Chapter 316

“Thanks senior.”

After the old man heard what the junior said, he waved his hand quickly, and then spoke again to the junior in front of him.

“Presumably, the sealing method that I grew up just now, you can also know in your heart what the function of this letter is. Now you can do something you want to do.”

Of course Zhang Qing was able to hear what the old man said in front of him, and then quickly left the old man’s front.

Soon he passed directly through the seal technique produced by this old man.

When he entered the planet again, he also stretched out his hand to draw a talisman in the air.

At the moment when this drawing appeared, Zhang Qing also spoke directly.

“Tui’er is going to leave here as a teacher now. If you feel that cultivation is successful in the future, you can defeat that giant dragon, then you can leave this planet at a good exit.”

Accompanied by him, when he finished saying this sentence, that piece of talisman paper also disappeared out of thin air, and was in a remote small village.

When the slightly petite figure was about to go to cultivation at the moment, it was also discovered that a golden talisman paper appeared in front of own.

When this petite figure saw the talisman paper, he also stretched out his hand to touch the talisman paper in front of him.

But the talisman exploded in place at the moment the petite figure touched it.

At the same time, there was a voice that made the petite figure in front of him feel very familiar.

The petite figure was slightly taken aback when he heard the familiar voice.

Then I looked towards the horizon from the village.

After Zhang Qing had done all this, he quickly came to this outer sky through this seal.

At this moment, the old man also put his own eyes on this junior.

After Zhang Qing glanced at the old man, he nodded slightly at the old man, and the old man was also aware.

The old man gently slapped his own palm, and then turned and flew in one direction. Of course, he followed Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast.

Since then, the two of them have been following the old man. Although they don’t know where the old man is going to take them, they can know that the old man will never harm them.

After not knowing how long he had been flying, Zhang Qing also felt that something was wrong with Wei Wei, and then he also spoke to the old man in front of him.

“Senior, where are you taking the two of us?”

The old man nodded slightly after hearing what the well-known back said, and then spoke.

“The place we are going to is the secret Immortal Cave I established before. It’s just that after so many years, I don’t know if my own family has been violated by others.”

When the old man finished saying this, a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After all, even this old man didn’t know how many years he had survived and whether his own family still existed to this day.

Zhang Qing was also able to understand the old man’s mood at the moment, and then he also spoke to the old man.

“Senior, what are you talking about? Although so many years have passed, senior, your sealing technique is so strong, it is impossible for those guys to get in.”

The old man also sighed slightly after hearing the junior behind him comforting himself.

“I hope so, although my method of sealing is indeed very powerful, but there are many strange people in the world.”

Not long after, the old man took the two behind him to a huge ruin.

And when the old man brought Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast to the ruins, the two of them did not find anything.

However, when the old man saw the scene in front of him, he also laughed, and then he also spoke to the two behind him.

“It’s really God’s help. I didn’t expect that after such a long time, the old man’s house could still stand here forever.”

When the old man finished saying this sentence, the old man also gently moved in front of own with his hand again.

I saw a golden light suddenly appeared in front of this old man.

The golden light only dissipated in the air for the first time, but the truth was a huge door in front of the two.

When people saw this huge door, they were also taken aback. To be honest, they had never seen such a huge door!

In addition, endless seals emanate from this door, although Qilin Rui Beast on the side looked at the huge door in front of him without much thought.

But for Zhang Qing on the side, it was completely different, because in his eyes, what he could see was a huge door that was wrapped in the power of sealing.

At this moment, the old man also gently swipes his own finger again.

After the old man gently shook his own finger against the air in front of him, they found that the three sentences in front of the old man also suddenly opened.

Not only did the giant door in front of you open, the old man also quickly entered the door, and at the same time they followed behind the old man!

As the two of them followed the old man and entered this huge door, they also saw a splendid scene.

Zhang Qing also observed the surrounding buildings directly afterwards, but also found that although it looks magnificent, it is all simple and unpretentious.

The old man said with a bit of embarrassment after seeing the two behind him looking at the home he arranged with a surprised expression.

I don’t know if you two have been here for many years, and when the city was built before, I really didn’t think about using great materials!

“So now I don’t know how many years have not undergone a new repair, so オ has caused it to look a little shabby.”

At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast widened his own eyes after hearing what the old man in front of him said. He really couldn’t believe what the old man in front of him said!

It’s not that the place where the old man is at this moment is considered shabby, the shabby Immortal Cave where he lived before, wouldn’t it be worse than a doghouse by me?

“Where is the senior, we are indeed shocked here. We really haven’t seen a place as brilliant as your home.”

The old man didn’t understand their meaning, only felt that they should be comforting himself.

“Although there is no one at home doing some renovations for a long time, it is still possible to live in people barely. If the two of you don’t dislike it, you can live in the home for a period of time.”

Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast, after hearing what the old man in front of him said, were also a bit speechless. It seems that this old man is definitely certified. They think that this old man’s family is indeed a little shabby.

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