In the air where nothing existed, a dark crack hundreds of meters high appeared silently.

And it’s still expanding rapidly!

He could even vaguely see a desolate world through the crack, as well as a group of monsters that seemed to be about to rush over, as numerous as a dark wave.

What's this?

Purgatory Anjuro thought with astonishment on his face, and at the same time, he instinctively felt in his heart...

This "wonderful scene" appeared because of myself.


The dying body slowly stood up.

The flame feather fabric representing the flame pillar was stained with mottled blood and rustled in the wind.

Even the thick blood stains on the Nichirin knife in the man's hand did not cover up the four characters.

"Destroy evil spirits".


at the same time.

Through the spiritual link with the "Mountain and River Sacrifice Map", Gafan controlled the wasteland world, directly consumed energy crazily, and suddenly increased its gravity coefficient to the maximum.

In an instant, the entire vast land seemed to sink slightly.

But the pitch-black wave and tsunami just lagged behind its ferocious momentum and slowed down a lot, but it still surged crazily towards the huge space crack connecting the real world.

They want to kill all the creatures they meet and bring enough flesh and blood energy to the great existence.

"Fuck, you evil beast!!!"

Gafan was angry.

Desperately controlling the "Mountains and Rivers Sacrifice Map", he wanted to close the damn space rift that directly reaches reality.

But even if he uses all his strength, he can only make the "channel" stop expanding, and then gradually shrink at an extremely slow speed.

If this continues, it will definitely be too late to close the "door" again before the monsters rush out to kill people.

Judging this, Gafan was about to teleport back to the desolate extra-dimensional space and deal with all those damn monsters, but he saw the hundred-meter-tall dark gray giant with splitting eyes, and once again Scratch your fingers.


Beside Karsus, a similar space crack is gradually appearing.

He is also going out.


This scene made Gafan stunned for a moment.

Because of the two "passages", he could only block one at a time and then let the monster in the other escape.

Moreover, although he succeeded in clearing the city of monsters, almost all of his summons were also killed, and the remaining few were de-summoned in order not to cause unnecessary consumption.

Now, he had no time to summon a skeleton army of that size again to block the wave of monsters, each of which seemed to be stronger than the death knight.

Although the other party seems to rely on some existence to act as a spatial anchor, using this to directly break through the blockade of the picture scroll.

Theoretically, as long as the so-called "space anchor point" is erased, the "door" should be able to be closed directly, but...

After sensing through the crack in space, I "saw" who was standing outside.

Gafan directly rejected this method.

Because if he really did that, he would feel that he was no longer worthy of being a "human", and he would have no shame in meeting the two most important people in his life.

Bloodshot eyes filled his eyes, and chaos and crazy emotions filled his heart, transforming into absolute hysteria.

He didn't know what to do next.

And this time.

A familiar crisp voice echoed in his ears, dispelling the anger in his eyes.

"Gafan, leave it to me over there."

He looked at it subconsciously, and then discovered that it was a system that had jumped out of his mind at some point, and there was still a white squeak on his little head.

The other person was floating next to him, with a cute smile on his face, giving him a thumbs up.

"Wait, this isn't..."

Gafan subconsciously wanted to refuse, but suddenly found that the other party in human form seemed to be suspended in the sky by himself.

And his reaction made the system slap him hard with dissatisfaction, and puffed up his cheeks angrily.

That look of disgust seems to mean who are you looking down on?

Then she opened her little mouth.

The system revealed a small piece of it that was being bitten by itself, a pale white crystal tentacle with an illusory color and wrapped in old yellow cloth.

Seeing this thing, Gafan was stunned for a moment.

He had gotten this strange thing from the body of the so-called mountain god before, and then he threw it into the storage space and ignored it.

And the next moment, under his dumbfounded gaze, the system swallowed it without hesitation.

The snow-white neck twitched, a disgusting expression appeared on her delicate and pretty face, and she stuck out her pink little tongue.

Finally, the system extended its little fist to the man in front of it.

She tilted her head and smiled as cutely as ever.

"Aren't we partners?"

Looking at this scene, they looked into those clean blue eyes.

Gafan was slightly silent.


Then, his indifferent expression returned to its usual gentleness, and he smiled softly.

He once said that he respects all the other party's ideas.

Because they are completely equal.

Then, a larger fist collided with the raised small fist.

"Well, you're right...please, partner."

Chapter 171: Using a mortal body to rival gods

The reason why I was born stronger than ordinary people is to protect those who are weaker than myself.

These words were the instructions given to him by his late mother.

She is a very intellectual and gentle person, and even though more than ten years have passed, her face is still clearly visible in her memory.

Human life is very short and fragile, but it is precisely because of this that it appears so beautiful and valuable.

Looking at the wave of monsters that were about to rush out of the space crack, Purgatory Anjuro took a long breath.

He has spent his whole life trying to fulfill his mother's instructions.

Kill the evil man-eating ghosts, protect the innocent people who live an ordinary and happy life, fight against evil, rescue the weak, and help others.

He really has worked hard.

" seems that my life is coming to an end."

Purgatory Anjuro, who was covered in blood, muttered to himself.

He had determined two things.

The first thing is that I alone cannot stop the wave of monsters that are about to rush out of this strange crack, and the innocent people taking refuge in this house have no time to evacuate.

The second thing is...

As long as he dies, this "channel" seems to be closed.

The surrounding space froze for a moment, and the Nichirin sword used to kill evil spirits was slowly raised.

Purgatory Anjuro can feel that he is becoming uncontrollably abnormal and gradually escaping from the scope of "humanity". He clearly realizes that he is losing his qualifications as a "human", so...

The thing that needs to be killed is right here.

The dark tentacles hidden in the stab wounds on his chest seemed to have noticed his thoughts, and they immediately started struggling crazily, trying to control his body, but they were tightly clamped by the muscles that had been trained to the extreme.

"My lord, everyone in the Demon Slayer Squad, Senjuro, and...father, I'm sorry, I did my best."

After letting out the last helpless sigh, Purgatory Anjuro slowly closed his eyes, gripped the handle of the knife tightly, and was about to kill himself and cut off his head when he suddenly felt someone pulling his arm.

There was also a somewhat familiar voice coming from my ears.

"Don't give up your life so quickly, you annoying guy. Gafan will make him feel guilty and sad."

The somewhat immature female voice also contained a hint of unabashed disgust and resentment.

This made Purgatory Xingjulang subconsciously open his eyes and look sideways.

Then he found that the white-haired little girl named System had come close to him at some point, standing on tiptoes, holding his right arm holding the knife tightly with both hands.

The other party's little face swelled up and turned a little red from holding back, as if he had already exerted all his strength to suck the milk.


This scene made him slightly stunned. After he came to his senses, he quickly said urgently: "You should leave quickly, it's very dangerous here."

"I know the danger, that's why I came."

In the end, he gave up on the system of pulling down the opponent's arm, curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and then, under the opponent's shocked gaze, he pulled off his little cheek and pulled out a confused white dumpling.

This bizarre scene really stunned Purgatory Anjuro for a moment.

And then, the system casually struck the Bai Xiu on the ferocious knife wound on the opponent's chest.

After a few seconds, she took Bai Xiu away again.

As for the few pitch-black tentacles extending out of the wound, they had completely disappeared, and even the blood flowing out began to turn from black to red again.

"Hiccup, hey?"

Bai Xiu, who was caught in the hand of the main body, hiccupped in a daze and was still in a state of confusion.

It didn't understand why it was suddenly caught by the main body, and it also ate something very unpleasant for no reason.

But Bai Xiu's thoughts have always been unimportant to the system.

After throwing the little guy and the jelly-like full recovery potion onto Purgatory Anjuro's shoulders at the same time, the system stretched again and imitated someone else, snapping its fingers in a substandard manner.

Suddenly, the ringing sound that came from nowhere suddenly echoed in every inch of the surrounding space.

Ignore the body and directly shake the soul.

This is the ultimate version of a strange ability from a guy who calls himself a mountain god, amplified by the original tentacles bred for hundreds of years.

Now the system has learned how to sneeze, eating the pale tentacles, and used them directly for the time being.

To be honest, the taste of that thing is really worse than green pepper.

The white fog that covered the sky and the earth had filled the vicinity at some point, blocking perception and blurring the distance in space.

And just then.

The so-called divine slave, the one running at the front, finally broke out of the 100-meter-high space crack and came to reality.

However, as soon as it landed, the three-meter-tall monster's body instantly collapsed to the ground as if it was in a coma.

At the same time, there were a few wisps of something like gray mist coming out of it.

That is the "soul" that was shaken out by the ringing, although it can only be regarded as fragments. After completely losing the potential residual consciousness, the only thing that can still control this body is the instinct of the dark tentacles hidden in it. .

And in this case...

For the white cats, they can only be regarded as "dead things".

"Hey? Hey!"

A cute cry appears.

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