Chapter 257

And the little monk also moved backwards with his feet on the ground, and a huge trench appeared on the sliding plane, and this trench continued to where the little monk stood now.

And the little monk also spit out a mouthful of blood, and at this moment, after seeing the little monk’s current performance, Zhang Qing also got a caring gaze and then prepared to speak.

But the little monk stretched out his hand immediately before Zhang Qing had spoken, motioned to Zhang Qing not to speak, and then spoke.

“It doesn’t matter if Donor Zhang, I can continue.”

Zhang Qing also smiled slightly when he just finished saying this sentence. Then the figure disappeared again, and appeared in front of the little monk again, punching the little monk’s chest that had just been erected again.

He was punched again, and then the little monk was knocked into the air, glided out in a very regular posture, and hit the barrier created by the yellow-robed old man before that.

After landing, the little monk only felt that the party was swaying, and he couldn’t calm down for a while, but he quickly calmed down his current negative state, and raised his head again to look at Zhang Qing.

And Zhang Qing was not at all polite to this guy, only a flash appeared in front of this guy, and punched him in the back.

After a group of people here, the little monk was also directly hardened on the ground, and a large human-shaped pit appeared in the ground.

At this moment, the little monk seemed to be embedded in the ditch of people, but his will was very strong, he slowly got up, and then looked at Zhang Qing again.

Zhang Qing saw the little monk looking at him with a firm gaze again, and he was slightly applauded in his heart, so he kicked the guy again.

Going down this leg directly kicked the little monk out of the trench, and the whole person flew to the sky in pain, and the world of magic on his body had long since disappeared.

At the end, the little monk also got up again after spitting out a violent mouthful of blood, trying to get the last punch.

Zhang Qing was still very satisfied with the little monk’s attitude, and then another flash came to the little monk’s front.

However, when he came to the little monk, the little monk did directly beat his own head, and the whole person seemed to have entered an unconscious state.

Zhang Qing, who had just raised his fist, was also standing slightly loose at the moment, and his last punch lightly hit the little monk’s head.

As he went down with this punch, the little monk was completely unable to support it, and his whole body collapsed to the ground and fell into a coma.

At this moment, the yellow-robed old man in the sky was also very satisfied with the willpower of the little monk and then nodded, once again turning his own gaze on Zhang Qing who was standing on the platform.

“It seems that the first place in this practice is you, a little guy. Do you have anything to say?”

Seeing the yellow-robed old man in front of him gradually approached him, Zhang Qing was also very big. Although he had nothing to say at this moment, he was a lazy person after all.

But faced with the look of expectation in the Huangpao old man, he wanted to say a few words, but considering that he decided not to say it in the end.

“I’ll leave it alone.”

After saying this, Zhang Qing also returned to the own cloud segment again, and everyone Zik also looked embarrassed. Even the two little monks who had fainted and the black-robed man felt a little bit It’s too perfunctory.

Qilin Rui Beast had already beaten the beast father with that little girl, and the ultimate winner was understandable, this Qilin Rui Beast.

Hao Yin was very angry because she couldn’t beat this Qilin Rui Beast in the end, but even though she knew that she had lost, she did not admit defeat.

Qilin Rui Beast smiled when he looked at the still unconvinced little girl, and waved his furry paw.

This really made Hao Yin so angry that she almost shot out on the spot and beat the Qilin Rui Beast in front of her, but she also knew that she couldn’t beat this Qilin Rui Beast at all.

The arrogance in the heart rushed into the sky, how could it be so easy or dejected because of this little beast?

The old man in Huangpao smiled awkwardly after hearing what Zhang Qing said and Zhang Qing’s actions, but who made the person the winner of this battle?

Although I wanted to shoot the guy in front of me into the pit, I decided to maintain my superior demeanor at this moment.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, but there was a slight twitching sensation in the smile.

“I declare that this time the love-lost competition has already become the host. The first place is this little brother, the second is the Zen monk, and the third is Leng Yue.”

Afterwards, the person in the yellow robe building also picked up the Duster in his hand again and waved it slightly into the air, only to see that everyone felt upset.

“This ranking has ended, the relevant rewards have been handed over to you, and everyone can leave at this moment.”

When the yellow-robed old man finished speaking, he waved Duster again, and saw that the yellow-robed old man disappeared out of thin air after several things picked out of Duster entered the hands of the three.

Seeing the empty area around Zhang Qing also stood up again, yawned quietly, and then put away the cloud section under his seat.

Then Qilin Rui Beast quickly jumped on his shoulder. The little monk also said after seeing Zhang Qing’s behavior, “Why should this donor leave? Komatsu can invite everyone to eat. .”

Zhang Qing quietly turned his head after hearing what the little monk said, looked at the little monk and said.

“I like to eat meat. I think we should not sit at the same table.”

The little monk smiled slightly after hearing what Zhang Qing said, and said.

This benefactor should not regard the little monk as a monk, but there are not many rules and precepts.

After hearing what the little monk said, Zhang Qing shook his head again and left quickly, but when he left, he turned his head and said.

“I advise you to leave here quickly. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.”

The moment Zhang Qing finished saying this, he disappeared in front of everyone, and everyone looked at each other without knowing why.

All the people can see at this moment is only a golden light passing through the sky, and they also know that Zhang Qing has left here.

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