Chapter 274

At this moment, Zhang Qing was also sitting down with him. Somersault Yun continued to wander through this universe, and he also saw a lot of space cracks.

When they were traveling before, they had never seen so many spatial cracks. I don’t know why there are so many things.

To the point where it is incredible, big enough to swallow the planet, and small enough to absorb the surrounding meteorites.

Those planets and the meteorites floating in the sky, in the eyes of these space cracks, are so weak that they can only bear the nibbled side.

Even more space cracks even some huge ambitions appeared on the huge planet, and disappeared immediately after eroding the planet almost.

That planet is almost the same, because the cracks in this space continue to eat away, causing him to leave his orbit, and for a while, the creatures living on this planet are also unpopular.

Soon the family moved out of this planet, looking for other planets that could continue to be suitable for their survival.

The cause of such an extinction is also constantly appearing in front of own, but he has chosen to ignore it. After all, he is not a great good person.

Everything has their own choice and their own Karma. Don’t think that the planet may have been out of orbit now, but it doesn’t mean that the planet will perish.

Zhang Qing didn’t care about these things at all, and didn’t have much interest in caring about these things, after all, it had nothing to do with him.

Although there is a trace of regret in his heart, regretting that he did not leave these planets, this is actually a question of his conscience, after all, he also has a knight heart, and wants to take over everything injustice.

However, even though his strength has reached a certain level, he still can’t stop the changes in everything.

Sometimes I can only watch those innocent people disappear into this inexplicable disaster.

With a little sadness in his heart, Zhang Qing also came to a nebula, and this nebula also contained an enlightening star.

This planet is called the origin star by others, and this is still known to Zhang Qing.

Therefore, some want to enter this enlightenment star and observe how this planet is different from other planets.

After the hair, he also drove the somersault cloud to this planet, but when she came to this planet, he was stunned directly, because there was no vegetation on this planet. .

There are only those things that are made of steel, and Zhang Qing is a little curious about what these iron bumps are.

But at the moment he approached, cracks appeared on the top of these iron sciences, and they also deformed after gains and losses. Each of them changed, becoming something Zhang Qing had never seen before.

And these things are also looking at Zhang Qing in front of him, both sides can’t figure out their own minds for a while, what the other side is, after all, both sides have never seen each other, and it is very normal to have such questions.

The thing in front of him looked like a robot, and when he was curious about it, a wave of light wiped out the robot in front of him.

Seeing that the robot that was still alive and kicking in front of him was suddenly wiped out by this light wave, Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback, because if the light wave just now did not destroy the little robot in front of him, but instead shot the owner, I’m afraid the opponent Will suffer.

And just now, I didn’t have any defensive intentions. The light wave was too fast. It was just that when I just reacted, the little robot in front of me had disappeared without a shadow.

This did not mean that Zhang Qing could not evade the opponent’s attack, but because he was in a curious mind just now and did not realize the opponent’s attack.

At this moment, a Qianli figure appeared directly in front of Zhang Qing. The moment this figure appeared, Zhang Qing was stunned.

Because it seems that the planet is all steel, why is there a human being?

After Na Ming Qianli’s figure wiped out a small robot beside Zhang Qingsan, the surrounding robots also entered a frantic state, and also activated their own self-defense mode.

Big Brother changed from the original blue to red, after all, it attacked Qianli’s figure who had just launched the attack.

The light wave broke out in front of Zhang Qingde’s eyes for a while, but both sides seemed to have no malicious intent towards them, and did not attack at all, but attacked themselves.

On the other hand, these robots did not pose any threat to the potential business, and they were quickly wiped out.

And the figure of Qianli also twisted an unknown piece of equipment on her arm at the moment, and a portal appeared in front of the figure.

And this Qianli figure quickly entered the portal that could be obtained, and within a short moment, that Qianli figure appeared in front of own.

Zhang Qing was also taken aback for a moment. How could he have seen this device before, and he was able to transmit a person who had never been cultivated, such as his condition, to own.

Cunfang had no Cultivation Base at all, and at the moment when he appeared in front of Zhang Qing, he gently moved the Bluetooth headset on his ears that was similar to the time when he had not crossed over.

I saw a battle tester similar to the one worn in the animation appeared on the left eye of this Qianli’s shadow.

And obviously Zhang Qing can observe the expression of that Qianli figure. The thing this guy wears on the eyes is definitely a combat power tester.

The makeup of Qianli’s figure before the change quickly disappeared in front of Zhang Qing, a certain distance from Zhang Qing.

And four or five spheres suddenly floated behind him, and the moment these spheres came out, they also exuded an extremely dramatic light.

Zhang Qing can also see that these light spheres are weapons capable of emitting light waves that are lethal.

“This Miss is cold, quiet, calm, and peace is the most important thing, what are you doing?”

After hearing what Zhang Qing said, the other Qianli’s figure was also slightly taken aback.

Soon, he spoke to Zhang Qing in words that Zhang Qing could understand.

“Who are you guys and why do you appear on our planet?”

When the other party said this, his eyes were full of hostility.

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