"Don't bother. Although you have the concept of immortality, you will still become weak after all, just like you are now. And don't attack me with these hairy snakes. I am not bitten. perverted fetishes.”

He looked calmly at the goddess of Warcraft in front of her, whose pretty face was still fair and flawless even though her head was bigger than a house.

After curiously glancing at the other person's open mouth that allowed him to walk in directly, as well as the two useless lumps of fat on his chest that were pressed tightly against the ground and could serve as the most advanced trampoline.

Gafan, who was silently slapped in the face by Bai Tuanzi, also asked seriously.

"Tell me about the damaged interstellar ship, and the corpses on this battlefield that don't look like aliens...could this thing really come from the earth?" From outside?"

As he spoke, he casually found a huge piece of metal debris, which was still connected to a scrapped naval gun pedestal.

Looking at this "large-scale garbage" full of science fiction, Gafan, who touched the blind spot of knowledge, was also amazed.

After all, there is no such thing in the original work.

There are also traces of nuclear explosions discovered before. Will interstellar civilizations also use such weapons? Shouldn't they be using weapons like Star Destroyer Cannons? Or maybe something like Jedi and Predator...

Gafan, who had no experience in this field at all, speculated enthusiastically.

But there was also a sense of urgency in my heart.

Because he doesn't know whether this unknown force, or civilization, that obviously does not belong to the earth, has black technology weapons that can threaten him.

It's like a two-way foil or something...

It shouldn't be that exaggerated, right? After all, those "combatants" who came to this planet in interstellar ships couldn't even seriously injure the Goddess of Warcraft. Their strength was too high.

"...I don't know what you are talking about, but you don't seem to be in the same group as those ants before."

After confirming that he could not break free of the seal in a short period of time, the anger in Gorgon's eyes gradually turned into indifference and a level view of equal beings.

She stared at the human being in front of her, whose aura was somewhat like that of a god. After struggling for a while, she finally let go and explained.

"I slaughtered these people from other lands just because they offended me. There is no need for fools who want to conquer the gods to live, but I don't know their origins."

After Gorgon was silent for a while, he added: "Also, in the past month, these guys came out of nowhere and massacred the monsters I gave birth to for unknown reasons, and took them all away. dead body."

"They are very cautious, with a wide and secretive distribution. Their footprints seem to cover most of Mesopotamia. If it weren't for the inexplicable slaughter of monsters, I wouldn't even be aware of their existence and arrival... This time We succeeded in catching these ants because they came to us first.”

After saying these words, she remained silent and never spoke again.

He just used his pair of beautiful magic eyes that turned everything into stone, silently staring at the thinking human being in front of him, his face expressionless and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"...This sounds like collecting biological samples and exploring paths."

Gafan touched his chin and frowned more and more.

Because according to the other party's description, this matter looks like preparation for unfriendly events such as colonization or invasion. It is the same as the law of the black forest described in a book called "Three Body" that he has read. In nature, the general meaning is that once a certain cosmic civilization is discovered, it will inevitably be attacked by other cosmic civilizations...

Go back and talk to the wise king of Uruk and the Chaldean people.

Obviously, the current earth civilization has not even reached the steam age. Human beings still rely on iron tools, magic and noble phantoms to fight. The result is very magical and suddenly they have to face the malicious intent from the star civilization.

What kind of devilish difficulty and hellish joke is this?

It's just grass.

"Okay, now that we have a general understanding of the situation, I don't have anything else to ask you."

Gafan rubbed his temples with a headache, then flipped through it, took out the "World Slate", and said, "Let's talk to you with someone else. This kid should have a lot to say to you."

After putting away the slate, he made a gesture of invitation.

"...What are you doing? Human, there is no third party here except you and me."

Gorgon frowned, and after casually glancing around, his eyes suddenly stopped next to this human being.

The pupils of the petrified demonic eye tightened.

As if she had been stimulated by something, her huge upper body suddenly lifted up from the prostrate state, but because she was being suppressed by Hulushan, only two huge plump fat balls were exposed in Gafan's silent gaze. Just the next bounce.

"You, what are you? Who is this cold energy..."

The Goddess of Warcraft felt a tingling experience on the nerves in her brain, and the buzzing feeling in her brain made her cover her forehead.

At this moment, in front of her eyes, next to that abominable human being, there was only a vague trace of sickle energy and the outline of a petite figure, just like the thermal imaging image that the snake pupil could capture, but she could not see the specific details. Shape.

"My whole body is shaking, what is this? My composite divinity can no longer be maintained, and my rationality... Damn it, hateful human being from a foreign land, what on earth have you done?!"

Suddenly, Gorgon seemed to be on the verge of collapse, furiously scolding the man in front of him who was sighing helplessly.

But at the next moment, after hearing a familiar yet unfamiliar childish voice, all movements stopped.

"You really can't see me, Gorgon. If you are still willing to look at me...then there may be a chance of redemption."

Slowly taking off the hood that concealed her face, the petite girl looked up at the monster that represented her future, her beautiful purple eyes full of sadness and regret.

She clenched the sickle in her hand that could kill immortals, showed a bitter smile that could make thousands of flowers eclipse, and sighed softly.

"Long time no see, I'm Anna."

Chapter 310: Tima wakes up

"Go away, don't come near me, stay away from me!"

The roar on the verge of collapse shook people's eardrums, and the huge hair snake was barely constructed again, destroying everything around it indiscriminately.

The stimulated Goddess of Warcraft, regardless of squeezing the magic power inside, tried desperately to break away from this abominable Calabash Mountain that was pressing on her, and actually caused this mountain that was hundreds of meters high to explode. There was a slight jitter.

Even the ground, which was hardened to the level of carbyne sulfide, cracked and spread horribly under this brute force.

But under the combined effect of gravity magic and sealing magic, she finally panted and did some useless work, and her breath became weaker.

"Ugly monster, get out of here."

Gorgon was emotionally confused and stared at the silhouette of an unclear figure, his eyes full of hostility and rejection.

But Anna, who looked up at her, had similar purple eyes filled with sadness.

Gorgon, if you can't even see your own appearance, then you're really just an ordinary monster.

The strong little girl stared intently at the existence in front of her that represented her future.

Ever since she came here as a Heroic Spirit Servant, she has been telling herself from beginning to end that she cannot live, cannot stay here, cannot laugh...

But she really wanted to live, wanted to stay here, and wanted to laugh.

Because there are kind-hearted people here who treat her kindly and care about her, she clearly remembers every street and alley in Uruk, the hard-working residents, and the old lady who presented her with a garland.

The light fragrance emitted by the beautiful garland was so clearly engraved in her memory.

But in the end, the result of her thinking was that the monster in front of her who was causing harm to those kind and innocent people was herself.

"I am Tiamat, the goddess of origin!"

The embarrassed Goddess of Warcraft roared hysterically and angrily: "Get out of here, you ugly guy!!"


Anna was silent, always looking directly at the other person with a sad smile, or in other words, looking directly at herself.

"The female monster of the invisible island, the hero killer, this is you, Gorgon... Your revenge will never leave that island."

She looked at Gorgon, whose pupils were constricted, as if he was recalling some desperate past. She finally made up her mind, tightened her grip on the huge scythe that killed immortals in her hand, slowly raised it, and stepped forward.

It's a pity that I arrived in a hurry, and I haven't properly said goodbye to Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others, and I can't spend more time with the old lady at the flower shop.

But if the monster in front of us that has been harming the people of Uruk dies, then everyone will surely have a happy future.

Thinking of this, Ana's eyes became firmer.

"Disappear with me, Gorgon... This is why I was summoned to this land."

Finally, she approached the Goddess of Warcraft who was suppressed at the foot of Calabash Mountain and was almost unable to move. After nimbly dodging the attacks of those snakes that were too weak to pose a threat, she jumped directly high——


"Ah! It hurts!"

With a sudden snap of his fingers, he scored twice, leaving a red mark on his fair forehead.

Anna covered her forehead with her small hands, and after being stunned for a while, her expression gradually changed from blank to angry and aggrieved.

"Mr. Gafan! What are you doing!!"

Looking at the little girl in front of him who was stomping her feet in anger, Gafan was speechless and rubbed the child's silky hair at will.

"What are you doing? You are going to die together right under my nose. What's wrong with me flicking your forehead? I've already said that if I take you out, I have to be responsible for your life safety. I don't have a long memory. "

As he spoke, he even flicked the little girl's forehead again.

"Mr. Gafan!"

Anna looked up and glared at the man in front of her with a cute look that made me really angry.

"I have already made up my mind. If I don't disappear into this world with Gorgon, then those innocent and kind people will..."

"Son, we need to be flexible in our work."

Gafan, who didn't look like an adult, flicked the opponent's fair forehead again, making the cute little girl stomp her feet in anger.

"Look, this elder sister has been suppressed by me and can't move. How can she do evil and take revenge on humans? To be frank, with this elder sister's strength, I can beat her even if I let her use one hand." He coaxed her softly in a reassuring and gentle tone. "So don't worry, take your time, you can try to communicate with this goddess a few more times, and I promise that she will never harm any innocent people again, or... do you want to stay here anymore?" "No! I think..." Anna hurriedly denied, but stopped talking halfway. After a long silence, she hesitated and finally stretched out her little hand, tightly grasped the corner of the clothes of this mysterious man, and asked with a trembling voice like a silver bell. "Can I really stay? Will no one get hurt?" "No, you are so cute and sensible, everyone likes you, although I have only been in Uruk for a short time, but I can still find this." Gafan smiled faintly and gently rubbed the other's head. Moreover, knowing the original work, he knew that if Gorgon was killed, it would be a really bad thing.

This would cause the real goddess of origin, Tiamat, who temporarily lent the power of the mother of all beasts to the goddess of beasts, to wake up from her deep sleep in advance after experiencing the stimulation of death.

To be honest, he really didn't know what to do with this human "mother" for the time being.

So Gorgon couldn't die, and at the same time, in order to prevent her from continuing to breed beasts to harm humans, it was the best choice for him to seal and suppress her personally.

"Anna, didn't you say at the banquet last night that you would go to the flower shop to help today? It's not too late now."

Seeing Anna finally give up the idea of ​​seeking death, Gafan was relieved...

"Uh ah ah ah ah!!!"

The sudden roar full of pain also scared Gafan.

"Sister, let's talk it over, can you stop yelling?"

He turned his head speechlessly, and when he was about to say something else, his eyes immediately changed from helplessness to confusion and astonishment.

Because at this time, the Warcraft Goddess who was suppressed under the Gourd Mountain did not look at him with hostility, but curled up on the ground, using her arms and hair snakes to protect her head, and her voice was extremely miserable, as if something was about to be peeled off from her.

"Asshole, asshole, ah ... "Is it a curse or some other hidden attack? Tell me so that I can prescribe the right medicine."

"No, no, it's the mother... She's awakened!" Gorgon tried to hold on to what was taken away from her soul, and the extreme pain from her soul even made her tremble slightly.

The "Worm of All Beasts" she used to breed the monsters did not actually belong to her. It was temporarily lent to her by another goddess who symbolized the origin.

So the pain of being suddenly and forcibly deprived at this moment was like dozens of times more than scraping bones and cutting flesh, as unbearable as tearing the soul.

Although the mother's sad cry still echoed in her heart, the extremely strong pain now completely replaced those emotions.

Instead, there was even greater anger, hatred, sadness, self-denial and confusion...

Because the mother had something to sleep before, she temporarily lent her the power "Worm of All Beasts" to her so that she could destroy humans. Now that the mother woke up, she ignored her own pain and feelings and took it back so rudely.

This... is simply treating her as a tool!

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