【Enter the hospital and be rewarded with elementary flower arrangement skills】

【Heart disease, memory bonus +5]

The system's reward arrived as expected. Feng Jianhe glanced at it casually and found nothing useful.

Recently, Xiao Ai has been reading magazines for a lot longer than going to the laboratory. It seems that it has come to an end.

"Xiao Ai, how is the experiment going?"

Xiao Ai heard what Feng Jianhe said, turned away from the magazine, gently picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip.

After all, she had been with Feng Jianhe for a long time, and she also got used to drinking tea.

"How come the great writer who has always stopped me from doing experiments is now starting to care about my experiments?"

Feng Jianhe smiled, put away the book in his hand, stood up and walked over.

When Xiao Ai saw his action, her expression became unnatural and she was a little nervous.

"What? Are you angry because of shame?"

Feng Jianhe looked at the unnatural expression of the brown-haired girl, her big eyes dodging, and found it funny.

"I just came here to change a book."

He chuckled, as if he didn't notice what Xiao Ai was worried about, but his smile, which was different from usual, said it all.

"……Who cares what you do?"

Xiao Ai murmured, turning her head away, her face flushed slightly.

"So your experiment……"

"Well, the experiment is almost over. I have developed a temporary antidote. Although it is still far from a permanent antidote, it is enough for now."

"That's good."

Feng Jianhe took the new book and sat next to Xiao Ai.

"So, do you want to go out for a walk? You haven't been out for a long time."

Xiao Ai had expected something when Feng Jianhe sat over just now, so she was not too surprised to hear him say this now. She lowered her head and thought.

The organization has been quiet for a long time, so if she could find a chance to go out... that would be good.

"Okay, but it would be better to travel far away or something."


When Feng Jianhe heard Xiao Ai's agreement, his gentle smile widened a little, showing a rare smile.

On his good-looking face, he usually wore a faint smile that was not worldly. At this time, the smile widened, as if he had integrated into the atmosphere of the world, and he seemed to have descended to the earth in a trance.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Ai came back to her senses. Feng Jianhe's face was already close to her. Her long eyelashes were clearly visible, and her black eyes reflected her stunned expression.


"Then I will contact Xiaolan and the others to see if they have any travel plans recently."

Feng Jianhe turned around with a smile, holding a book and sitting back at his usual window seat.

Xiao Ai looked at his figure bathed in the sun and thought of Conan unconsciously.

The great detective might be busy solving a case again.


"Ah Qiu!"

Conan, hiding under a table, touched his nose. Did he catch a cold again?

""Detective Maori?"

Conan was shocked and didn't have time to think about it.

"It’s nothing. The murderer of this case is obvious. It’s you!"


That afternoon, Kazama Tsuru called Xiaolan, who said she had no plans to travel recently because school was about to start.

Kazama Tsuru had never had any sense of time in this world, so he simply said that if he had plans to travel, he hoped to bring Xiaoai with him.

Xiaolan agreed.

Then, Kazama Tsuru received a call from Xiaolan on the third day.

"Moshi Moshi, this is Kazama Tsuru"

"Brother Fengjian, I am Xiaolan"

"It’s Xiaolan. Is there anything wrong?"

"It's about the travel plan I mentioned a while ago. Recently, Sonoko received a letter from Kaito Kidd, saying that he is coming to steal the egg of memories. I wonder if you are interested in Kidd.……"


Feng Jianhe suddenly remembered that there were a few words"The Magician of the End of the Century" on Kid's letter.

It was Conan's movie...

Speaking of the egg of memory, his dusty memories suddenly emerged. He didn't know if it was the effect of the"memory +5" given by the system, but the whole movie appeared in his mind very clearly.

Only a few details were unclear.

"Brother Kazama?"

"Oh, I won't go with Xiao Ai this time. Thank you, Xiao Lan, but if there is any place worth visiting, please contact me."

"Okay, then Brother Fengjian, take care of yourself!"


The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Feng Jianhe hung up the phone.

"Is this a call from the great detective's childhood sweetheart?"

I don't know when Xiao Ai appeared next to Feng Jianhe.

"Yes, Kid sent another warning letter to Sonoko's house, and set his sights on the egg of memories in Sonoko's house. Xiaolan asked us if we should go over."

"Kaito Kidd?……"

"I refused, but maybe we can go to an old castle later, and if you are interested in Kidd, you can meet him there."



Feng Jianhe didn't explain much, and Xiao Ai didn't ask much. Anyway, she would know when the time came.

She didn't have such a strong curiosity as Conan.


As time went by, Kazama Tsuru gradually discovered new problems with his body.

He lost his sense of taste and smell.

This did not affect his life too much.

According to surveys, 83% of the information people get from the outside world comes from vision, 11% from hearing, 3.5% from smell, 1.5% from touch, and only 1% from taste. So until now, the information he has obtained has only been reduced by about 4.5%. However

, what worries him is that the two senses are lost one after another, so what will happen next? Will he continue to lose something?

He doesn't know, and there is nothing he can do, so he can only prepare in advance.

For example, hearing aids, sunglasses and blind sticks.

About a day or two later, Xiaolan called again and said that she was going to the castle built by the great-grandfather of Miss Natsumi Kosaka, the owner of the Egg of Memory, and asked him if he wanted to go with her.

This time, Kazama Tsuru agreed.

That castle is his goal.

So after discussing the meeting place and time with Xiaolan, he and Xiaoai set off with not a few things.


""Brother Fengjian!"

When Sonoko saw Fengjianhe and Xiaoai, she waved from afar.

Xiaolan was next to Sonoko and also waved with a smile.

Fengjianhe and Xiaoai walked over.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Feng Jianhe bowed apologetically.

Xiaolan was about to say something with a smile, but Yuanzi next to her spoke first.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, we just arrived, hehe."

Conan couldn't help but look up at this gossipy woman.

Just arrived means almost two hours earlier?

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