Everyone listened carefully to Natsumi Kosaka's introduction to the castle.

The entire white castle was built on the top of the mountain. It took Uncle Maori quite a while to drive here.

The castle was obviously built quite a long time ago. In the empty and deserted corridors, you can see traces of time everywhere.

""Brother Fengjian, what are you looking at?"

Xiao Ai noticed that Fengjian He was absent-minded. As a travel writer, the origin of the castle should be what he cares about most.

"Nothing, just……"

Feng Jianhe was talking, hesitant, and stopped.

He originally wanted to make up a random excuse, but when he looked into Xiao Ai's eyes, for some reason, the random excuse he could make up suddenly got stuck in his throat.


Ai's eyes seemed to be able to see through him.

Fengjian He finally sighed and chose to tell the truth.

He smiled and said in a low voice:"My hearing seems to be disappearing little by little. Now the voice of Miss Kosaka's introduction is a little fuzzy, and I feel something is wrong, as if someone is secretly spying on me.……"

He hesitated again as he spoke.

This feeling was very vague, just like when you go out at night after watching too many horror movies, you always feel that there is someone behind you, but when you turn around, you see nothing. It was not until you return home safely that you can really be sure that it was just an illusion.

He couldn't be sure now whether this was an illusion caused by losing too many senses. It was too vague.

"Hearing loss……"

Xiao Ai frowned, thought about it, walked over and held his hand. Maybe it was an illusion that there was someone in the dark, but there was no other way except to be vigilant. The most important thing at the moment was to solve the problem of hearing.

So, just like Conan gave him voice guidance, Xiao Ai also became his voice guide

"Miss Kosaka said that this castle is very big, so it is not often cleaned. Each of the many rooms has a different purpose. The one in the front is the room with many reliefs."As everyone walked, Xiao Ai pulled Kazama Tsuru and walked at the end of the team, and no one noticed anything unusual.

Xiaolan remembered to look back from time to time, and after realizing that nothing happened, she paid less attention.

Sonoko really wanted to run to Kazama Tsuru, but when she looked at Xiao Ai who was pulling Kazama Tsuru, she still didn't come over.

There is a"love obstacle" next to it, so instead of staying there uncomfortably, it is better not to go over for the time being and find another opportunity to talk about it.

Conan also wanted to run to Kazama Tsuru and say something, but when he saw Haibara Ai like this, he hesitated and didn't move. He was just cheated, who knows how this guy feels, if he is cheated again, it will be terrible.

So Kazama Tsuru successfully got a voice guide, plus the kind with protective function.

Several people turned a corner and appeared in the middle of the corridor.

"Eh? It's Mr. Qian Jiangyi and Ms. Pu Siqinglan. Oh, and the other secretary.……"

"I'm here."

The last person came out from behind a pillar.

These three people, including Ryu Kanakawa who died on the ship because of Conan's death halo, all wanted the Egg of Memories.

In fact, the highest price was even 800 million.

This time, everyone came to Yokosuka Castle because Kosaka Natsumi suddenly discovered that there might be a second Egg of Memories hidden in this castle, so she came to investigate.

These three people, one is an art dealer, one is a strange-looking Chinese woman, and the last one is the secretary of the Russian consulate.

"I was just looking for a place to call you three, and I didn't expect you to be here."

Natsumi Kosaka smiled.

"We are very concerned about the Egg of Memory, so we will not miss it."

The clerk smiled.

"So these are the ones I said I would wait for.……"

"Yes, this is……"

Natsumi Kosaka briefly introduced everyone.

Under Ai's voice guidance, Kazama Tsuru probably understood what was being said. When he was mentioned, he smiled and nodded. Although he looked a little cold, he didn't make any mistakes.


While introducing, Officer Megure's phone suddenly rang.

He apologized and walked aside.

"Ai, can you hear me? What did Inspector Megure say?"

"Well, it was probably that there was a new case and he would be there soon. I guess Officer Megure would be leaving soon."

Sure enough, as Xiao Ai expected, Kazama Kazama watched Officer Megure hang up the phone and then walked over and said something to everyone, bowed and left.

In fact, catching Kaito Kid was not within his scope of responsibility. He was involved in the incident this time, probably because of the dead Kamikawa Ryu.

And... Kid whose monocle was broken by a sniper rifle.

Kazama Kazama thought of this and looked at the"Chinese" woman with gray eyes but in a cheongsam.

She was actually the international killer Scoobing, the descendant of the strange monk Rasputin.

"Brother Fengjian?"

Xiao Ai pulled Fengjian He's hand, and he realized that everyone had entered the room.

A world where most of the hearing was lost...

The room was full of reliefs, and various reliefs condensed countless knowledge. Fengjian He took a lot of pictures.

Then, in the increasingly silent world, he and Xiao Ai followed the team to the third room.

Aside from the little episode along the way, Fengjian He didn't pay too much attention to the situation of the few people over there.

At this moment, his world was only about three meters in radius, and everything else was like a fleeting cloud.

"Brother Fengjian?"

Xiao Ai's voice seemed to have become much softer.

Fengjian He tried to listen, thought about it, and gestured, and put on the hearing aid with the help of Xiao Ai.

"How's it going now? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, it's clear now."

Feng Jianhe held the hearing aid and smiled.

"Then let's go quickly. I told Miss Kosaka that I need you to accompany me to the toilet and I have been delayed for a long time."

Xiao Ai said, turned around and walked towards the other room.

"Xiao Ai, you go first, I have something else to do.

Xiao Ai paused and looked back at Feng Jianhe.

"you alone?"

"Well... I want to clarify something."

Feng Jianhe looked at Xiao Ai's frown and smiled.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. If I don't meet up with you in time, tell them that I went back first due to health reasons. You will see me at home, I promise."

Xiao Ai looked at him deeply, trying to stop him, but he didn't look like someone who could be persuaded.

Moreover, she probably guessed something.

Someone hiding in the dark?……

""Okay, then be careful. If I don't see you, I'll go back to find Igarashi."

After saying that, Xiao Ai turned around.

Feng Jianhe stood there and looked at her back.

What a smart girl...

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