Chapter 315 Struggle

Not to mention the little apprentice of own, when the little apprentice of own will be able to cultivate to his current stage is still unknown.

“Senior, Junior still has a request, he wants Senior to help play.”

After struggling with his thoughts, he still had to help the little apprentice own, and then Zhang Qing also spoke to the old man in front of him.

The old man also showed a meaningful smile after hearing what the younger generation said, and then spoke.

“If I guess right, it should be the little apprentice you want me to leave a clue above this barrier to help you get out of this planet in the first time.”

After Zhang Qing heard that the other party had already said what was in his heart, he did not deny anything.

“Senior Mingjian.”


After the old man said this sentence, he also slowly said a few words outside the barrier.

After Zhang Qing glanced at the old man’s movements, Chang could also know that the old man’s techniques should not be those masters of formation, but a very ancient profession.

This kind of profession has long ceased to exist today, and this kind of profession is also a very mysterious profession that can roughly read the thoughts in other people’s hearts and what this person has done.

It is similar to the existence of a master, and the things that this old man displays are just a kind of sealing judgment.

After the old man drew a few times in the air, Zhang Qing also discovered that the old man had destroyed it and got a huge crack. The speed of recovery also gradually changed, and then he returned to the original state.

“Okay, I have done everything I can do. From now on, it will depend on your little apprentice’s own ability.”

Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback after hearing what the old man said, and then said to the old man with some curiosity.

“Senior, what are you?”

The old man was a little puzzled when he heard what Junior said.

“Have you not seen the law of sealing?”

Accompanied by this old man after saying this to the junior in front of him.

Su Jiu also scratched his head helplessly, and finally said to the old man in front of him.

fee. , I know a little about the method of sealing, but Junior has never seen anyone show it, and Junior still has a certain interest in this kind of thing!

“Junior once practiced for a period of time, and has a certain understanding of this sealing method, and also wants to learn some information from it, but also found that there is no way to learn it.”

“And I also know that if the sealing method is basically passed down, the master needs to directly engrave these methods into the apprentice’s mind.”

Zhang Qing also spoke to the old man in front of him, and after hearing what he said, the old man nodded slightly, because the old man felt that the young man in front of him was right.

“Well, yes, there is indeed a certain difference between the sealing method and other cultivation methods.”

“The era when I was in was full of sealers. Of course it depends on what you are now. There should be very few sealers now.

Zhang Qing nodded slightly after hearing what the old man said. There was really nothing to hide, because all the sealers in this world didn’t know why they all disappeared overnight.

The seal masters who can survive are also directly called gods. After all, the seal techniques that these guys have displayed basically have no way for other people to solve them.

Some time ago, I did encounter some sealers, such as the old men who sealed this Qilin Rui Beast before.

The reason why I was able to unblock and release this Qilin Rui Beast was also for a certain own reason.

Although I didn’t know the sealing method of these sealing methods, I was able to remove some of the sealing methods that were simpler or slightly more difficult.

But being able to lift those seals basically takes a lot of energy, just like the last time.

At this moment, the old man also spoke to the junior intently after hearing what the junior said.

After Zhang Qing heard what the old man in front of him said to him, he also felt a little flattered, because he could also know that this kind of sealing method would basically not be spread.

“Don’t feel very shocked. The old man has something that you can’t even imagine. This little thing is just a drop in the bucket for me.”

After saying this, the old man also habitually touched his own chin again, but after realizing that he had no beard anymore, he smiled awkwardly again.

“Since senior has said so, if Junior refuses to senior, it will be disrespectful.”

Although Zhang Qing was not surprised by the waves on the surface, there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart. In fact, he had already wanted to understand these sealing methods, but it was probably because he hadn’t encountered it.

Those seal masters, plus oneself, even when they encountered those seals, there was no overlap at all.

Since I don’t have any intersection with those seal masters, I have absolutely no way to understand the sealing technique, even if I get some books.

But it was also the reason that there was no master, so he didn’t learn anything about the sealing technique.

Now that someone is finally willing to teach himself, how could he not be happy in his heart, and this old man is of course very willing to pass on the method of own sealing to the next generation.

So the old man also quickly came to the younger generation in front of him, and put his hand on the younger generation’s head.

With the moment the old man’s hand touched his forehead, Su Jiu also felt a message enter his mind, as if he had been empowered.

The old man placed it in front of him, and the hand on the forehead of this younger generation also shrank back in the first time, because he had passed the transmission.

However, Zhang Qing didn’t wake up in the first time, because he was still digesting the sudden sealing method in his own mind.

After seeing the performance of the junior in front of him, the old man didn’t leave here for the first time. Instead, he stood in front of the junior and helped him protect the law.

I don’t know how long it took, Zhang Qing also gradually woke up, but at this moment he also had the First Stage skill in his mind.

The moment the new champion came, he also knelt down in front of the old man.

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