The Ninth Ryujin and Serizawa Tamao chatted for a while on the rooftop of Suzuran. After telling Serizawa Tamao that Izaki Shun might be with Takiya Genji, they left the rooftop and walked out of the Suzuran school gate. After waiting for a while at the Suzuran school gate, Aramashi Keizo drove up in a black Mercedes-Benz, picked up the Ninth Ryujin, and drove in one direction.

In the car, Aramashi Keizo looked at the Ninth Ryujin through the rearview mirror and said,"Brother, I have found the people you asked me to check." The

Ninth Ryujin's eyes lit up instantly after hearing that, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said,"Very good! Let's go now."

Aramashi Keizo nodded in response and drove the car forward at a high speed.

The black Mercedes-Benz was very fast, and soon it arrived in front of a junior high school.

The Ninth Ryujin sat in the back seat, slowly lowered the window, and his eyes fell on the nameplate at the school gate.

"Toaruru City - Kadiya Junior High School"

The Ninth Dragon God slowly raised his lips and said to Aramachi Keizo:"Wait for me in the car."

After that, the Ninth Dragon God pushed open the car door and walked into Kadiya Junior High School. He grabbed a junior high school student at random and, under the threat of his fist, quickly found out the teaching building where the first grade was located.

Then the Ninth Dragon God asked a few more names before letting the unlucky guy go. He walked into the teaching building and found the first grade floor. According to what the unlucky guy said just now, the Ninth Dragon God came to a classroom where a class was in progress.


The front door of the classroom was violently kicked open by the Ninth Dragon God, and it hit the wall heavily, making a deafening noise.

The female teacher who was drooling on the podium was startled and screamed.

The students in the class were also scared. Except for a few students, the rest of the students were panicked.

Under the attention of everyone, the Ninth Dragon God walked in from the door with his hands in his pockets and an arrogant look on his face.

At this time, the screaming female teacher gradually calmed down. After seeing the Ninth Dragon God, she was stunned at first, and then she shouted at the Ninth Dragon God with a frown:"Which class are you from?! Don't you know it's class time now?!"The

Ninth Dragon God walked up to the podium, glanced at the female teacher, and said coldly:"Shut up, it has nothing to do with you"

"How can you talk like that, student!!"

The female teacher was furious and wanted to rush forward to drive the Ninth Generation Dragon God out.



The Ninth Dragon God stretched out his left hand and punched the blackboard. With the sound of cracking, circles of spider webs began to spread out from the left fist of the Ninth Dragon God, and in a blink of an eye, they covered half of the blackboard.

The female teacher froze in place, not daring to move, and the anger on her face was replaced by fear.

The Ninth Dragon God no longer paid attention to this ignorant female teacher, looked at the students below, and said,"Kimijima Hisashi, which one is it?"

The students had been shocked by the fist of the Ninth Dragon God, but after the Ninth Dragon God asked the question, they immediately began to whisper to each other.

"Kimijima Hisashi?"

"Is there anyone named Kimijima in our class?"

"No? There seems to be only one person named Shou, right?"


Amid the discussion, a student sitting in the back row by the window had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and then looked at the Ninth Dragon God on the podium in confusion. Who is this person?

I don't remember knowing him!

The Ninth Dragon God also heard the discussion below, thought about it, and continued,"Well, okay, he may have changed his name now, Tiandi Shou, stand up"


The whole class looked at the student sitting by the window in the back row. The student with a student-like hairstyle and a pair of phoenix eyes flashing with cold light slowly stood up and looked at the Ninth Generation Dragon God.

Who is this guy?

After looking at the pair of iconic phoenix eyes of the student who stood up, the Ninth Generation Dragon God's phoenix eyes also began to flash with cold light.

""Who are you?" the student named Tiandi Shou asked.

The Ninth Dragon God raised his lips, exerted force on his feet, and rushed to the back of the classroom, shouting:"Kill your people!"

Before Tiandi Shou could react, the Ninth Dragon God arrived in an instant and punched Tiandi Shou.

Tiandi Shou had no choice but to quickly raise his arms and cross them in front of his face, and was punched away by the Ninth Dragon God.



Tian Di Shou's back hit the wall hard, and his face turned pale.

The students around him also reacted at this time, screaming and leaving their seats, and scattered in panic.

The female teacher on the podium greeted the students to leave the classroom while keeping an eye on the situation at the back of the classroom.

After the Ninth Dragon God knocked Tian Di Shou away, he did not take advantage of the situation to chase him, but looked at Tian Di Shou with interest.

As one of the main characters in the Extremely Evil King, Tian Di Shou made a brilliant debut as an outsider enemy at the beginning.

But now Tian Di Shou may not have completely become perverse and cruel, so he is still a little immature and honest.

"Who are you?!!"

Tiandi Shou felt that he had lost feeling in both arms, and the pain from his back that kept attacking his brain made him grimace in pain. The

Ninth Generation Dragon God took a step forward, looked down at Tiandi Shou, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said irrelevantly:"In this world, you don't need any friends or partners... You can only believe in yourself... Do these words sound familiar?"

Tiandi Shou was suddenly hit hard, his whole body stiffened, and his pupils bulged.

How could he not be familiar with these words!

These words were his father's instructions to him before he died!!

"Bastard! Who the hell are you?!"

Tiandi Shou, with bloodshot eyes, was like a raging beast, with hair all over his body standing on end, emitting a chilling murderous aura.

"Ah, it seems that you haven't forgotten."

The Ninth Dragon God chuckled, found a desk and sat on it, then took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it, and said slowly:"You don't need to care who I am, let's make a deal."

Tiandi Shou didn't answer, but stared at the Ninth Dragon God with a resentful look.

"Your father died of depression because his trusted brother cheated him out of all his wealth, right? Don't you want revenge?"

The Ninth Dragon God raised his lips slightly and looked at Tiandi Shou with interest.

As soon as he said this, Tiandi Shou's expression changed drastically again.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Tiandi Shou looked at the boy in front of him who was about the same age as him, with not only resentment in his eyes, but also a hint of doubt.

""I can help you kill your enemy, you just need to pay a small price."

The Ninth Generation Dragon God said dimly.

At this moment, the Ninth Generation Dragon God was like a devil who deceived mortals.

Tiandi Shou suddenly heard that someone could help him get revenge. He didn't care if this person was a young man like him or if he was deceiving him. He was like grabbing a life-saving straw and said quickly:"If you can help me get revenge, you can ask me to do anything!!"

Looking at Tiandi Shou, whose breathing began to become rapid, an inexplicable light flashed in the eyes of the Ninth Generation Dragon God, and the corners of his mouth rose higher and higher.

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