Chapter 240 New Issue

“What are those old man’s pets? You can tell me clearly.”

Of course Zhang Qing could see that the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him hadn’t told the truth yet, maybe he hadn’t clearly stated the relationship, and he said to the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him again.

“Oh, I just ate a piece of Kun and a white tiger.”

“I’m going! Are you such a cruel thing? Even if you eat Kun, then White Tiger is still a four-phase beast, why did you eat it too?”

After Zhang Qing heard what Qilin was saying in front of him, he couldn’t wait for a mouthful of old blood to spurt out. You must know that these two things are relatively difficult to see in this wild world.

I also found such a little apprentice because of my good luck, and he was also a descendant of the five-clawed golden dragon, and his talent was also blue and blue.

The Qilin Rui Beast in front of him was not bad at all. This guy actually ate Kun, and there was a White Tiger.

“Forget it, forget it, I don’t think we have great hope of going out.”

Zhang Qing is also determined to give up the idea of ​​going out from here. After all, these old men’s pets, which are so difficult to find, were eaten by this Qilin beast. It is considered good if this Qilin beast has not been killed. .

“What do you mean by this? Is it related to the fact that I ate those little animals when I wanted to go out from here?”

Zhang Qing really couldn’t help but want to beat this guy after hearing what Qilin Ruimon said in front of him, but his own Cultivation Base wasn’t enough, and he couldn’t start at all.

“Come on, come on, come on, let me tell you what exactly you know Kun is, forget it, let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about the White Tiger first when you’re sleepy, at least this thing is the same thing as you guys. It is a five-phase creature.”

Qilin Rui Beast was stunned by Zhang Qing in front of him. When he heard it, he couldn’t help but stretch out his paw and put it in his mouth, and said to Zhang Qing with a surprised expression.

It should not be so serious. They should know who my daddy is. I believe they dare not treat me this way.

“You said this lightly, so you thought Kun’s father and the White Tiger, his father was really indifferent to seeing his son die in front of his. Now he is definitely looking for your dad’s troubles. Estimate your dad. When I see you again, I want to kill you, an unfilial grandson, directly.”

“I still think you are quite safe in this secret realm. Those old men imprisoned you here for your own good, I think.”

Zhang Qing is also unable to complain about the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, after all, this guy is really stupid!

“Uh, I don’t think my brain would be so willing to kill me.”

Zhang Qing then spouted another mouthful of old blood. It is true that Qilin ancestors will not kill this Qilin auspicious beast, and those White Tiger ancestors, these guys can be regarded as ancestors.

Let’s not talk about the White Tiger. That is the Kun. The Kun ancestor is probably enough for this Qilin ancestor to drink a pot.

After all, I still know more about Kun creatures. When I grow up, I can eat dragons, and I’m still a five-clawed golden dragon, who belongs to the little apprentice of own. Thinking of the little apprentice Own losing a natural enemy like this, Zhang Qing couldn’t help but a smile of fortunately appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But when I remembered that he was still trapped in this seal technique, he was a little upset, after all, this was the first time he was locked up.

If it was the Cultivation Base I used to be, I couldn’t stop myself here, but how could the Qilin Rui Beast and a member of that group hurt me?

The more Zhang Qing thought about it, the more he felt heartbroken. After all, he intervened for no reason. When the second was the practice field, he encountered such a big hurdle.

And I also have such a cheating system. It is really disgusting that I have to add one to me privately for a good task, and I have to break through here to get rewards. This is really disgusting.

But this is nothing to me. After all, I am also a lazy master. Even if I stay here forever, there is no problem. But the problem is that I didn’t eat or drink here. It’s bigger.

Although I have bigu now, I don’t need to eat those foods at all, but I will inevitably be greedy.

“You guy also knew about such a big product, but I didn’t expect to pay myself back. I borrowed it. This is really a big mistake!”

Zhang Qing also gritted his teeth and looked at the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him. After Qilin Rui Beast learned of his mistake, he did not panic at this moment and showed that he was lying on the stone platform again.

After not knowing how long it had passed, Zhang Qing others also picked up the cheat book he had picked up before, and began to look through it. He was really puzzled.

Why is there only one cheat book in such a big place?

Is it possible that the grade of this cheat book is still very high? The other dense grades are too low to pass that barrier at all?

Although he was still very confused in his heart, he decided to go out and search first. He could find as much as he could. If he could promote his own Cultivation Base quickly, he would be very happy.

When Zhang Qing thought of this, he also stepped directly out of Qilin Rui Beast’s Immortal Cave. At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast saw that Zhang Qing had left his own Immortal Cave, the corners of his mouth were also slightly raised.

After all, all the cheats on this island have been taken back by myself, and the family is also trying to pass the time.

If Zhang Qing can find another cheat book on this island, then he is really lucky.

Sure enough, Zhang Qing did a round of inspections outside. After a round of inspections, Zhang Qing did not find any secrets. He returned to the Immortal Cave with some loss.

Rui Beast Qilin couldn’t help but secretly laughed. After hearing this guy’s laugh, Zhang Qing suddenly realized that something was different from what he had imagined.

Recalling that this guy has stayed here for so long, it is impossible not to have seen this kind of density, and then he immediately picked up the cheat book he had picked up before and placed it in front of Qilin Rui Beast, facing it. Qilin Rui Beast said.

“I said, you guy has been here for such a long time. Have you ever seen anything like this? If you see such a thing, give me as much as you can.”

At this moment, Zhang Qing looked at Qilin, a beast in front of him, with a strong attitude.

Qilin Rui Beast pretended to be asleep at the moment, lying on the stone platform, and ignored Zhang Qing, who was asking for his secret book below.

Of course Zhang Qing knew that this guy was not asleep, and then he jumped onto the ten platform and gave this guy a punch.

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