"Ti, ya, horse, special!!!"

Goddess of Warcraft, Gorgon roared at the top of his lungs, his voice filled with unspeakable hatred, even faintly surpassing his disgust for humans at this moment.

The sharp claws carved deep marks on the hardened ground.

At this moment, a mass of formless and insubstantial things invisible to the naked eye finally successfully broke away from her body and returned to the distance of the horizon without any hesitation.


Raising his hand, Gafan, who didn't have time to leave the thing behind, stared blankly in the direction of the Persian Gulf.

what happens?

The goddess of origin and the mother of mankind - Tiamat is about to wake up? ? ?

"What the hell, why?"

Ga Fan felt like he was filled with question marks now, because this was simply inexplicable.

He spun around in circles with a headache and confusion, and began to think about the reason, but suddenly discovered something.

"......Wait a minute."

Stopping floating in circles, Gafan looked at the Goddess of Warcraft who was so weak that he lay motionless on the ground with a suspicious look on his face.

"Are you getting smaller?"

Chapter 311: He may be lost

"The illegal target has been cleared...Zi, error..."

Deep in the Persian Gulf, on the sea surface that has turned into some kind of dark substance, the cloaked man with one arm missing spreads out the broken flesh wings on his back to maintain his flying state. In the only remaining hand, there is still Catch a head that is being gradually eroded and annihilated by the forbidden virus.

"Start to recycle the contract mark, go back... sizzling, go back... sizzling... Failed to recycle..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his remaining arm was instantly destroyed by a beam of light that penetrated the clouds from below.

The cloaked man, whose energy reserves in his body had been exhausted, looked down with dull eyes, where the girl who exuded the aura of the God of Creation was surrounded by countless dark monsters emerging from the sea.

"...Discover high-value individuals, recommend capture, and seize power."

He quickly analyzed the data information with an expressionless face and passed it to the Scarlet Rubik's Cube far away from Jupiter, which carried the main god's partial consciousness.

Even though his body was being bitten and devoured by the dark monsters that had already flown high into the sky, there was no reaction at all.

Until this body, which represents the ultimate product of the current virus system in the Lord God Space, is completely destroyed.

The shores of the Persian Gulf.

On a messy Gobi beach, a green-haired figure who looked a little embarrassed sat up from a terrifying pit with some difficulty, frowning and covering her chest.

"He was suddenly knocked away for more than ten miles, and even the Holy Grail in his body was almost knocked out... That monster has no divinity or rationality at all."

Jin Gu stood up slowly and flew out of the edge of the pit. After standing on the sand, he staggered forward a few steps, but his eyes were always looking into the distance of the sea.

"Thanks to my mother, I was able to destroy that monster so easily, but it shouldn't be... Why is my mother awake now? It's just that the shock of the aftermath of the battle is obviously impossible to wake him up from his slumber. It's that monster. Is there anything special about it?”

He lowered his head and thought.

But compared to this kind of thing, now that his mother has awakened, the plan to destroy mankind can be implemented in advance. The most important thing now is that he wants to go to the mother who created him first, talk to her, and tell her He remembered his thoughts and even gave him a wreath representing his gratitude for giving him life...


The sound of flesh and blood being pierced by sharp instruments filled the desolate Gobi beach with the smell of blood mixed with earthy smell.

Jin Gu was stunned.

He looked down slowly and stiffly, and found that his chest had been pierced by a sharp black limb, and the Holy Grail that was originally hidden in his body was carefully held at the tip.

The link to the supply of magic power was broken, and an unprecedented feeling of weakness was quickly spreading throughout his body.

Jin Gu slowly turned his head and looked behind him, looking in disbelief at this strange-looking man with no facial features and a big mouth with only a mocking smile on his face. He originally expected to be the second generation of his brother. The dark monster of Warcraft.

After a moment of silence, he asked in a very unnatural tone.


Then, I got an answer that was unabashed, full of ridicule, and extremely malicious.

"Jin Gu, mother is awake, you are useless."


Jupiter's rings, among countless cosmic dust.

As an outsider in this world, the Scarlet Cube successfully received a message from the earth.

[The power of creation...individuals of gods and demons...high-value targets...the Holy Grail...the king's treasure...Chaldea...anomalies in the space-time dimension have been detected...]

All the intelligence collected in the past month or so has been integrated into statistics and total value analysis at a very high speed.

Countless data streams extending in the dimensional cracks are being recycled.

In the dead universe, the ominous scarlet fluorescence began to become more and more obvious.

After a long time.

[The value reaches the standard, the main tasks have been drawn up, classified and plundered. 】

[Start self-examination... 57.9% of the energy reserve remains... 99,500 contractors remain... 736 starship battleships... 3 authority managers...]

[The success rate of world plunder is judged to be 95.8%, the target has been met, and the execution is confirmed. 】

The cold mechanical sound resounded in this area without air medium, and began to vibrate the space violently.

[Preparation for ultra-teleportation, preparation for time and space blockade, preparation for plundering world node authority...3%...27%%...99%...Preparation completed, space coordinates have been locked successfully. 】

next moment.

A space passage with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters appeared. The scene revealed at the other end was not a beautiful living planet, but a barren land and countless craters. That was——

The far side of the moon.

[This time, the energy reserve is expected to consume 2%, and the transmission will begin. 】


A dense forest with beautiful mountains and clear waters somewhere.

Next to a clear mountain stream, there is a slightly simple cabin. It looks ugly but is very sturdy.

I just don’t know why there are several conspicuous tooth marks on the door frame and a slap mark that goes deep into the wood.

And sitting on a stubborn rock at the door was a strange man wearing a middle school uniform with an expressionless face. He was looking down at the grilled fish in his hand that was no different than charcoal, thinking about whether to eat it.

Finally, he decided to bake another one.

Because last time he handed such a "grilled fish" to his best friend and kindred spirit, he was immediately beaten.

"Why hasn't Jin Gu come back yet? I'm hungry."

I casually grabbed a fish that I had finally caught in the river at noon from the wooden barrel on the side, removed the internal organs, and inserted it with a thin wooden stick with a sharp tip. After holding it on the campfire, the puppet also started to talk to itself with a paralyzed face. started talking.

"I'm hungry, so he must be hungry too. Friends, I want to eat together and share food. I promised that I would be back at lunch. It's almost dusk now, so... I'm worried."

He murmured without any fluctuation in his tone, and finally said a word that was very novel to him.

Although the puppet doesn't know if this is the emotion in his heart right now, after all, this is the first time since his birth that he has felt this kind of emotion and described it in human terms.

Looking at the grilled fish on the campfire that was gradually turning into charcoal, the doll was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly stood up slowly from the stubborn rock where it had been sitting all afternoon.

"I want to find Jin Gu, I can't leave him alone, otherwise..."

"He'll be alone."

Following this simple, or pure, rationale, the puppet turned around and walked directly to the back of the wooden house after swallowing a lot of "coke" that had accumulated in one gulp.

And he didn't forget to throw a few pieces of special ore into his mouth and chew them as snacks.

He still has a lot of these "snacks" in his arms, which were given to him by Jin Gu. After eating them, the materials that make up the body can be strengthened again.

There were many other strange things, and he swallowed them all.

"Little Green."

Coming to the open space behind the simple wooden house, a huge monster was crawling and resting here. Its emerald green scales were shining brightly in the sunlight, and a pair of wide dragon wings could still cover it even if they had been folded up. Most of its body.

This is a pterosaur.

It was not conceived by the goddess of the Blood Temple, but was picked up and raised by him and his friends after beating him up in a dense forest somewhere.

The pterosaur, whose nap was interrupted, sneezed in disgust when he saw one of the two beings he hated coming over, and even spit out some blazing flames.

If it hadn't been for the green-haired guy who brought him all kinds of monster corpses as food every day, and even fed him some fat, he wouldn't have stayed here.

But the doll didn't care at all.

He just walked forward expressionlessly and touched the other person's scales. There was a friendly appetite hidden deep in his calm eyes.

"You're a lot fatter than you were a few weeks ago...can you still fly that fast?"

The puppet muttered to itself, even swallowed without leaving a trace, and then finally jumped on the other person's back.

"Let's go find Jin Gu."

He looked up at the sun that had gradually set, twitched his nose a few times, searching for the familiar light fragrance, and then whispered to Xiao Lu, who had spread his dragon wings at his feet and was about to fly high into the sky.

"He might be lost."

Chapter 312: Clay Doll’s Best Friend

The dusk is dim and the setting sun is like blood.

The setting sun sheds a gorgeous golden glow, covering the entire wilderness with golden gauze like cicada wings, and casting a mysterious color on the boundless land.

But under this beautiful twilight, there is a group of dark monsters like locusts, like a large spread net, unfolding the encirclement, chasing the green-haired figure in front of them who is escaping in embarrassment.

Covering the fatal wounds that penetrated his chest front and back, Jin Gu looked behind him, looking at the second-generation monsters bred by his true mother, Tiamat, representing the new human beings who replaced the old ones, named Lahm. The dark monsters.

They have a crusty skin that is brown in color. They have no eyes and ears on their heads, and no sniffing noses. They only have a row of upright pale teeth that look particularly bright at night. They also have ferocious limbs that are as sharp as a mantis's sickle. Holes are constantly being made on the ground in the wilderness.

And always made an unpleasant mocking sound full of pure malice, "jijijijijijijijijijijiji——".

Such an ugly posture is worse than old humans... no, even worse than Warcraft. How could such a defective product be his brother? How sad.

Jin Gu laughed at himself in his heart.

Because they were both created by their mother, even if their shapes are different, they are still considered the same kind.

Oh, and the saddest thing is that he is still being chased by these scum-like "similar people"... No, in fact, he has thought about this problem a long time ago, although he has been suppressing it. Don't think about those things yourself.

That is, what kind of existence is oneself?

Jin Gu buried his head and ran away with all his strength without looking back.

Because the Holy Grail, which was originally an energy source in his body, had been seized by a sneak attack and used to increase the magic power of his mother who had awakened due to unknown reasons, he was now so weak that he could be called "frail".

If it weren't for the fact that he immediately used the magic power in his body to escape decisively after being stabbed in the back, he would have been left on the deserted shore of the Persian Gulf forever.

What a fluke, although even so, it only temporarily delayed his death.

Jin Gu gritted his teeth, and while running, he was still thinking wildly.

His body is not his own, but the remains of an existence named "Enkidu". He is just a successor body borrowing the other person's body.

In that case...can he still be considered created by his mother?

Is he different from Lahmu who was conceived by Tiamat, and from all humans who inhabit this land?

Is he...nothing, just a fake created using Enkidu's body, a...has no life, no name, no one cares, disappears and no one cares , a clay doll that has no meaning in existence?

Thinking of this, Jin Gu's thoughts became more and more confusing, but he could no longer suppress or ignore these doubts that he had had since he was born with self-awareness.

And it was precisely because of his distraction that one of the monsters chasing behind, Rahmu, who was chasing at the front, finally succeeded in sprinting behind him and directly thrust out his sharp forelimbs.

"Get away!"

Jin Gu reacted in time, angrily summoned several chains that should be able to bind the gods, and attacked the opponent.

But after touching the hard body made of black mud, it directly shattered into sparse dim light spots without causing any harm.

"Hahahaha, you are so weak, you are so weak, Jin Gu, you are so weak, hahahaha!"

Rahmu looked at the clay doll who had barely escaped his attack and had a stunned look on his face, and he let out a malicious mockery from his mouth.

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