"So this time we are going to……"

Feng Jianhe smiled and didn't respond, changing the subject.

"It's Miss Kosaka Natsumi's castle. Oh, right, Xiaolan should have told me about it, right?"

Just as Sonoko was about to explain the situation, she suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Xiaolan next to her.

Xiaolan nodded.

"I talked about Kaito Kidd and the Egg of Memories, but not much else."

"Ah, that's good! Ah... no no, I mean, in this case, I'll introduce you on the way."

Yuanzi smiled like a fox who stole a chicken.

Xiao Ai pulled the corner of Feng Jianhe's clothes.

Feng Jianhe leaned over strangely.

"What's wrong, Xiao Ai?"

"This young lady likes you?"

Kazama Tsuru:...Is it obvious that Sonoko is showing it?...It seems to be obvious.

"It seems so, but I am not very interested in her. Her destined person has not arrived yet."

"The destined person?"

Xiao Ai was quite interested in divination. After hearing Feng Jianhe's mysterious words, she also became interested.

"Well, it should appear soon.

Feng Jianhe didn't say much.

""Brother Fengjian, what are you talking about?"

Conan didn't know when he ran to the side of the two people, and he didn't know how much of the conversation he had just heard.

"This is a little secret that Ai told me, Conan can't know it."

Feng Jianhe smiled, full of the tone of coaxing a child.

Conan's mouth twitched, but he didn't burst out.

"What is this little secret? Can't you tell me?"

Conan looked up with his eyes wide open, looking so cute.

However, Kazama Tsuru, who knew his true identity, couldn't feel his cuteness at all. Instead, he was thinking:

This high school student detective might be bad... I have to call him an elementary school student detective next time.

Kazama Tsuru looked at Conan's height and nodded secretly.

"This little secret is actually nothing. If Conan must know, he can tell it."

Just when Kazama Kazu was thinking about all sorts of things and how to fool Conan, Xiao Ai spoke.

This familiar tone made Conan's heart skip a beat.

"Wait for me……"

"There are several girls in the school who like Conan, but Conan never said who he likes. Is he trying to keep them hanging?"

Conan, that's not good~"

Ai imitated Ayumi's tone perfectly.

Conan's mouth twitched.

It's over, too late.

He turned his head slowly and stiffly, and sure enough, Xiaolan looked at him with a strange look.

"Conan, is this true? Are you really……"

"Sister Xiaolan, I actually……"

Xiaolan was almost at a loss for words as she spoke.

Conan is only in elementary school, but he has already been pursued by so many girls, and he hasn't responded yet...

This is exactly the same as Shinichi back then!

I still remember that Shinichi actually showed himself another girl's love letter... What a big idiot!!


As Xiaolan thought about it, she went from being excited to being angry, and in the end, only a deep longing was left.

Sonoko stroked her chin and looked at Conan, thinking,"I didn't expect Conan to be like this!"……"

"No, I……"

"You are really amazing, you are so young and already so popular with girls, hahaha, you are exactly the same as me back then! Hahaha!"

"I just!……"

Uncle Maori's loud laughter woke Xiaolan up from her thoughts


Xiaolan's fists hardened.

Conan was speechless after all, watching all this, without any chance to interrupt.

It's so hard for me.jpg

Feng Jianhe smiled, watching a group of people having fun, and reached out to rub Xiao Ai's head, which earned him a cold eye roll from the cold scientist.

It's great……

"Ahem, well, let's not talk about this secret. Brother Fengjian, you are holding a cane in your hand. Are you feeling unwell?"

Conan looked around and quickly found a good topic.

Sure enough, Xiaolan, Sonoko and Uncle Maori were all attracted to it.

"Feng Jian almost went blind before, so he won't go blind this time.……"

Xiaolan looked at Fengjian He and looked very worried.

She looked at his eyes again and saw that he was in focus, so there shouldn't be any problem. She was relieved.

"Don't worry, Xiaolan, I'm fine. I only have the cane to prevent that from happening again."

"That's good……"

Xiaolan smiled

"Okay, okay, this guy doesn't look like he has anything to do. If there is anything, get in the car first!

This time I have an appointment with Officer Megure to meet at the castle, so we can't delay any longer!"

"Dad, I'm just concerned about Kazama-nii.……"

So they got in the car and continued chatting during the journey.

Sonoko tried hard to remember the popular science of Conan, Kosaka Natsumi and others, and showed off her knowledge in front of Kazama Tsuru.

She talked about the Egg of Memories, the Romanov Dynasty, and the evil monk Rasputin.

Kazama Tsuru didn't interrupt her, but kept listening with a smile. The two of them were surprisingly harmonious, one quiet and one moving.

The whole car arrived at the destination with Sonoko's popular science.

"Ha! Brother Maori, you are here! And brother Kazama!"

Kazama Tsuru finally got the nickname of"brother".

He didn't feel anything, because he had expected this when he decided to give himself the personality of a detective.

In fact, he was a little surprised that Inspector Megure called him"brother" so late.

But after thinking about it, he appeared as a"dead person" when he first met Inspector Megure.

It didn't seem to get any better later, so he was relieved.

"Officer Megure, Officer Shiratori, and Miss Kosaka, everyone is here!"

Xiaolan greeted with a smile

"Oh, right, isn't there……"

Yuanzi found something wrong, it seemed that a few people were missing

"The others said they were going to the outskirts of the castle while they were waiting for you to come, and they haven't come back yet."

Kosaka Natsumi explained with a smile

"I told you guys to hurry up.……"

Uncle Maori immediately assumed the posture of a prophet, with his hands on his hips, eyes closed, and head raised.


Xiaolan was speechless

"Let's go in first, I'll call them later."

Kosaka Natsumi looked very gentle

""Okay, thank you for your help~"

Xiaolan responded with a smile.

And so everyone entered the ancient castle of Yokosuka.

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