Chapter 241 Body

The strong physical power directly blasted on this Qilin Rui Beast. The Qilin Rui Beast was a little bit painful and got up his own body, and glanced at Zhang Qing who hit him again with a fist.

The speed of Qilin Rui Beast can be regarded as the speed of Qilin Rui Beast is also relatively fast, successfully evading Zhang Qing’s second punch.

It’s just that when Zhang Qing saw Own’s second all being evaded, he also kicked his feet directly on top of Qilin Ruimon’s head, and also shot directly at the time of the thousand and one shots.

Qilin Rui Beast looked at Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast, watching Zhang Qing hit the second punch at him, the whole beast was stupid, because it is impossible for an ordinary person to have such a physique.

Unless this guy is not a human at all, but a human form transformed into a wild beast, otherwise, how could he have such a strong physique?

This second punch hit Qilin Ruimon’s head, and Qilin Ruimon’s entire head was also in an instant, as if being seeded by a large boulder, and it was quickly embedded in the stone platform below him. inside.

When it took a long time to pull Own’s head out of the ground, Qilin Rui Beast also looked at Zhang Qing in front of him with a vigilant look.

What kind of wild beast you are, come to life, or don’t blame me for being rude.

Rui Beast Qilin couldn’t believe that the guy in front of him was an ordinary human, so he said directly.

Of course Zhang Qing also knows why Qilin Qilin said such things, but he is indeed a very ordinary person. To have such a physique, it is also because of his own opportunity.

I said, what are you guys saying there? What is a wild beast, is a wild beast like you? Besides, the physique of a wild beast like you is not as good as mine.

“Don’t always think that the strong body is the beast? Human beings are the spirit of all things. If you want to go to the next level, you have to transform into a human form. This is a simple truth, don’t you understand? ?”

Zhang Qing also frantically reprimanded the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him. The Qilin Rui Beast was stunned by Zhang Qing, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

I tell you, as long as you have this kind of cheats, and as long as the number is large enough, as long as you follow me, you will never be bullied by your father and those two families.

If Qilin Ruimon had heard such words from Zhang Qing’s mouth, he would have laughed, but at this moment, after being beaten by Zhang Qing, he was also honest. He couldn’t help but wonder why it was a normal one. Of people will have such strength.

“I tell you, as long as this guy has as many cheats on you, as long as there are enough, I can definitely take you out of here.”

Zhang Qing also once again said to the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him that Qilin Rui Beast is also stupid at this moment. You must know that any creature does not command own qualifications in front of him, even if he is own father.

“Why do you dare to use such words to tell me, you know that the secret code is on my body now, if you irritate me, I will never give this secret code to you.”

The Qilin Rui Beast at this moment is more aggressive than ever before, but it is already thundering outside at this moment.

Of course Zhang Qing knew why the sky outside would flash and thunder, and then he looked at the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him with a disdainful tone.

“I said, did you guy forget what you said before?”

When this sentence was said, Qilin Rui Beast was completely stupid.

Did I say anything before?

Seeing the bewildered Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, Zhang Qing couldn’t help but want to give a hint.

I remember that you seemed to swear a vow with your heart and blood before.

After Zhang Qing’s reminder, Qilin Rui Beast suddenly woke up, and his whole person became honest.

“Since you remember what you said before, now, as your master, can I command you?”

At this moment, Zhang Qing also looked like an inch, causing Qilin Rui Beast’s teeth to cut his teeth, but there was no way.

“If you still have a little conscience now, it would be better for Xi’an to give me all the secrets on you. I can still consider whether to take you away from this ghost place.”

Qilin Rui Beast was also very angry after hearing what Zhang Qing said, but there was no other way but to obediently get all his cheats.

After looking at the cheats that had been piled up in front of him, Zhang Qing’s saliva was about to flow down.

How many cheats did you guy get? As far as I know, there should be very few cheats here. Why do you guys have so many here?

After hearing what Zhang Qing said, Rui Beast Qilin was also slightly taken aback, looking at Zhang Qing with a puzzled expression.

“What the hell are you talking about? Isn’t this kind of thing you can pick up anywhere?”

Besides, there will be a lot of these kinds of things after a few years, I just keep them in my spare time.

“Because when I was locked here before, these things did exist, but they disappeared at the end of the year. When I picked them all up, they wouldn’t disappear.”

“Now that a long time has passed, of course I have accumulated so many cheats.”

Qilin Rui Beast also raised its head high up at the moment, looking very proud, while Zhang Qing, who was on the side, directly focused his eyes on the mountain of cheats.

“You really have a fellow, but I want to take a moment to think about what special circumstances have happened to you since you got these intensives.”

The reason why Zhang Qing said such a thing is to confirm whether the energy in these intensives is still in these intensives.

If these intensive energy had been absorbed by the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, it would be of no use at all.

Are there any special changes? When I got these intensives, I just felt that I couldn’t understand them at all.

Zhang Qingyue became more excited when he heard what Qilin said. After all, like the current situation, there is absolutely no loss of energy in these intensive energy.

Although he doesn’t know the reason, since the energy backup in these cheats has not disappeared, then he can definitely restore his own Cultivation Base within a certain period of time.

Although I don’t know how much it can recover, it must be useful.

If the own energy is restored to a certain level, it is absolutely possible to take this Qilin Rui Beast out of this sealed place.

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