Chapter 276

At this moment, in his mind, he still believed that the other party was the person who invaded their planet, and such a person could be considered easy on their planet.

Basically, it may be another snapping finger, no matter how many guards they call out, they will be swallowed by this destructive force.

In the face of this extremely destructive force, they have no way at all, and the only thing they can do is to catch it.

However, Zhang Qing didn’t think that way. Instead, he came directly to the figure of Qianli and said to the figure who apologized to Li.

“I have already told you very well before. I came to your planet just to come over and have a fun, to see what are the more interesting features on your planet.”

“I didn’t want to invade your planet at all, but I also ask you to understand me and don’t let my things change. Otherwise, the consequences will be absolutely unthinkable.”

After saying this, Zhang Qing also patted the shoulder of Qianli’s figure who was sitting on the ground.

When Zhang Qing slapped the opponent’s shoulder, he saw a green energy slowly entering the body of the Qianli figure in front of him.

And this Qianli’s figure shuddered slightly, and then immediately regained her own will, but at this moment, he looked at the figure in front of him, still feeling a lingering heart.

“Aren’t you really here to invade our planet?”

After a long time, this Qianli figure finally said the first sentence.

Zhang Qing also scratched his ears indifferently, and then spoke.

Don’t talk about invading your planet. I’m just a human being, plus a small beast. I don’t have any thoughts about your planet at all.

When Zhang Qing said this, he stretched out his finger and pointed at his shoulder. This Qilin Rui Beast had turned into a small beast.

And Qilin Ruimon, who had turned into a small beast, also looked at that Qianli’s figure with a pair of disdainful eyes.

The latter also gradually cleared his eyes after hearing what Zhang Qing said, and then immediately stood up.

Although he stood up, his heads were still weak, and he couldn’t be controlled by own at all.

When Zhang Qing saw this scene, he also let out a sigh of relief, and after being exhaled by Zhang Qing with this breath, he immediately started to circle around the figure of Qianli.

In just a moment, that Qianli figure stood up again. At this moment, he couldn’t feel the tremor of his legs before.

Unless the other party has any other intentions, I can only take a passive move at that time, but the consequences of my move are disastrous.

After hearing Zhang Qing’s words, the figure of Qianli also nodded slightly, because the opponent’s strength was too strong, if they really wanted to get their divine object, then they couldn’t stop it at all.

“Secondly, I want to tell you one thing now, that is, if you can lead me to play well on your planet, I might set up a defense formation for you if I am in a good mood. ”

“Of course, this set of defensive formations is not complete. They are all used for defense and can also be used for attacks. However, the resources on your planet should be relatively sufficient and able to withstand your toss.”

“But I still want to advise you, if I really help you make that set of defense formations, you still try not to use that attack formation. Otherwise, I don’t know when you face the next wave of attacks. , What a terrible price it has to pay.”

Zhang Qing was also aimlessly saying this sentence from the back. The Qianli figure in the front suddenly lit up. After all, there could be such a strong man to help them lay out the defense formation.

Then they will never be in a state of panic and fear like they are now.

With that set of defensive formations, even if Wandi came to send it, they would not be the same as before. People who spend so much will repel it, or kill it.

When thinking of this, the figure of Qianli immediately began to become very enthusiastic, and Zhang Qing on the side also showed a relieved smile.

After all, this formation is beneficial to them. To be honest, Zhang Qing wanted to give them from the beginning, but if he doesn’t set some conditions for the other party, the other party will definitely have some doubts.

I don’t want to cause such a result. After all, I am a person who is afraid of trouble.

In this way, a man, a woman, and a small beast also began to walk aimlessly on this steel-forged planet.

Every time when approaching those very obvious buildings, the apologizing figure would explain to Zhang Qing behind him what the device did.

However, it was a bit embarrassing to explain, after all, these things were built to prevent those who are unscrupulous.

That is to say, these cultivators similar to Zhang Qing, although this Qianli figure was a bit awkward when explaining over there, Zhang Qing didn’t take it seriously.

Because he deeply knows that if he cares about the other party because of this little thing, isn’t it a loss of his own superior style?

Besides, the devices they have made are like pediatrics to them. With a slight snap of your fingers, these buildings may collapse in an instant.

Things that are not threatening to own are placed in front of own, how can oneself (how Li is good) have a sense of disgust for these things?

However, he was indeed a little shocked. The level of technological development on this planet has reached this point. This is unprecedented. When he enters the planets he has seen, most of them are cultivation clan.

All of them are refining tools, so he can see such an alternative planet in this world, and his heart is also surrounded by feelings!

At this moment, this beautiful figure is also leading the practitioner behind him, who is completely different from himself, to and from the planet own.

Basically, the two did not have much communication, but the beautiful figure in front also occasionally introduced the role of these things.

Along the way, Zhang Qing still didn’t speak, but just kept following behind this beautiful figure.

To be honest, he was also on this road, mainly because it was a bit strange, because all he saw along the way were steel buildings, and basically he had never seen a person like the beautiful figure in front of him.

“I said, why haven’t you seen anyone on this planet for so long?”

Zhang Qing also raised the question of own within the first time, and the beautiful figure in front of him also gave a slight pause, and then said in a stiff tone.

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