Chapter 317

“Senior, we can rest here for a period of time. Of course, it is also possible. We can also chat with the senior senior and do other things.”

This old man also nodded his head after hearing what the younger generation said. It was indeed the case. After all, he was imprisoned in such a place before.

And even though there are people guarding him in the place where he is, those guys basically don’t communicate with themselves for a day, and the only communication is crazy insults.

In fact, when I heard the insults from those guys, my heart 463 was very angry, but as time went by, I didn’t feel anything.

After all, the anger has been stored in own’s heart, and when you meet them in the future, you can flip them directly and destroy them at any time.

Now it’s just a matter of time. In addition, I haven’t had a rest for a long time. I have already wanted to experience whether my big bed is as comfortable as before.

“After such a long time, there is really nothing to eat at home, only the few spirit fruit trees planted in my yard.”

After the old man said this sentence, he also brought the two people behind him to the spiritual tree where he was descending.

When Zhang Qing and the Qilin Ruimon next to them saw these planted spirit trees, their eyes were almost straight, because they found that all the spirit trees here were very tall on average.

The spirit fruit bred above has no idea how many years it has been. Coupled with the sufficient Spiritual Qi here, the two of them can’t regain their own strength in the first time.

When the old man saw him, Beckham felt very surprised after he had recovered all his strengths from the Cultivation Base.

After sighing again for a while, the old man also quickly entered his own bedroom to prepare for the party, and arranged a place for the two of them to live before going to bed.

To be honest, when the old man was preparing to take a break, the two of them also said something they thought was very bold.

“Senior, can you feed us some of the things you grow in your yard.”

After the old man heard what the two of them said, he was slightly taken aback, and then he also spoke.

“What’s the matter? These are some infamous things. If you want to eat, you can eat whatever you want.”

After saying this, the old man also put his mother down directly, and let him enter his own bedroom to get ready to sleep.

But these two guys had very fiery eyes at this moment, and then they quickly came to the side of these spirit trees, and looked at the spirit fruits that were born on this spirit tree without squinting their eyes.

Zhang Qing does have a certain degree of control over these things, but the Qilin Rui Beast next to him is not like this. When he sees these spirit fruits, his eyes are basically red.

After all, he has been imprisoned in that kind of place, and he has never seen such a thing. If it is normal, he has been living in front of their ancestors.

These things are simply not enough to see, you can let him eat whatever you want, but this guy also made a small mistake before, so he was pretended to be by those people and punished.

So this guy has never seen anything like this until now, maybe he had seen it when he was a child, but at that time he was not allowed to eat these things at all.

“Qilin Rui Beast, you guys must be careful. These things can’t be eaten casually. If you want to eat them, you must first trim the own stage.

This thing is best for the body only when we are in the best state, otherwise it will consume too much energy in it under normal circumstances.

Zhang Qing also spoke to the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him and received it, but the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him did not listen to what his master said!

Soon, this guy also rushed directly, aiming at the longest fruit and rushing over. Zhang Qing was a little helpless when he saw this scene, and shook his head.

It may also be because these spirit beasts are fundamentally different from human body structures. Maybe these guys have a stronger digestive tract.

So now looking at the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, he didn’t say anything when he rushed over!

The Qilin Rui Beast next to it came to the spirit fruit again, and immediately afterwards it was picked off and put in its own, not even a little core was left.

Zhang Qing Zhongtou also used a reprimanding tone, and said to the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him that he wanted to keep those nuclei.

But soon, it was also refuted by the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him. In his own words, that thing was the essence of the spirit fruit.

After Zhang Qing listened to Qilin Rui Beast’s words, you felt speechless for a while, but at this moment, you don’t want to communicate more intensely in front of you, so you also quickly find out which fruits are suitable for you to eat.

After all, things must be reversed, and I can’t be jealous when I see these things again, and I want to put all these things into my own pocket!

If you want to say that this is also something that people have grown in their own home, if you take away all other people’s things in one mind, it is absolutely impossible to justify.

Now there is only Qilin Rui Beast, heartlessly eating these fruits in front of him, Zhang Qing can only jealous, and carefully look for fruits that belong to him and can control his current body!

After searching for it, I finally found the fruit that can regulate own body into the best state, and quickly picked this fruit.

After taking a light bite, I also felt a cool and icy sensation entering Own’s mouth, but it was the moment he swallowed it.

I felt a burning flame enter my own abdomen, and began to keep on the injured person’s own abdomen.

But this was only a matter of a few seconds, and then he also felt comfortable all over, and white steam came out of his body.

There are also some black Impurities constantly appearing on the body. These Impurities don’t seem to be particularly large when they just soaked out, but they are increasing with the passage of time.

At the end, Zhang Qing finally finished eating the fruit in his hand, and he also felt that his body was very sticky.

After some searching, I finally found a stream, and after finally putting his clothes aside, the whole person jumped directly into the stream.

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