"Spectral sorting, damage stacking."

Language stirs rules.

Sitting on the dark throne, Gafan looked down at the god below who was completely overwhelmed by the extreme light with cold eyes.

Witness that a grand fireworks, more powerful than a nuclear explosion, fully bloomed nearly a thousand meters above the desolate desert.

An absolute restricted area of ​​life was born, but...

not enough.

Just this alone is definitely not enough to kill this big guy who is 100 meters tall, Ga Fan thought in his heart.

After all, even the most powerful magic that could bring death to all things, even if it was copied from Momonga, only caused some minor injuries to the opponent.

This guy's magic resistance is absolutely ridiculously high, far better than anyone in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Moreover, the "King of Truth" state he has now entered by virtue of the rules of the synchronic world has a time limit.

Looking at the increasingly violent cosmic rays in the distance, sensing the terrifying aura within them that was not weak at all, Gafan frowned slightly, and the look in his eyes was solemn.

In the previous world, after he recovered from his injuries, he studied his newly discovered abilities with that guy Momonga.

Finally, it was confirmed that at that time, I could only maintain the bug-like foul state of this game for one minute at most. If this time limit was exceeded, my body and soul would completely collapse and I would die suddenly on the spot.

As for how to extend this time limit?

Ahem, this question was a bit out of line for him and Momonga.

In the end, the system helped to comprehensively check the body and abilities, and then it was determined that it was related to the "person".

But to be honest, there is no way to improve this mysterious-sounding condition.

So he simply gave up on it, turned to re-engraving, and tried hard to use his power of thinking to understand and study magic, so that the methods he mastered became much more diversified again.

But what Gafan didn't expect at that time was that the gift he received when he left the world happened to be related to "person".

That is the protection and blessing from the world, and its name is——


Therefore, it was checked and confirmed again by the system.

The maximum duration of "King of Truth" has been increased to three minutes.

"This move can only suppress the opponent, but cannot kill it."

Gafan murmured to himself: "We can't waste time, we have to change our approach."

Then, he snapped his fingers.

The tens of thousands of dazzling light pillars that penetrated the sky and the earth began to climb to the peak of power, which was also the last wave of offensive.

Facing this "energy waterfall" that was enough to burn the sky and boil the sea, Karsus accelerated the cracking of the surrounding space while trying his best to maintain the dark golden light attached to his body to resist the sudden explosion. Increased offensive.

However, with the spread of spiritual thoughts.

He also clearly sensed that somewhere in the atmosphere hundreds of kilometers above the ground, the tens of thousands of invisible vortices that had been gathering the power of the stars began to gradually dissipate for some reason.

Is it because the consumption is too great and it cannot be sustained?

But this kind of attack using external force should be able to last for a long time.

Before his absolutely rational thinking could figure out the doubts, Karsus suddenly discovered that the strange gravel hiding a faint breath of world rules had ignored the dark golden light that penetrated the body and was covered with it. His whole body.

Looking from a distance, the dark gray hundred-meter giant has turned into a golden "statue".

"What's the use of this, and how much energy will it erode from me?"

He raised his hand and stared at the strange gravel on his fingertips with indifferent eyes.

Karsus didn't know how many times he had done this, and felt a little puzzled again.

However, this contemptuous confusion completely disappeared after the gravel began to vibrate violently at a frequency that was so high that it was terrifying.

Because at this time, a very strong sense of crisis had enveloped him.

"The frequencies are in sync, the heaven and the earth resonate -"

The open five fingers slowly bent and clenched, as if they were compressing something invisible.

Gafan, who had some blue veins popping out on his forehead, whispered.


next moment.

With Karsus as the center point, an invisible sphere with a diameter of several thousand meters appeared instantly.

In this range, even the molecules of the air begin to vibrate at ultra-high frequencies that are absolutely unreachable by humankind's current technological level.

Penetrates the body, ignores defenses, goes straight to the inside, and spreads throughout the body.

There was no update related to magic. The purely physical terrifying attack directly and completely acted on the indescribable divine body.

At the same time, the last wave of violent cosmic rays just completely broke through the red-gold body surface energy, and all of them hit the god crazily.

BOOM! ! ! ! ! ! !

Great sound and sound.

A huge ultrasonic wave was born, affecting the entire desert.

Even the thin atmosphere in the sky was directly and completely shaken away, allowing the starlight from the universe to shine down without any hindrance and fall on the endless desert.

A huge broken arm nearly a hundred meters long fell from the sky and was inserted upside down in the sand.

The appearance that barely maintained integrity was full of cracks, and the interior was completely shattered.

Whether it's the ridiculously high magic resistance or the solid body that can't even be penetrated by a nuclear explosion.

At this moment, it all seemed meaningless.

"Well, this strategy works."

Gafan, whose vision had been enhanced to the limit, looked at the severed arm, nodded slightly, and relaxed his frown.

As long as you know what type of attack will be effective on this guy, then the next step will be easy.

He thought like this in his mind, and was also calculating how long he could maintain his current state.

Then, very suddenly, a dark red light completely occupied his entire field of vision.

This is a "Heavenly Pillar" with a diameter of one thousand meters.

Pupils are constricted.

If he is really hit by this move, he will be instantly blasted to a pulp, and even his energy-absorbing cells will not have time to absorb immunity.

However, after judging this, Gafan not only did not defend like he did in the previous battle, but instead did not dodge and actively raised his right hand.

"It's just a confrontation, do you really think I'm afraid of you?!"

He roared, frantically venting out the huge amount of energy that was being continuously transmitted from the different dimensions of his body, almost bursting his own body.

"Superelectronic beta rays!"

Immediately, a blazing light pillar that was no less than a dark red light pillar in size and a thousand meters in diameter appeared.

Moreover, he went straight towards him without any hesitation, and violently clashed with the opponent.

They collided hard!

As for such an attack, there is another name that is easier to understand, and that is——

"Interstellar Cannon".

Boom boom boom boom boom——! ! ! ! ! !

An energy aftermath strong enough to sweep through the entire desert space appeared.

It even caused the deathly silent earth to have an earthquake for the first time.

After different energies are hedging, in addition to canceling each other out, another situation will occur, that is, they will merge into a huge energy ball, and then...



Feeling that the energy fluctuations had climbed to a level that could not be described as frightening, Gafan, who was about to be blinded by the blazing light, did not hesitate to build hundreds of layers of defensive barriers for himself.

"The molecules are firmly fixed!"

And almost as soon as he finished speaking.

Whether it was Gafan or Karsus, at this moment, all senses and perceptions were blocked and plunged into darkness due to the strong attack from the outside world.

Even the barrier of nothingness at the border of the different dimension trembled slightly.

After a long time.

Perception is restored and consciousness is clear.

Ignoring the injuries in his body at all, the first thing Gafan did was to confirm the duration of the "King of Truth" and how much was left.

Then, he confirmed it.

Exactly half a minute.


No more delay!

At this time, the astonishing energy aftermath was still raging everywhere, even enough to produce static electricity visible to the naked eye.

There are also gravel flying all over the sky, blocking the sky and the sun.

It even makes the desert space turbid.

But all these bad situations were ignored by Gafan. The highest-level detection magic that spread out instantly locked onto the huge figure ten kilometers away.

Without any hesitation, the energy in his body was released crazily again.

"The direction of gravity is confused and distorted."

Then, a "dot" appeared.

Karsus, who was already cracked all over, instantly noticed something abnormal about himself.

The physical strength that far exceeded human imagination seemed to have turned into a water-like vortex at this moment, about to be completely shattered by some inexplicable force.

However, this abnormal situation was abruptly contained after the strange dark golden halo flashed.

But before Karsus could find out the source of this power, a small black stick without any energy fluctuations just landed on his head. That was——

The tungsten rod has been accelerated to the extreme.

As a result, another super-large explosion will shake the devastated boundless desert again.

At the same time, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose.

And soon, all the unsightly smoke and dust in the sky were swept away by a burst of extreme release of dark red light.

The picture that was revealed was that of a hundred-meter giant figure that had been shot down from the sky to the ground.

The strange dark golden halo became dim, cracks were everywhere on the god's body, and half of the dark tentacles that made up the lower body had already been blown off.

Literally bruised and battered.

Extremely embarrassed.

This ugly appearance made Karthus' indifferent mentality finally no longer as calm and calm as it was at the beginning. Instead, he felt the emotion called anger for the first time.

"Mortal, you have gone too far!"

The powerful spiritual thought that spread throughout the desert space instantly locked onto the hateful figure wearing a blue and white robe.

Karsus suddenly raised his only remaining arm, gathered all his energy, and spoke an indescribable ancient language in a cold voice.

"I want to take you..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

Changes occur suddenly.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button on the flow of time.

The light stops and the sound wave stops.

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