Chapter 275 Excessive Behavior

Zhang Qing saw that the other party had some radical behaviors, and immediately laughed.

“Don’t be so excited, don’t you have a human cultivator like me on this planet?”

After hearing what Zhang Qing said, the Qianli’s figure on the other side frowned tightly and was full of collective malice.

Obviously there are some human cultivators who have come to this planet and have done some things that are offensive to the other party. Otherwise, how could the other party show such an extremely disgusting expression?

“What do you guys want to do when you come to our planet? Are you here to steal my clan’s artifacts again?”

The figure of Qianli once again took out some extremely devastating weapons and pointed them at Zhang Qing in front of her.

Zhang Qing can see from those weapons that although these people are not particularly good in physique, they are only weapons in their hands, but they are extremely lethal!

Even if you get a shot, it may consume a lot of effort to offset it.

Although I can cope with the other party, I don’t want such troublesome things to appear on Own, and then he continued to explain.

“This Miss, I have no malice against you. I am only traveling in the universe. I just saw that your planet has something special, so I want to come in and have a look. I will run into your planet without notifying you in advance. It’s my abruptness.”

“I solemnly apologize to you now. I shouldn’t let you know when I come to your planet again.”

When Zhang Qing finished saying this, the other party didn’t change his expression at all, but the feeling of disgust suddenly increased.

Zhang Qing couldn’t figure it out for a moment, and was there a problem with her speech? But after thinking about it for a moment, there is really no problem. Why does the other party keep looking at him with a hostile look?

“Is this Miss the previous cultivator who came to you and did something offensive to you? Why do you want to be so hostile to someone you don’t know.”

After hearing what he said, the other party also showed a disdainful expression, and then said.

“Because it is people you don’t know, that’s why we have to guard against you. After all, people like you before came to our planet and coveted our fetish.”

“And these guys also launched a war with us in order to obtain the fetish on our planet. Do you know how many people we died in that battle.”

At this moment, the figure of Qianli was also gradually streaming some tears. Obviously, the previous cultivator had an indelible impact on the other party after the battle with the other party.

Zhang Qing also felt that the wicked things the guys before the first wave were doing were not good, and they had to do this kind of robbing people’s sacred objects, and also had a big battle with the other party, which also caused the situation of people’s destruction.

Those who can do these things are nothing more than the wicked guys, and it’s clear that the Qianli figure in front of her family definitely lost her family in this war!

Otherwise, it is impossible to be so hostile to these foreign cultivators.

“No, Miss, you have to listen to my explanation. I definitely don’t work with those guys. Those guys are too wicked. I just want to come and observe on your planet and I will leave. .”

“I am a relatively lazy person my whole life. I always like to observe various planets and record them. Don’t worry, I will record them again. Your planet will not disclose your information to others in the future.”

Zhang Qing also vigorously argued that own Lan Yin had been there, but the other party did not believe in own words and deeds at all.

Such words can also be said from your mouth, and it is considered unprecedented. Do you really think that I will believe your high-sounding words?

“The previous guys also talked to us when they came to our planet. They just wanted to come and observe, and we were still enthusiastic about them, but they didn’t expect these guys to steal our fetishes. , A group of people went to assassinate the patriarch of our clan.”

But fortunately, the patriarch of our clan has a certain sense of alert for these guys, and when these guys launch an offensive, they also immediately let all of our guards fight with them.

“More than 300 million of us were lost in that war. My parents also died in this war.

As a war orphan, I have also been fully cultivated by my clan to be able to become what I am now. If my clan does not treat me like this, maybe I am still such a baby who can only shiver timidly in the face of war. ”

After listening to what the other party said, Zhang Qing didn’t know how to continue communicating with the Qianli figure in front of him for a while.

The figure in front of him looked good, but his thoughts had been in that war, and he would no longer trust some outsiders at all.

This kind of sentiment is also very normal. After all, if the own family were killed because of the war, it is absolutely impossible for oneself to let an outsider so easily.

This is human nature, and Zhang Qing has nothing to say about it, but he has been stuck here, even if he wants to leave at this moment, I am afraid that the other party will be reluctant!

Faced with the current scene, Zhang Qing does not want to frighten the little girl opposite, but there is simply no way to continue communicating!

After Zhang Qing sighed slightly, he also snapped his fingers slowly.

I saw that after he snapped his fingers, a gust of wind was also generated, and it blew towards the heavily armed Qianli figure in front of him.

This gust of wind was mixed with endless destructive power, but it did not cause a certain amount of substantial damage to the opponent, but it made the opponent’s heart trembled, and even the weapon in his hand was a little unstable.

Those few floating balls of light were also in the first time, as if they had lost their original function, and slowly fell to the ground.

“You think that with my current strength, as for the cat that wants to invade your planet, if I really wanted to invade your planet, I would have done it a long time ago. It is impossible to waste this with you here. A long time.”

That clearly standing figure felt for the first time a power that he had never touched.

After the figure of Dao Qianli felt this shuddering, she couldn’t produce a little bit of resistance, she was also sitting on the ground.

He didn’t know what to do next time, his head was blank, and the tears from the corners of his eyes couldn’t help but flow down.

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