I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 88 Two Months

After visiting Mr. Xu, Wang Hao got a lot of translations and materials about ancient characters. These were all given by Mr. Xu for him to study and learn. If he didn't understand something, he could go to the library in Guangzhou to ask him. Wang Hao was not opposed to this open self-study method. One reason was that he was very efficient in self-study! In one night, Wang Hao went through all the materials about Tang Dynasty characters brought from Mr. Xu at home, and annotated them by comparing them with the fragments of Tiangang Body. However, Wang Hao looked at the little translated texts, and his head was a bit big! It would take at least several months to translate it by himself! "Forget it! So be it! Anyway, I have nothing to do in the next few months, so I'll just enrich my knowledge!" After talking to himself, Wang Hao started to work hard again! Until the next day, Wang Hao walked into the classroom with two dark circles under his eyes, climbed onto the table and fell asleep. The substitute teacher in the special training class was not surprised to see Wang Hao sleeping. Anyway, he could always stay at the top of the grade. If Wang Hao wanted to sleep, let him sleep! The theoretical knowledge class in the morning passed quickly. In the afternoon, Wang Hao did basic physical training as usual. After reaching the first grade, Wang Hao's physical fitness was greatly improved! In general training, he could easily surpass the second place by a large margin. The training task that other students needed three hours was completed by Wang Hao in half an hour! "Teacher Jiang, I'm here to ask for leave!" After Wang Hao finished training, he walked to Jiang Wenhao and said, "Going to the library again (•ิ_•)??" Jiang Wenhao asked, "Yes, Mr. Xu wants to teach me how to cultivate the spirit, I will definitely go to show my courtesy in the next few months!" Wang Hao said with a smile, "He even taught you this? ∑(´△`)?!" Jiang Wenhao asked in surprise, he also knew the system of cultivating the spirit, he had learned about it when he worked in the Zhenling Division, but people who can major in spiritual power are rare, if people who can awaken spiritual energy and awaken superpowers account for 20% of the population! Then people who can major in spiritual power are 1% of this 20%! That's why Jiang Wenhao was surprised, people who can major in spiritual power are too rare! What kind of talent is Wang Hao! Can he explore the body alone and have the talent to cultivate spiritual power? "I promised Mr. Xu, but I haven't been able to get the cultivation method from him yet."

"Look, I'm going to show my courtesy!"

Wang Hao muttered to Jiang Wenhao, fearing that Jiang Wenhao would not let him go.

"Okay, okay, okay! Go away! Don't hang around me!" Jiang Wenhao was also annoyed by his whispering in his ear, and directly approved him to leave!

After receiving Jiang Wenhao's approval, Wang Hao also happily packed his schoolbag and left the school.

Not long after, Wang Hao came to the library of Guangfu City.

He walked along the reading area to the second floor of the library with ease.

He found Mr. Xu's office and knocked on the door.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

"The door is not locked, come in." There was a sound from inside the door.

Wang Hao pushed the door open and saw Mr. Xu drinking tea alone.

When Mr. Xu saw Wang Hao coming in, he nodded and asked, "Did you go back and read the things I gave you yesterday? Is there anything you don't understand?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Wang Hao took out the book he had studied last night from his backpack, and made many notes in his notebook. He told Mr. Xu many of his questions, and Mr. Xu answered them one by one. Wang Hao was like a dry sponge while listening to Mr. Xu's explanation, constantly absorbing the knowledge that Mr. Xu was preaching. Mr. Xu did not hide anything, and he taught Wang Hao everything he knew as long as Wang Hao asked. The two of them discussed until dusk. In the process of teaching ancient characters, Wang Hao did not ask Mr. Xu about the method of cultivating spiritual power mentioned yesterday. He thought that since Mr. Xu did not teach him, it meant that it was not the right time. In Wang Hao's opinion, this period of time might be a test for him. He thought that Mr. Xu might decide whether he was qualified to inherit this skill through the contact and teaching during this period of time! After all, Wang Hao and Mr. Xu had only known each other for two days. They were not related, and it was impossible for him to directly give the skill to Wang Hao! "Let's stop here today! I haven't met such an interesting guy like you for a long time!" Old Xu stroked his beard and smiled.

It was obvious that Old Xu recognized Wang Hao's talent for learning.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for teaching me everything you know!" Wang Hao bowed slightly to show his respect.

After saying thank you, Wang Hao said goodbye to Old Xu.

He gained a lot today. It is estimated that the translation progress of the "Tian Gang Body" fragments tonight will be accelerated again!

Wang Hao returned home and washed up.

He opened the fragment again and studied it carefully.

Now Wang Hao can understand a small part of the content when studying the "Tian Gang Body" fragments!

This made Wang Hao very happy.

According to his deduction, it would take at least two months to translate the original fragments!

"It seems that the next few days will be very fulfilling!" Wang Hao smiled bitterly.

And the fact is just as he expected.

These two short months seem to be a long journey for Wang Hao.

He deeply understood the characteristics and evolution of ancient characters in various periods, and gradually realized the profoundness of the wisdom and culture of the ancients. At first, Wang Hao felt a little strenuous when facing those ancient characters. Each character was like a mystery, which required him to carefully ponder and deliberate. But as time went on, he gradually found the rules and characteristics, and began to be able to easily interpret and understand ancient characters. In the two months that Wang Hao spent with Mr. Xu, Wang Hao also changed his initial view of Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu not only taught Wang Hao the reading skills of ancient characters, but also told him about the historical background and cultural characteristics of various periods. This gave Wang Hao a deeper understanding and perception of ancient characters. In these two months of study, Wang Hao deeply experienced the charm of ancient characters. He found that each character contained rich meanings and stories, and was the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients. Through the study of ancient characters, Wang Hao didn't know if it was his own illusion, he always felt that his spiritual realm was constantly being developed! Two months ago, it was difficult for Wang Hao to lift Mr. Xu's bamboo pole without relying on spiritual power! But after two months of study, Wang Hao found that he could easily lift the bamboo pole of Mr. Xu!

Wang Hao then realized that in these two months, his own mental power was growing rapidly!

This also reminded him of the method of cultivating mental power that Mr. Xu had mentioned before.

Wang Hao then realized that Mr. Xu seemed to have not taught him anything about cultivating mental power, but it seemed that he had already taught him!

After Wang Hao realized it, he smiled and murmured to himself: "Peach and plum trees do not speak, but people will follow them. Is this what people often call unspoken teaching?"

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