Time once again slipped away with the clouds without anyone noticing.

If normal time is like flowing water, which looks similar but is a completely different day, then in Conan's world, time is like the sun and the moon that keep revolving.

It seems that every day has a different scenery and clouds of different colors, but in fact, it is always the same two stars, bringing sunlight and moonlight.

Kazama Tsuru has been discharged from the hospital. Before the doorbell rang, he was still reading a book in the familiar position by the window.


Feng Jianhe was stunned when he saw the person coming.

At that time, Igarashi Yang accompanied the ambulance to send him to the hospital and didn't know where he went. Later, Xiaoyu took care of him.

He was still wondering when he could receive the letter from Igarashi from afar. Unexpectedly, he didn't go out?


Igarashi was still as sunny and cool as ever, with a warm smile.

Kazama Tsuru also smiled gently, took him to the living room, and brewed a pot of tea. The fragrance lingered in the whole room.

I remember such a little story.

A rich man was dying, and he tested his three sons, asking them to fill a huge warehouse with the least money. Whoever used the least would inherit the family property. The youngest son was the winner in the end. He used more than a dozen candles, and the weak but strong light illuminated the dark warehouse. What filled the warehouse was light.

However, what if you choose to make tea? Perhaps, this unique fragrance of tea, only a small cup is enough to fill the warehouse.

"Phew~ I finally……"

"You are finally back from your business trip. This mission was given very suddenly, and you didn't have time to tell me. You wanted to write a letter, but you thought that the mission would be completed soon, so you simply didn't write a letter, but came to visit directly after it was completed."

Feng Jianhe smiled, and when he finished these words, Igarashi Yang opposite was already dumbfounded.

"You, how are you……"

"How do I know you're going to say these things?"

"are you……"

"Did I know from somewhere that you were on a business trip a long time ago?"

"You just……"

"I don't know anything, but I guessed what you were going to say"


Igarashi Yang opened his mouth, then closed it, and finally looked at Fengjianzuru who was smiling opposite him, and he was completely speechless.

Fengjianzuru looked at him like this, and couldn't help but smile more and more, and turned his head away.

Igarashi looked at Fengjianzuru's shaking body, with a helpless look on his face.

This guy... Is he ten years old? Hey...

Finally, Fengjianzuru laughed enough, coughed for a while, and his whole face was flushed, and then he looked at Igarashi

"Actually, it's because you disappeared suddenly like this before, and that's how you explained it last time, so I can guess it this time. It's not difficult."

Igarashi still stared at Kazama Tsuru, his expression was inexplicably resentful.

Kazama Tsuru chuckled, looking at him like this, and then suddenly remembered something and stood up.

"By the way, please wait a moment, I have something to give you."

After saying that, Kazama Tsuru bowed politely and went upstairs.

Igarashi:...This guy...

Kazama Tsuru is gone, and the defectors of a certain organization can't come to see him, so now he is the only one on the first floor of the entire house.

Igarashi didn't hesitate, he stood up and started walking around.

The layout of the house has not changed much, and the layout of various decorations has changed slightly, but these should be arranged by Shirley.

Find some places that Shirley will not move, but Kazama will often use.

For example...

Igarashi Yang stopped in front of a bookshelf not far away. If you want to clean it, it should just be a simple dust removal. Kazama often reads the books on this bookshelf, and Shirley will not move the books. According to Kazama's habit, he will casually put them on the shelf.

He puts the books he often reads recently as close to the chair for easy access, and then arranges them in the order of the books he wants to read.

Among the same few books he wants to read, he doesn't pay much attention to the thickness of the books, but likes to arrange them by height.

At present, the books near the chair are older than the books far away on the entire bookshelf. It is obvious that they have been read many times and have been read recently.

The thickness of the books on the bookshelf varies, but they are arranged in five levels from high to low. The ones in the distance are political, and the ones closer are literary books and detective books.

This is Fengjian's habit.

He casually pulled out a book that was placed closer. It was covered with old marks, and there were many notes on several pages. The edges of the paper were even a little hairy. He really has lost his memory.……


Kazama Kazuo's voice came from the stairs.

Igarashi Yang turned around with a familiar smile on his face.

He raised the book in his hand to Kazama Kazuo.

"I remember you have read this book many times. Are you still reading it recently?"

Feng Jianhe nodded with a smile.

"Yes, classics are never outdated. I have read Snow Country many times, but I still think it is very good."

Feng Jianhe said as he walked down, holding a stack of manuscripts in his hand.

"This is what you have in your hand.……"

Igarashi Yang thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

"You urged me to submit the manuscript many times. I have sorted it out and can publish it as long as it is compiled into a book."

"That's great! You have no idea how many letters I get from readers! I deal with them every day! My editor-in-chief always asks me to hurry you up.……"

Fengjian He and Igarashi Yang sat back down and chatted about various things.

Fengjian He smiled at the chatterbox across from him and took a sip of tea.

He didn't know if there was something wrong with the tea leaves, but he always felt that there was no taste.

The two sat facing each other by the window, and the fragrance of tea and sunlight mixed into the most pleasant smell, lingering around them.


Perhaps the least valuable thing is time. Feng Jianhe found in a trance that it was another autumn without him noticing.

He received a call from the doctor Nagai Miishi, saying that he had sorted out the information about his condition and wrote it into a paper.

He called this time to apologize and asked if it could be published publicly and whether his information needed to be hidden.

Feng Jianhe was stunned for a long time. He really didn't expect this to happen, but he thought about it and understood.

For the doctor, it was a miracle that he, who was fixed as a -1 constitution by the system, was still alive in the world.

Maybe there are really people in this world who are born with a constitution of negative one, but because of a disease they got once, they died accidentally.

He didn't ask Dr. Nagai to hide the information too much, and just called him"Mr. Fengjian" in the article.

He was originally considered a semi-public figure, and with the unusual setting of his physical condition, it was no big deal.

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