The Ninth Dragon God leaned against a wall pillar, smoking a cigarette while watching Takiya Genji punching in the crowd in the atrium. Takiya Genji, who was knocked down several times, always stood up when the people beating him thought he had lost his fighting ability, and repeated it many times until he finally fell into a coma. The fight between dozens of people came to an end only after Izaki Shun drove his men away and carried the unconscious Takiya Genji out of the atrium alone. The

Ninth Dragon God threw the cigarette butt at his feet and crushed it with his toes, then left the atrium and headed for the rooftop of the teaching building.

After reaching the rooftop, Serizawa Tamao was still fighting fiercely with his cadres as the Ninth Dragon God had expected.

"Don't move!"

Serizawa Tamao stood up excitedly, holding a mahjong tile in his left hand, and shouted to the other three.

Tokiwa Yuji curled his lips, showing a helpless look.

This was the first time for the Mikami brothers to play mahjong with Serizawa Tamao, so they were inevitably a little overwhelmed, not understanding why Serizawa suddenly got excited. The

Ninth Generation Dragon God came up from behind, got behind Serizawa Tamao and looked at his cards. He saw that except for the East, South, West, North Wind, etc., the other mahjong tiles of Serizawa Tamao were the one and nine tiles. Then he knew why Serizawa Tamao was so excited.

This kind of winning pattern is called Thirteen Yao in ** and National Master Wushuang in Sakurajima.

"Haha! Hahaha! Next, you are about to witness a miracle!! My 'National Scholar'’!!"

Serizawa Tamao raised his left hand and shouted triumphantly to Toki Yuji and the other two. He quickly dropped his left hand and slammed it on the table.

Just as Serizawa Tamao was about to say something, the Ninth Dragon God spoke first,"Serizawa, Tatsukawa Tokisuke is in trouble."


"What did you do to Shisheng?!"


Towei Yuji and others who had not noticed the arrival of the Ninth Dragon God noticed that there was an extra person on the rooftop when the Ninth Dragon God was speaking.

As soon as the Ninth Dragon God finished speaking, these people stood up and glared at the Ninth Dragon God with frowns and glares, because they had seen the violence of the Ninth Dragon God, and even the monster Hayashida Kei lost to him. Naturally, they subconsciously thought that the Ninth Dragon God had done something to Tatsukawa Tokisei.

But Sansugaku stood up too violently and overturned the mahjong table, which was not stable to begin with.

If it had been in the past, Serizawa Tamao would have been in tears and furious if the winning hand that could have won a huge sum of money had been destroyed.

But now Serizawa Tamao just changed his face, waved his hand, stopped the angry shouts of Towei Yuji and the other two, looked at the Ninth Dragon God with a stern face, and said,"What's wrong with Tokisei?!"

Unlike the others, Serizawa Tamao knew that the Ninth Dragon God would not attack Tatsukawa Tokisei. The Ninth

Dragon God glanced at Toki Yuji and the other two, then looked at Serizawa Tamao, tapped his head with his right index finger, and said,"He has something growing here."


Tokiwa Yuji and the other two were shocked again when they heard this.

But Serizawa Tamao's expression gradually relaxed, as if he had known about this for a long time.

"I saw him fainted on the road on the way here, so I sent him to the hospital. Don't worry, I have asked my family to contact the best doctor, who will come to treat Tatsukawa Tokisei in the next few days." The

Ninth Dragon God didn't care whether Serizawa Tamao knew it a long time ago, but he had to tell Serizawa Tamao what he did.

After hearing this, Serizawa Tamao's face changed again. He looked at the Ninth Dragon God with a complicated expression, then turned to Toki Yuji and others and said,"You go down first, I want to talk to him about something."

Although Toki Yuji had something to ask, he thought about it again and again and held back.

Then, Toki Yuji took the Mikami brothers away from the rooftop.

After Toki Yuji and others left, Serizawa Tamao looked at the Ninth Dragon God and said,"Dragon God, thank you for helping Tokisei!"

After saying that, he was about to bow to the Ninth Dragon God to express his gratitude.

The Ninth Dragon God did not stop Serizawa Tamao's behavior, but stood there and accepted it calmly.

Serizawa Tamao, who bent down, had a complicated look in his eyes, then he straightened up and looked at the Ninth Dragon God.

If the Ninth Dragon God had spoken or taken action to stop Serizawa Tamao's behavior just now, it would mean that the Ninth Dragon God was helping him and Tatsukawa Tokisei as a friend.

But the Ninth Dragon God did not.

That proves that the Ninth Dragon God had other purposes in lending a helping hand.

Serizawa Tamao couldn't figure it out. He was just a poor man. Was there anything worthy of the Ninth Dragon God's profit?

After noticing Serizawa Tamao's complicated look, the Ninth Dragon God said directly:"Actually, I contacted experts for Tatsukawa Tokisei for your sake. You also know my family background. In the future, I am destined to step into the extreme way and take over the family organization. Then, I naturally need to build a team in advance. You are the cadre I chose."

The Ninth Dragon God's directness made Serizawa Tamao a little at a loss.

Although he was a delinquent, although he was Suzuran's student, although he had a bunch of younger brothers under him and they would fight every day.

But he never thought that he would join the Yakuza after graduation.

Delinquents are delinquents, and Yakuza members are Yakuza members.

These are completely two different things, two different identities.

Therefore, Serizawa Tamao didn't know how to respond to the Ninth Dragon God's words for a moment.

"You don't need to give me an answer right now. I don't expect you to make up your mind to help me through this incident. Anyway, there is still a year before you graduate, so think about it slowly. Besides, I want Serizawa Tamao who dominates Suzuran, so your most important thing now is to���Just dominate Suzuran first."

As the Ninth Dragon God said, it is unrealistic to want Serizawa Tamao to join the Ninth Dragon God's team just to help Tatsukawa Tokisei with treatment.

After all, this favor is not directly imposed on Serizawa Tamao.

But goodwill and benefits can be accumulated.

Anyway, there is still a long time, and the Ninth Dragon God is not in a hurry.

Now he is actually just brushing the favorability of the BOSS.

After all, he can't stay in Toaryu all the time, sticking to a few elite monsters, and doing nothing else.

In the call with the Ninth Dragon Heart in the hospital, the Ninth Dragon God already knew that there was basically nothing going on in Tokyo, and he could go back at any time now.

So the Ninth Dragon God will directly confront Serizawa Tamao.

After chatting with Serizawa Tamao, the Ninth Dragon God will go to find those little cockroaches of the same age as him and talk about life.

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