Chapter 256

If the other party is sane, this little monk can be considered relaxed, at least the other party will consider whether he can beat him, but at this moment, this guy has already entered demonization and would not consider this at all. .

Zhang Qing didn’t know where to get some melons and fruits and ate them.

The old man Huang Yi on the side didn’t care about this either. After all, there was nothing the other party wanted. As long as he didn’t intervene in violation of the regulations, the old man wouldn’t care about that much.

The person began to fight wildly, but the little monk felt a little strenuous at the moment. After all, the other party was unaware and the classmates would not worry about where each punch of his own would hit the other party.

At this moment, the opponent was able to wave his own fist unscrupulously, planting it on the little monk.

Regarding this point, the little monk was still a little helpless, after all, although the opponent’s body was tempered and not as good as his own, he still had some concerns.

In the end, the other party had vomited blood frequently, but his hands did not stop at all. This little monk was also more and more courageous as he fought. He had no worries about where he would be attacked by the other party. Instead, he had a hearty experience with the other party. boxing.

Seeing the two people in front of him fought recklessly, and the sound of tearing in the air constantly, Zhang Qing would clap his hands in applause from time to time.

But it doesn’t make much sense to watch these two guys fooling around, so I put my own eyes on the platform of Qilin Rui Beast and Hao Yin.

On this platform, it looks a bit like a normal fight. After all, these two fight back and forth. For example, if you scratch me, I will stab you with a sword.

The two went on like this, even though they had some magical functions, they did not cause much harm to both parties, especially the Qilin Rui Beast, who was still alive and kicking at the moment, but Hao Yin, who was on the sidelines, did not look particularly good. .

“Forget it, forget it, it’s boring, I’ll go to sleep.”

Zhang Qing, who was on that cloud segment, was lying there again at this moment, and then turned his head and stopped looking at the battle on that platform.

The battle on that platform also kicked off immediately. In the end, one of the two broke off an arm, while the other side was not physically ill at this moment.

But every time he punches, he seems so weak.

After another period of time, the monk finally won the final victory, and the demonized black robe man also fell directly on this platform at this moment.

And the broken arm is now in a very irregular way, if it’s on a platform on the side.

The yellow-robed old man in the sky also shook his head at this moment, and then removed the protective shield.

And after snapping his fingers again, the injuries on both of them returned to their peak period in the first time.

It’s just that although the man in black who has been demonized has recovered at this moment, he can still do the same, and the black mist on his body has dissipated, but he is still in a coma at this moment.

When he saw that the battle had ended, Zhang Qing stood up, yawned, and then looked at the yellow-robed old man in the sky.

Of course, the yellow-robed old man also noticed her gaze, and then nodded at him, nodded at the businessman again, and then appeared directly on an intact platform.

Although the little monk at this moment has recovered to his peak period, he still has a serious face and full of vigilance at this moment.

Zhang Qing smiled slightly when he looked at the little monk at the moment, and then said to the little monk in front of him.

This holy monk, I think we should try our best to compare, don’t just choose to retire, it seems too meaningless.

Although the little monk knew in his heart that he was no match for the guy in front of him, he still wanted to test himself.

After all, every time I improve Cultivation Base is in battle after battle, so he is also very willing to face such a strong opponent, and the most important thing is that he will not get any Karma.

Later, when the little monk considered this, he also nodded his head to Zhang Qing in front of him.

“Since the donor has said such things, then Mo Xiaosong is not polite with the donor, but I still hope that the owner can act lightly.”

Although the little monk was slightly unconfident in his heart, he still said this to Zhang Qing in front of him.

And when he finished saying this, the little monk also gave a Buddhist ceremony, and Zhang Qing, who was standing opposite, also hurriedly responded.

As a Komatsu, at this moment when he was playing against Zhang Qing, he didn’t dare to be big, which directly caused the Fudo Mingwang formation that they only had in Buddhism.

And Zhang Qing also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said to the little monk in front of him.

excuse me!

This sentence just fell into the ears of the little monk, and the little monk was also in a wave, because he found that Zhang Qing was no longer in front of him.

At this moment, he also felt a slight chill on his neck, and then he said a word after looking down slightly.

“The donor is really superb martial arts, and the little monk is ashamed.”

After saying this, I was about to step off the stage, but Zhang Qing came down and said to the little monk.

“Don’t worry, I know it too, you still need me to temper you and just keep going, will you be reconciled?”

After listening to his words, the little monk shook his head quickly, saying that if he left the game now, he would definitely not be reconciled.

“If this is the case, then I might as well play with you here for a while, so that you can achieve your goal.”

After saying this, the little monk’s eyes were full of gratitude, and then he spoke to Zhang Qing in front of him.

“Amitābha, since Donor Zhang has perfected the little monk in such a way, he would not be polite to Donor Zhang in a low voice.”

After saying this, Zhang Qing flashed away again and returned directly to the position where he stood before, and then gently took off the clothes on his body.

After that, he also put the sword of own in his bag and looked at the little monk in front of him again.

“Presumably, this holy monk’s Vajra hasn’t been trained in the place yet. I just fought with that guy. There should be an Ascension. Why don’t you let me wait and train the holy monk.”

After hearing Zhang Qing’s words, the little monk also gave a slight salute, and then said.

“Amitābha, thank you Zhang Donor for perfection.”

It was terrible. As he finished saying this sentence, Zhang Qing appeared directly in front of him, and punched him in the chest.

At this moment, he was like a huge hammer hitting his chest, and that feeling was very depressing.

After this little monk was hammered by such a group, even the King Fudo Ming on his head had a brief tremor, as if The next moment would disappear.

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