formation!

Wang Hao climbed for an hour and finally reached the top of Yunshan Mountain.

It was completely dark at this time.

Wang Hao was in a place where it was raining heavily and the wind was howling!

He exhaled deeply. It was almost time.

He could already see the clouds with thunder.

"It will be struck sooner or later anyway, so let's start and finish quickly!"

While saying this, Wang Hao took out two lightning rods from school from the alien space!

He had to do the first step of Tiangang Body first - lead the innate thunder into the body!

He raised two lightning rods in both hands and shouted to the floating clouds: "Come and strike me if you dare! ψ(`∇´)ψ"

Boom! ! !

He asked for a hammer and got a hammer!

A white light flashed in the sky, and a straight lightning bolt struck Wang Hao!

"Ah! Ah! (◓Д◒)" Wang Hao's body trembled violently,

his whole body was hit by a heavy hammer, and his internal organs seemed to be shattered!

Wang Hao endured the pain brought by the thunder and lightning, and ran the method attached to the Tiangang body,

directing the power of the Yang thunder to the meridians of the whole body!

The first to be hit was Wang Hao's heart!

His heart was stimulated by the power of the Yang thunder, and it beat more vigorously, as if it was about to break out of the body.

Every beat of the heart was accompanied by the energy of thunder and lightning rushing in the body, like a surging river.

And the energy in the meridians extending from the heart became more and more abundant, as if it was about to burst Wang Hao's body.

"Refine it for me!" Wang Hao's whole body was steaming, and his skin began to change from the original light yellow to red!

The energy transmitted from the meridians began to temper Wang Hao's internal organs!

As the spiritual power around Wang Hao began to surge,

the power of the Yang thunder began to be slowly refined and weakened.

At this time, Wang Hao has already achieved the second step in the Tiangang body - guiding the Yang thunder through the heart and tempering the internal organs!

After completing this step, Wang Hao felt extremely tired!

His sweat mixed with raindrops, and his clothes were soaked by rain.

But it was not the last step yet, he couldn't stop!

If he stopped now, all the processes he had just done would be in vain!

Wang Hao closed his eyes and looked inward at the situation in his Dantian.

The Dantian is the Qi sea of ​​the body refiner, and it is the place where energy is stored.

Wang Hao deposited the remaining Yang thunder in his Dantian.

When the energy of the lightning that had been refined once entered the Dantian, Wang Hao felt a burning power burning in his body.

This extremely strong and yang power seemed to melt his body!

At this time, Wang Hao was like a burning stove, and the raindrops on Wang Hao were directly evaporated into steam and floated away!

But Wang Hao did not relax, but continued to guide the Yang thunder to wander in the Dantian according to the prescribed route.

Until Wang Hao looked inward at his own Dantian and a silver-white pattern appeared!

The whole process was considered to be complete!

After this set of processes, Wang Hao didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not, and he lay down and gasped!

At this time, Wang Hao felt that his body seemed to have been reborn!

The muscles and bones of the whole body became more tough and powerful.

Wang Hao felt that if he faced the giant ape king in the Yunshan secret realm again, he could knock him down with one punch!

It was not just the bones that changed in the body, his internal organs also became more active and healthy, as if they were reborn.

After resting for a while, Wang Hao stood up again.

In fact, the body training is not over yet...

In the fragments of the Tiangang body, it is recorded that the small Tiangang body must have at least ten Yang Lei lines in the Dantian to form!

Wang Hao worked so hard to get one line, and it was far from the end!

So Wang Hao didn't dare to rest too much. If this thundercloud passed, he would have to wait until the next thunderstorm to practice, which would be too slow!

Wang Hao picked up the lightning rod stuck in the ground again. He pointed the lightning rod at Lei Yu with a grin and shouted: "Come on! I'll see who has more lightning, you or me...ying...凸(`△´+)"

Boom! ! !


This time, before he could finish, the lightning came directly!


Half an hour later, a brave man took the lightning rod and provoked the thundercloud again!

"Come on! 凸(`0´)凸"

Boom! ! !


Another half an hour later, a guy with an afro took a slightly worn lightning rod and provoked the thundercloud again!

"I'm not dead yet! Let's fight for another 300 rounds! (งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃"

Boom! ! !


Another half an hour passed, and a black coal ball provoked the thundercloud again with a piece of scrap copper and iron

"Trash! (╬◣д◢)"

Boom! ! !

Boom! ! ! !

Boom! ! ! !


The thundercloud kept bombarding,

and Wang Hao took it again and again!

After the ninth lightning strike, the two lightning rods in Wang Hao's hand had completely turned into debris!

And there was still a lightning strike that had not been struck!

And the thundercloud in the sky seemed to be tired, and it didn't strike the last lightning strike for a long time!

Wang Hao gritted his teeth and said angrily: "What does this mean? It has come to this! Tell me you are tired? Weak? ヽ(#`Д´)ノ"

Looking at the thunderclouds floating in the distance, Wang Hao didn't care so much at this time!

Wang Hao's spiritual power surged, and a space barrier that could be stepped on was generated under his feet!

He stepped on the space barrier step by step and ran towards the thundercloud!


At the same time, Lu Xiaolin, who was in the school district house in Yunshan District, was in a very irritable mood.

He had just returned home from school and was soaked by the rain.

After taking a shower, he wanted to do his homework quietly.

But I don't know if Lei Gong and Dian Mu are in heat in Yunshan.

There were crackling noises all night!

From time to time, thunder struck down from the top of the mountain!

Boom! ! !

Another white light flashed, and the whole room became much darker!

"Tsk! Are you annoying! (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴"

Lu Xiaolin stood up and prepared to close the curtains of the window,

but he suddenly heard a sound in a daze,

"Come... hit... me..."

Lu Xiaolin shuddered when he heard the intermittent sound!

"Who! Who is talking!∑(❍ฺд❍ฺlll)" Lu Xiaolin looked around quickly,

but no one answered,

but at this moment, thunder suddenly sounded, this time accompanied by a huge lightning!

Lu Xiaolin turned back quickly when he heard the noise,

But he got goosebumps when he saw the scene in front of him!

In the sky, a dark figure was struck by lightning!

That figure seemed to enjoy the feeling of being struck by lightning,

Lu Xiaolin seemed to hear a groan!


"No! I have to take a picture of him!" Lu Xiaolin's first thought at this time,

So he tremblingly put the phone in front of the window and took pictures,

But Lu Xiaolin was also careless, the flash of the phone was still on,

The flash went on! The black monster in the sky just noticed it and looked over!

"It's over! That monster won't eat me! Run! "

After taking the photo, Lu Xiaolin used all his strength to escape from the school district house, without even wearing shoes, running in the rain!

"It seems that someone saw it? [・_・?]" Wang Hao looked in the direction of Lu Xiaolin and smiled at that direction.

Wang Hao was very excited at this time. He received the power brought by the last lightning strike.

At this time, his dantian was wrapped by ten silver lightning-like patterns.

Wang Hao could feel the qualitative change after the ten patterns, which once again transformed him!

Wang Hao's small Tiangang body, Body completed!

"Forget it! Anyway, the Xiao Tiangang Body has been completely refined. It doesn't matter whether anyone sees it or not!" After saying that, he turned around and teleported to the top of Yunshan Mountain!

And Lu Xiaolin wanted to look back and zoom in with his mobile phone camera to take a picture of the black monster,

but he saw that the black monster seemed to be looking at him through the phone!

He also showed him a weird smile!

Suddenly the monster in the camera disappeared!

"Ghost!" Lu Xiaolin shook his phone to take a blurry photo and ran further away!


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