Chapter 318

When entering the stream, he also felt that his body’s pores were also enlarged, and the surrounding spiritual springs began to pour into his own body without knowing why.

It didn’t take long for him to feel that he had now returned to his heyday. If there was anything in front of own, he could definitely blow it up with a punch.

And the temperature of the spring water here is quite good, it can be a very warm spring water.

It didn’t take long for him to have a red shape on his body, and he felt very comfortable, and he was enjoying it here.

Suddenly there was a white jade bottle, and a small wine glass floated in front of him.

Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback when he saw this scene, because he also smelled a scent of wine.

To be honest, he doesn’t know how long he hasn’t drunk alcohol. After Zhang Qing smelled this knowledge, he also felt that he smelled the best jelly in the world!

Zhang Qing watched as the white jade bottle in front of him floated in front of him, and some fine wine appeared out of thin air in that wine glass.

After Zhang Qing saw the fine wine that appeared out of thin air in this cup, he drank it without even thinking about it, but it was just when he just put the cup back to its original place.

He also discovered that the white jade bottle was also slightly Qingdao, and only then did he start to have some fine wine in the glass.

When he saw this scene, he was also slightly taken aback, because the glass of wine he had just drunk was not poured out of this white jade bottle.

So what exactly did I drink just now? Minghe campus has a smell of alcohol, but the alcohol is not that full of energy.

At this moment, he also recalled the taste of no wine just now. It may be that it was because he hadn’t drank any wine for too long, so he seemed a little bit gulped when he had a glass of wine.

When he drank that glass of wine quickly, he still hadn’t felt what the taste of that glass of wine was like?

But now, after Bai Yuping had a glass of wine again, he quickly took the glass and delivered it to his mouth.

When the glass of wine just entered its own mouth, it also felt a burst of sensation in its mouth, but this feeling was not so intense.

Then there was a sweet feeling on my own tongue coating, but when it reached my throat for a long time, there was a fever, and then it entered my intestines and stomach, but it was a cold feeling.

In the end, it also releases a warm feeling in the stomach. Although there is a warm feeling, but it can feel a cool feeling.

Two conflicting feelings repeatedly appeared in Own’s belly, and Zhang Qing didn’t even know the reason.

However, as he finished drinking this glass of wine and was about to drink the second glass of wine, he also felt that the Impurities in his body were also instantly rejected.

Although the discharge is not particularly large, it is also constantly pouring out.

Zhang Qing saw that the glass of wine he was drinking had such a miraculous effect. Don’t be a little hot in his heart. He still forgot the reason that Qilin Rui Beast had been advised before.

Just when he had his second glass of wine, he felt a different feeling.

Because when the second cup of wine entered his mouth, he felt very bitter and not as sweet as the first cup of wine.

When I entered my throat again, I didn’t have the hot sensation I had before, and it was as plain as water.

After reaching the outer side, it also exudes a very cold feeling, and finally it reaches the stomach, but it is also like an ice cone in the own abdomen.

And with the passage of time, the tingling sensation gradually began to become intense, and even the water he soaked in the hot spring felt very cold.

When Zhang Qing felt all this, he remembered the words he had advised Qilin Ruimon before.

But at this moment he regrets that it is too late, so he can only support his own willpower with me, insisting on letting me go through this wonderful feeling.

Then he didn’t know how long it took, but when he woke up, he also found that the old man had appeared in front of own.

Zhang Qing watched the old man in front of him enter the spring with himself, and there was a touch of enjoyment on the old man’s face.

Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback, after all, at the moment the two of them were lying naked in the spring water, it was indeed somewhat unreasonable.

“Hey, brother, are you awake?”

At this moment, the old man also didn’t know when to open own eyes, Qing found that Zhang Qing had woken up, and then also spoke.

Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback when he heard what the old man said, and then also a little embarrassed.

“Senior, when did you come? Why don’t I know!”

“I’ve been here for a while, but when I came here, you kid probably drank my wine, and you were greedy for a cup.”

When the old man said this, he also looked at Zhang Qing in front of him with a smile.

Zhang Qing was really embarrassed.

“Young man, it’s not a good thing to be greedy. All the wine treasured by the old man here is from the old man’s time.”

“And I’ve been well-known in my age for a long time, and it has the effect of refreshing people. Not only that, but it can also help a person who trains to remove the impurities from the body.”

After listening to what the old man in front of him said, Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback, no wonder that so much black matter suddenly appeared in Gang’s body.

“Moreover, this wine has been left for such a long time. I am still amazed that this thing can survive forever. Of course, the effect is several times or even hundreds of times that of my time.”

“The old man also drank two glasses just now, but he felt that his body was extremely cold, but the impurities left by his body that could not be removed are also eliminated because of this wine.”

After listening to what the old man in front of him said, Zhang Qing’s own eyes were clear, to know how precious this wine is.

It was able to make such a powerful person clear the Impurities in his body.

After all, what the former old man said at the Cultivation Base at this time, such a glass of wine can be kicked out of the body, and the Impurities that have accumulated over the years and cannot be removed.

This is a very miraculous thing, not to mention that I drank two glasses just now. Although he fell into a coma after drinking the two glasses, he felt that he was relaxed at this moment.

After all, such a glass of wine has entered the belly, and it is also very good for myself.

Although he had to go through some physical pains, it didn’t matter to him.

At this moment, Zhang Qing recalled the pain he had gone through when he finished the second glass of wine, and now he felt it was very worthwhile.

But he suddenly remembered Qilin Rui Beast, that guy was still eating spirit fruit in the spirit tree courtyard planted by the old man in front of him.

Especially this guy is not restrained at all. If he keeps eating those spirit fruits, even if it can improve his body’s strength, there will still be some side effects if he eats too much.

After all, according to normal people, if you eat too much spiritual fruit, your body will not be able to bear it. Although Qilin Rui Beast’s physical fitness is much better than normal people, this is also a problem.

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