That is, the base contract (AminoGass) automatically becomes the enemy of the human race.

It was for this reason that he brought this stranger, who had been beaten to the last breath by Gorgon, here to add some combat power to his subsequent plans.

"The essence of life should have been successfully changed, but the most fundamental self-awareness has not been affected, as if it was protected by some force..."

Jin Gu tilted his head and looked doubtfully at the man in front of him who could no longer be called a human.

Is it because the black mud was not soaked long enough? No, the erosion and assimilation effect of the Sea of ​​Life is absolute, and its astonishing contagiousness makes even gods dare not touch it easily.

But the current situation is that this guy who can't even compare to a Heroic Spirit Servant is still inexplicably maintaining his original self.

How strange.

Jin Gu pondered, his beautiful brows furrowed deeply.

He had already wasted too much time on this man who was neither above nor beyond. When he "went out" this morning, he promised that the puppet would bring him "lunch". However, it was already afternoon, but he still hadn't. Being busy "outside".

Is this a broken promise? Well...he didn't like breaking promises.

But things about my mother are the top priority.

Thinking of this, Jin Gu suddenly fell into deep entanglement.

The mad dean, who was bound by the Heavenly Locks and unable to move, began to check his character panel.

"The four-dimensional attributes have increased a bit, and I have also gained the ability to proliferate and divide individuals, making it extremely difficult to kill. However, the race has been changed, and it even seems to have escaped the scope of carbon-based life... Wait, The survival exploration mission is over!”

Seeing this, the Crazy Dean's pupils shrank instantly.

Then why hasn't he returned to the main god space?

No, the interstellar transport ship responsible for manned return has been destroyed, so it is normal that he has not returned for the time being, but...since the base camp has been completely destroyed, why hasn't he been wiped out by the Lord God? !

A chill that made the soul tremble surged into his heart, and a crazy and twisted chaotic expression was hidden under the broken mask.

At this time, the insane director suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky above.

A dark space crack was torn open there at some point, revealing a scene of the starry sky and a corner of a scarlet Rubik's Cube. A figure wearing a tattered black robe walked out of it.

The moment his dull eyes met his, the Mad Dean instantly felt his hair standing on end. There was an extremely strong sense of crisis that enveloped his whole body and soul, which was called——


"Violator target found."

The cold, dull mechanical sound echoed in the sky above the Persian Gulf, and the wings of flesh proliferated and spread, filling the air with a terrifying virus that could corrode the dragon.

And Jin Gu, who was originally deep in thought, finally noticed a terrifying existence above him that could be called a monster even though it contained no magic power in its body -

The next second.

A pair of big hands loaded with super alloy armor instantly grabbed the heads of the other two people present.

"Start clearing."



A loud roar that seemed to burst the eardrums echoed throughout the Broken Valley.

Dozens of dark red beams that condensed the magic power of the Age of Gods to the extreme swept across the land, plowing deep ravines, but they could never capture the figure that was flashing and disappearing behind the hands.

"The hiding bugs are annoying."

Gorgon's tone was cold, and the ferocious snake heads turned from purple hair suddenly started to rotate in coordination with each other, causing dozens of dark red beams to form a spiral vortex, and finally they all concentrated in the center, just catching the That figure happened to appear.

"'Shield of Impure Impact·Seventh Layer'."

Gafan raised his hand, causing seven lavender barriers derived from the strongest defensive skills of the vampire ancestors from another world to appear instantly, blocking the huge light beam that could penetrate the mountain.

Bang, bang, bang——

The three barriers shattered in response, and Gorgon used all his strength to activate the petrified magic eye, amplifying his own beam of light that could be called a torrent of magic power. At the same time, he also sent out a few hair snakes to strangle and hiss, blocking the opponent's retreat.

"You are much stronger than Shalltear."

Gafan sighed, and then disappeared instantly, causing the light beam and the hair snake to fly away.

And just as Gorgon frowned and looked around to search for the target, the sound of disturbing the rules of the world came from above.


As soon as he finished speaking, the sky with a radius of two kilometers——

Then it was suppressed with a bang!

A huge beam of light reaching the sky and the earth descended on the broken valley, drowning the huge body of the Goddess of Warcraft. It was so powerful that the earth began to sink.

But at the first moment after the light beam dispersed, a dark red beam of light pierced the sky and instantly swept away the afterimage of that hateful human being.

"It's so resistant to beatings, even Momonga's skills are useless."

Gafan, who was suspended hundreds of meters in the air, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he looked down at the snake god standing in the center of the huge circular pit.

If that idiot goddess Ishtar had suffered this attack, she would have been beaten down and allowed to do whatever she wanted.

"Gafan, do you want to use the "Information Body" state?" The system on the shoulder in the Tuanzi state suggested, "That way we can subdue this guy very easily."

"No, that ability can only be used once every three days, and the use time limit is only ten minutes."

Gafan rolled his eyes and refused: "Besides, it's been less than three days since the last time I used it, so I can't use it even if I want to."

He glanced at the swarm of monsters coming from afar a few miles away, and casually snapped his fingers, causing the atoms there to vibrate and shatter into several nuclear explosions, then ignored them.

"Demiurge's time-freezing magic is not very effective on this goddess, and because the body is constructed more with magic power, the physical defense of sonic resonance is not very effective... Tsk, that’s hard to do.”

While Gafan used high-level teleportation to dodge the snake's hunting attack, he scratched the back of his head in some trouble.

In order not to wake up Ti Ma who is still in a sleeping state in advance, the life of the Goddess of Warcraft cannot be harmed. The best way is to seal it, and he has just promised the little girl Anna to create a life for her. Opportunities to communicate with each other...

Therefore, the "Yan Jin" used to kill gods and immortal beings will not be taken out, and replaced with the "World Slate".

Thinking of this, an ancient stone slab with an unremarkable appearance appeared out of thin air in Gafan's hand.

He looked down at the gods below and thought that he just had an idea that he wanted to test.

[Characteristic ②——"Secret of Magic Power\

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