The content of the deal between the Ninth Dragon God and Tenchi Shou is unknown, but after the Ninth Dragon God left,

Tenchi Shou's personality gradually began to become withdrawn and perverse. He asked his adoptive father for a sum of money and began to enroll in classes to learn various fighting skills.

The Ninth Dragon God, who left Tenchi Shou's class, originally wanted to meet Murata Shogo, who was in the same middle school, but when he thought that Tenchi Shou was so weak, the Xiaoqiang of the same period would probably not be able to withstand his punch, so he deleted the idea of meeting other people from his mind.

The Ninth Dragon God, who felt very bored, scratched his head and left Kadiya Middle School.

After asking Aramashi Keizo to send him back to the hotel, the Ninth Dragon God asked Aramashi Keizo to capture a pair of brothers and fell asleep.

When the Ninth Dragon God woke up, Aramashi Keizo had already completed the task and took out two bruised little ghosts from the next room.

They were called little ghosts, but in fact they were only one year younger than the Ninth Dragon God.

Looking at the two brothers kneeling on the ground, he was like a frightened bird, and the Ninth Dragon God curled his lips.

The two guys' current appearance completely made him lose interest.

The Ninth Dragon God, who was a little upset, treated the two brothers as sandbags and beat them wildly. The

Ninth Dragon God, who was in a good mood, waved his hand and asked Huang Shiqing San to throw the two unconscious people out.

As soon as Huang Shiqing San left, the Ninth Dragon God's phone rang.

The Ninth Dragon God looked at the incoming call number, raised his eyebrows slightly, and pressed the answer button.

""Chief! This is Coco!"

The voice of his personal guard captain Jiu Jingyi came from the other end of the line.

"What's up?"

"Chief, Chai Dashou was beaten and seriously injured!"


The Ninth Dragon God was stunned when he heard this, and he wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

Don't think that just because the Ninth Dragon God could easily defeat Shiba Daishou, it means that Shiba Daishou's martial arts is weak.

Apart from the Ninth Dragon God and Sano Manjiro, there are basically few people in Tokyo who can be stronger than Shiba Daishou, a monster who broke the dimension.

What's more, Shiba Daishou is now the captain of the Black Dragon First Team, and there is always a team of soldiers following him. Ordinary people can't get close to him at all.

"Who did it?"

The voice of the Ninth Dragon God began to turn cold.

No matter who did it, Chai Dashou was his man, and the Ninth Dragon God would definitely get back at him.

"I don't know him. I've never seen that guy in Tokyo. He might be a tourist from out of town!"

Jiu Jingyi's somewhat restrained voice came from the phone.

Jiu Jingyi didn't want to make this call. He was afraid that the Ninth Dragon God would be furious. He was afraid that the Ninth Dragon God would think that Black Dragon couldn't even do a small thing after leaving the Chief.

However, there are some things that really can't be reported.

After Chai Dashou was hospitalized, Jiu Jingyi and Qian Qingzong mobilized the entire Black Dragon's strength and finally found the opponent's position, so they took their own troops and went to take revenge.

As a result, the well-trained special attack team and the most elite guards of the entire Black Dragon were beaten to a pulp by the opponent alone. Although no particularly serious damage was caused, the opponent still escaped calmly.

If such a defeat is still concealed from the Ninth Dragon God, then Jiu Jingyi and Qian Qingzong will really be close to death.

"Wait, you mean, one person killed Shiba Daishou?!"

The voice of the Ninth Dragon God could not help but rise.

One person was able to kill Shiba Daishou and the troops around him. Could this person be Kurokawa Izana?!

After all, there are only a few people in the entire Tokyo metropolitan area who can achieve such a record.

And the only person that the Black Dragon might provoke, or the person who has a relationship with the Black Dragon, is Kurokawa Izana, the former eighth generation of the Black Dragon!

But that’s not right!

If it was Kurokawa Izana, Jiu Jingyi didn’t know him, but Qian Qingzong must know him!

Qian Qingzong was a member of the eighth generation of the Black Dragon before, and was regarded as a confidant of Kurokawa Izana.

So, who is this person!

"Yes... Not only that, well, neither the Royal Guards nor the Special Attack Team could stop the other party..."

Jiu Jingyi's voice became smaller and smaller. He could already imagine how angry the Ninth Dragon God would be on the other end of the phone.

Sure enough, the Ninth Dragon God's voice was as cold as ice:"You mean, an outsider not only killed the First Team and Shiba Daishou, but even my Royal Guards and Special Attack Team were killed by the other party?!"

"Well, it's not that serious.……"

Jiu Jingyi broke out in a cold sweat and continued hurriedly,"At first, we thought that Dashou and the first team were killed, so we hurriedly took the troops to take revenge. But that person didn't do anything cruel to us. He just knocked down a few people in a hurry, destroyed the light board next to us to cause chaos, and then escaped.

Afterwards, Qingzong and I went to the hospital and found out that it was a misunderstanding... It turned out that Dashou was the tall and strong man of the other party, so he wanted to recruit him, so he took the initiative to fight with the other party, but he lost, and then he accidentally fell down the stairs on the way home.……"

After listening to Jiu Jingyi's explanation, the frost on the face of the Ninth Dragon God disappeared, and then he showed a bitter smile.

What is this!

Chai Dashou, this idiot!

The captain of the Black Dragon First Team, known as the monster who cut through the dimensional wall, was actually hospitalized for serious injuries because of stepping on empty air?! After the Ninth Dragon God had finished complaining wildly in his heart, he remembered the key point of the matter.

That is the guy who can beat Chai Dashou in a one-on-one.

Such a person, as Chai Dashou said, is a talent! The

Ninth Dragon God thought about it, and said to the phone:"Send out all the Black Dragons for me and find this person. But don't do it, just keep an eye on the other party's position. I will return to Tokyo today. Don't let that person leave Tokyo before I go back!"

"Yes! General!"

Jiu Jing was relieved when he saw that the Ninth Dragon God did not blame them.

However, before he could completely relax, the voice of the Ninth Dragon God sounded again.

"When I get back, I will give you special training! There are a total of 100 people in the Guards and Special Attacks, but I can't even keep one person! You disappoint me!! Toot toot……"

Jiu Jingyi looked at the phone that had been hung up, and his eyes twitched wildly.

After Huang Shiqingsan returned to the room, he found that Jiu Shi Long Shen was packing his luggage, so he asked curiously:"Brother, are we leaving today?"

Jiu Shi Long Shen said without turning his head while packing:"Yes, let's go now, back to Tokyo!"

""Okay… eh?! Go back to Tokyo?"

Master Aramatsu nodded and was about to turn around and go back to his room to pack his luggage, but he realized something was wrong after taking only two steps.

Shouldn’t I go home?

Why go back to Tokyo??


So, then I don’t have to go back to Master Toshiro and continue to suffer?!

"You send me to the airport, and then you go back to continue training."

Before Aramatsu Keisan could smile in relief, the words of the Ninth Dragon God sent him back to hell.

Aramatsu Keisan's mouth twitched, and although he wanted to say that he also wanted to go back to Tokyo, he couldn't say it.

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