Chapter 258


The little monk also chanted the Buddha’s horn afterwards, feeling a little lost in his heart.

The black-robed man also wanted to leave here at the moment, because he felt inexplicably that a kind of oppressive force was coming, but just when he just wanted to leave.

Hao Yin followed directly behind him. The black robe man also frowned at this moment, and his grim expression was gradually a little stiff at this moment.

This trial has already ended, why follow me?

After hearing what the black-robed man said, Hao Yin was still on the first floor, and then said with a little embarrassment.

“This time my family also wants me to come out and experience it. Don’t look at me. Cultivation Base is still quite high, but my combat experience is simply inadequate.”

“I believe you have seen it too. I couldn’t even beat that small beast before. Do you have the heart to let a weak woman like me run around in a world full of evil people?”

Hao Yin still showed a green tea expression at this moment, and the black-robed man sighed again after seeing his pitiful appearance.

“All right!”

In the end, he couldn’t bear the pitiful look of the girl in front of him, and in the end he could only agree, but the little monk beside him shook his head helplessly.

“Amitābha, sin, sin.”

Then the little monk wanted to leave here, but at this moment, a golden light flashed over their heads again and quickly appeared in front of them.

When everyone saw this golden light at the moment, they were also slightly shocked, because this was Zhang Qing who had gone and returned.

But at this moment, after returning here, his face turned pale.

“What happened to Donor Zhang?”

The little monk also asked Zhang Qing in the first time.

Zhang Qing frowned at this moment, and did not reply to what the little monk said in the first time, but directly spoke.

“I shouldn’t have wasted so long here with you just now.

After hearing his words, everyone was puzzled. Then the little monk was about to speak again, but only one figure appeared in front of them.

After this figure glanced at the crowd, he immediately turned his gaze on Hao Yin, who was next to the man in black.

“Isn’t this a member of the Humei family? How come out? Your elders are really relieved to you.”

He looked extremely ugly when he came here, but the breath on his body did not drip at all, and watching Hao Yin frantically licking his lips, there was a lustful look on his face.

When Hao Yin saw that someone had recognized him, he immediately became nervous and ran directly behind the black-robed man.

The ugly person looked at the black-robed man for a moment, and then laughed again.

“Why did this little son of the Dark Moon clan also run out? I really don’t worry about you.”

The black-robed man was even more nervous when he saw this guy also recognizing himself, but the moment this guy saw the little monk and Zhang Qing, he was a little confused.

Because although he can see that these two guys are much stronger than the two guys he recognized just now, he doesn’t even know what family these two guys belong to at this moment.

At this moment, the little monk recognized who the guy in front of him belongs to.

The people of the silver star can also be called the Yinxing clan.

At that moment, the strange man who was suppressing everyone in the sky, after hearing what the little monk said, his pupils shrank slightly, and then he laughed violently.

“I really didn’t expect that someone would recognize my family this year. It seems that you kid can be considered well-informed.”

The dog-heavy ball never acts alone. You should have a lot of companions. It’s better to call them all out. Let us take a look, don’t do this kind of sneaking.

Zhang Qing also looked at the rival in front of him and said at this moment.

“Oh, it seems that this little monk is not the only one who knows our race.”

Afterwards, seeing the person of the Silver Star tribe shake their own hands, a dozen or so members of the Silver Star tribe appeared from the sky.

Seeing so many people coming, although the little monk still had a smile on his face, he still felt very stressed.

Zhang Qing is still relatively good, because when he saw these people, he also gave a slightly disdainful smile.

But this life’s disdain was heard by the leader of the silver star, and then he said to Zhang Qing angrily.

“What are you guys laughing at? What’s so funny, don’t you know that you are dying today?”

This silver star is also extremely fierce. However, Zhang Qing did not put this guy in one’s eyes at this moment. Even if the opponent’s strength is stronger than himself, his own hole card is not only that one.

That little monk, Hao Yin of the Fox Mei clan, and Leng Yue of the Dark Moon clan, all looked at Zhang Qing with an extremely nervous expression at this moment. They were really afraid that the guy in front of him would anger the other party, and then directly Kill them here indiscriminately.

“Zhang Donor.”

“What the hell are you guys doing? Don’t you know what your strength is like? Why are you free to provoke them?”

Hao Yin of the Humei clan said sharply at this moment.

Although Leng Yue didn’t speak at this time, she knew that this guy was also very angry at this moment. For some reason, Zhang Qing dared to call the people who had a higher Cultivation Base in front of her.

“Do the three of you really think they came here to play with us? You don’t want to ask what exactly this guy’s clan has done?”

Zhang Qing also awakened the dreamer with a word at the moment. Although the three guys, only the little monk knew the details of each other’s family, the two guys didn’t.

At this moment, the little monk also had a cold sweat on his head, and then explained to the two behind him.

The Silver Stars are well-known robbers in the universe. Basically, they are not afraid of the sky. They are a group of people who are far away from the law. Even those practitioners who do not take these guys have no way at all.

Basically, people who are stared at by these guys will never let you go if they don’t peel off their skin. Unless you can produce what they are satisfied with, they won’t take you.

“What can these guys do? Isn’t he afraid of the family behind us? According to the strength of our family, aren’t these guys scumbags?”

Before the little monk had finished speaking, Hao Yin of the Humei clan spoke harshly at this moment, but Zhang Qing sneered.

“Please, can you brainstorm a little bit, don’t you understand why these guys can get away with it here without being discovered by those practitioners.”

When Zhang Qing said this sentence, Hao Yin of the Humei tribe was speechless for a while, and finally he could only look at the little monk with his eyes asking for help.

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