Hundreds of Bai Xiu appeared at an unknown time, jumping happily on the ground, and the "corpse" had been assimilated into several other new Bai Xiu who were in a state of doubt.

However, only a small part of the "corpse" is assimilated.

The other part was completely swallowed in the true sense and converted into a trace amount of original energy, which was used to consume the birth of the new Baixiu's self-awareness.

Balance, achieved.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!!"

Tens of thousands of monsters rushed out of the space cracks, roaring crazily to the sky, turning into a dark wave that could swallow everything, and instantly drowned the thousands of harmless white dumplings.



The soul-shaking bells echoed, and the dark waves all froze and turned into "dead things".

So, the next moment.

A huge white dumpling that swelled to dozens of meters high broke out from the "stagnant water", with thousands of small white dumplings jumping on it.

In their simple understanding, the current situation is equivalent to——

dinner time.


This time, a snow-white wave surged upstream, violently rushing towards the 100-meter-high space crack.

One of the divine servants had all the pitch-black tentacles hidden in his body emerge at the same time, poking at the white dumplings that surged towards him like a natural disaster.

[Flesh and blood parasitizes, the life code is restored, restored... nourished... restored... restored failed...]

Then, he was instantly overwhelmed.

As for the other servants of God who reacted at the rear, their faceless faces opened up with a bloody mouth at the same time, and all of them condensed amazing energy, turning into dark beams of light, fiercely directed at the snow-white wave. Shoot hard.

But they were all blocked by lavender barriers in the middle.

Even if occasionally a beam of light could break through the blockade and hit Baixiu, it would be completely dodged by it after transforming into a spirit state.

The passage that was supposed to bring disaster and killing to the world was now completely blocked.

"Wow, these little guys have assimilated too quickly, haven't they?"

Holding a slime bun in his hand, the system as the main body opened his mouth slightly in a daze.

To be honest, this was the first time that she had completely allowed the white cats to increase their own species wantonly. There was no similar record of the terrifying assimilation speed, even in her database.

However, the range of activities of the white cocks is basically within the range of the ringtone.

Because if it exceeds this range, then they will face "living animals".

They hate that.

They only want to assimilate dead things.

But even this is enough for the system. After all, she is just here to help block this exit.

Well, and by the way, save that annoying guy who thinks she is Gafan's daughter.

"Hey, you bastard, Bai Xiu has helped you suppress the strange things remaining in your body. If you want to completely eliminate them, you have to wait for Gafan to finish his work before coming over."

After all, white cats are not willing to burrow into the flesh and blood of living people and find small things that look like earthworms to eat.

After taking a bite of the slime bun, the system turned to look at Purgatory Anjurou, who had regenerated his severed limbs due to the full recovery medicine, and said something vaguely.

He also pointed at the white dumpling on the other side's shoulder who seemed to be in a daze.

"Leave the rest to my white boys, just take a good rest."

After hearing these words, Purgatory Anjuro, who was in a daze because the life-and-death crisis was lifted too suddenly, came back to his senses.

Then, he looked down at the child in front of him, his face once again regained the warm and encouraging smile in the past, and he raised his hand, touched the child's head, and thanked him calmly and softly.

"Thank you, kid, for saving my life."

"...You're welcome, and don't touch my head."

He rolled his eyes in displeasure, but the system did not resist.

Because she looked through the white mist that blurred the spatial distance, and saw the intact innocent people hiding in the houses, and the open-air courtyard where the monster corpses were piled up.

Before she arrived, the man in front of him seemed to have been desperately protecting these ordinary people who had nothing to do with him.

Even though I still don’t understand human emotions very well, after seeing this scene...

She no longer rejects this man wearing a flaming feather.

Although she took the initiative to help before, it was just because she didn't want Gafan to make a choice that would test his so-called "humanity".

For this reason, she was willing to do such troublesome things that were not suitable for her.

After taking another bite of the slime bun, I thought to myself as my soft hair was rubbed into a mess.

But at this time, Purgatory Anjuro's hearty voice suddenly turned a little serious.

"But please don't let your guard down, because..."

The blade of fire slashed out in an instant and met a terrifying iron fist that suddenly hit.


The sound of the sword echoed loudly, and the sparks from the friction illuminated the blood-stained and determined face of Purgatory Anjuro.

He looked at the four-meter-tall little giant in front of him who was obviously different from other faceless monsters. He had terrifying muscles on his back that looked like a crying grimace, and his aura was as terrifying as the strongest creature on earth.

said in a deep voice.

"The battle is not over yet."


at the same time.

In "The Map of Mountains and Rivers".

Above the desolate and endless desert.

The indescribable great existence perceives the situation in another different-dimensional space, the space crack opened by itself.

And after seeing the unexpected situation of blocking the passage and those strange white dumplings.

A trace of displeasure arose in his heart.

"Strange creatures, intrusive beings."

The huge palm was raised, and terrifying energy was gathering.

He is ready to cross space, carry out ultra-long-distance strikes, and give the snow-white wave a divine punishment that brings destruction and death.

But this time.

A supreme aura originating from the rules of the world suddenly appeared, causing his movements to pause.

Because his intuition told him.

A "power" that truly rivals his own appears.

Karsus subconsciously turned his gaze to the figure in blue and white robes in the distance, and his ears seemed to be hearing hallucinations, echoing a cold mechanical sound from an unknown source.

[...Synchronization is successful...the upper limit is lifted...the ultimate ability...]

[The "King of Truth" begins to operate normally. 】

"Hey, what did you want to do just now..."

Sitting on a dark throne automatically composed of sulfide carbyne, suspended in the sky as if walking on the ground.

The incomplete rules of the world began to come alive. Driven and coordinated by the ultimate ability, they all converged on a certain mortal body, causing it to completely transcend the essence of life at this moment——

Comparable to the gods.

Gafan looked down at the hundred-meter giant below with cold eyes.

"Do you really think I'm dead?"

One hand was raised casually.

Then in an instant, the false sky dispersed and turned into the boundless real sky, completely connected to the outside world.

The ancient R'lyeh language echoed, and the inexplicable fluctuations that stirred the rules spread.

Above the atmosphere hundreds of kilometers above the ground, close to the vast sky of the universe...

It seemed to be twisted for a moment.

"Spectral sorting, the stars borrow power."

Chapter 172: Mortal, you lose 5K6

Outside the Supreme Picture Scroll.

Earth, exosphere.

This is a place close to the starry sky of the universe and the boundary of the planet.

The air here is extremely thin, and the light will be absorbed or reflected on the clouds after passing here, eventually weakening the ultraviolet rays to a level that will not burn the human body.

And these seemingly "safe" cosmic starlights are also affected by another factor, thus converging, dispersing or refracting.

That is related to the movement of electrons inside atoms and the interference phenomenon of light, that is -


As the inexplicable fluctuations that stirred the rules spread to the extreme, the originally clear sky suddenly became dim, and the endless dead universe could even be vaguely seen.

In an instant, tens of thousands of invisible vortices appeared.

The cosmic rays that were originally calm and scattered suddenly became violent.

Then, it converged into strands of terrifying energy, condensed into dazzling beams of light, passed through the invisible vortex, crossed the thin atmosphere, and finally passed through the space passage hundreds of miles in diameter, all shooting towards the desolate desert——

It reaches heaven and earth!

The light with extremely strong energy fluctuations completely enveloped Karsus' vision.

And just when it subconsciously wanted to teleport first to avoid this "energy waterfall" that was terrifying in terms of intensity and scale, it discovered that the surrounding space had completely solidified at some point. This method... .....

It seems to be exactly the same as the one he used to seal the space before? !

I was suddenly surprised, but I didn't have time to think about it.

A dark red protective energy shield appeared instantly, and the violent cosmic rays that filled the sky just arrived.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom————!!!”

Just like the sound of thunder in nature, it is amplified hundreds or thousands of times.

The moment tens of thousands of light beams collided with the dark red barrier, the loud noise and sound waves emitted were enough to completely shatter the flesh and blood of ordinary people at close range.

The huge divine body that was originally suspended a thousand meters in the air was suddenly blasted down hundreds of meters.

Spider web-like cracks are all over the protective energy shield, as if it will be completely shattered in the next moment.

"With the help of the power of the stars...why can't I detect magic fluctuations?"

Using the maximum output power to replenish the energy shield and strengthen it, Karsus looked through the dazzling light at the tens of thousands of invisible vortices formed inexplicably in the atmosphere, and felt puzzled.

He couldn't understand how this thing came to be.

There is no suspicious energy at all.

But now is not the time to wonder about this kind of thing. After all, even He can't help but have some difficulty when blocking this level of star power.

As a result, the dark golden halo floating behind him flickered slightly.

"'Light Particle Interference·Laser Refraction'."

Suddenly, the cosmic rays all over the sky, after touching the dark red barrier full of cracks again, were inevitably refracted directly and could no longer cause continuous damage to it.

But, in the next moment.

These refracted violent cosmic rays encountered an invisible wall that was only effective for them, and were all directly reflected back.

And this time, it instantly shot through the body-protecting energy shield that was on the verge of breaking, turning it into fragments all over the sky!

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