Chapter 239 Cheats

“Since the cheats can be found in this kind of place, does that prove that there are cheats in this place too!

The moment this thought appeared in Zhang Qing’s mind, Zhang Qing also hurriedly abandoned and ran away.

But Zhang Qing searched for a long time, but still didn’t find a cheat book, and then he landed on the flat ground. After taking this cheat book and observing it, it was a pity.

Of course, Rui Beast Qilin had already known that Zhang Qing had come to own Immortal Cave, and the cheat book Zhang Qing found before was just a cheat book that he threw out in his free time.

He really didn’t expect that the guy in front of him was really interested in this kind of rubbish cheats.

Zhang Qing also walked into the Immortal Cave of Rui Beast Qilin with a little helplessness at this moment, and Rui Beast Qilin was resting on a platform formed by a huge rock at this moment.

Zhang Qing entered the Immortal Cave of Rui Beast Qilin, and was also a little surprised, because he discovered that there were some strange plants and trees in the tofu that had miraculous effects on cultivation.

Unexpectedly, your Immortal Cave is really a cornucopia. With so many things, are you not rare at all?

Rui Beast Qilin said to Zhang Qing in front of him without even raising his eyelids.

“Did you think these broken grass and wood are really good? Besides, if I were not here (bfcf), would they grow out? If you want it, just take it.”

Zhang Qing looked at the guy in front of him lying on the huge stone platform, really wanted to go up and beat this guy up, helpless, after all, this is other people’s tofu, and the strange plants and woods on this tofu are also because of him. Just derived.

“Since you don’t care about these things, then I will help you clean up here.”

When this sentence was finished, even Zhang Qing felt a little wicked, but Qilin still lay there without speaking.

“If you don’t speak, I will treat you as a default.”

Seeing Qilin lying there and not replying to him, Zhang Qing also made up his mind to pick up all the strange plants and trees here.

“Linyang grass, Qilin tree, Qihuang fruit, blood Qilin.”

Seeing all the plants and trees in front of him with great efficiency for cultivation, Zhang Qing almost laughed out loud, but in order to maintain this dignified image in front of Qilin Rui Beast, he also suppressed his own smile.

After plucking all the vegetation and putting it in his own pocket, Zhang Qing also glanced at Qilin Rui Beast who was playing in front of him.

“You guy has been here long enough, do you want to go out and have a look?”

Qilin Rui Beast did not pay attention to what he said, but just blanked him with his own eyes.

“You guy is really funny talking. I’ve been here for so long. I definitely want to vent my anger. If I can get out, you think I’m still here?”

Although he thought so in his heart, he did not reply to Zhang Qing’s words.

“What the hell do you mean by giving me a white eye? Just say if you want to go out. Just go and check the voucher. I’m sure. This is a kind of sealing technique I know.”

When you guy was young, was it because of a thousand wicked things that the old men would catch them and seal them here?

Zhang Qingyi thought that this sealing technique was a quartet forbidden technique, but he also wanted to tease Qilin, the auspicious beast in front of him.

“What bad things did you do? I just ate some small fish and beasts. I didn’t do bad things.”

Of course Zhang Qing wouldn’t believe what the guy in front of him said. If it were normal, it would be impossible for those old men with hands and eyes to go against an ancestor beast.

It’s not that these old men had other plans. In order to catch a little Rui beast, Qilin was able to hide from the sky and the ancestor Qilin.

Although there are some speculations in own, Zhang Qing at the moment does not want to say it.

Because at this moment, he was thinking in his heart what those old men wanted to do when catching this Qilin Rui Beast.

If this Qilin Rui Beast was imprisoned only because he had done some wicked things, then there was really nothing to say.

And if this Qilin Rui Beast was caught out for something bad, it would be simpler. The seal book should be easier to crack than I thought.

However, if this guy is not doing anything bad, but the old men are trying to do something about him, then it will not be easy.

So as long as this is confirmed, Zhang Qing can break the outer seal with peace of mind. If this guy didn’t tell the truth, it might take longer for the two of them to get out.

“You guys still have to give me a better attitude.”

Zhang Qing said to the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, and this Qilin Rui Beast said that after hearing what he said, he ignored him. He was still lying there, but at the moment his tail was swaying-moving. .

“I have something that I originally wanted to tell you, but it seems you are not interested in this way, so let’s forget it.”

After saying this, Zhang Qing was about to walk out of Qilin Rui Beast’s Immortal Cave, and Qilin Rui Beast was full of curiosity in his heart, not knowing what this guy was going to say to him.

“Okay, just say it, I just listen.”

After saying this, Qilin Rui Beast also looked at Zhang Qing in front of him.

“I want to ask you a few questions now. You must answer me truthfully. It’s about whether we can get out safely from here.”

Qilin Rui Beast was also serious at the moment. After changing his lazy attitude, he immediately squatted there.

Say something quickly.

After all, it’s something about your freedom. How can you not be sad? So his current mental outlook is very good.

Zhang Qing nodded with satisfaction after seeing the performance of the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, and then said.

“In fact, this is the case. I want to ask, what on earth did you guy get caught because of something?”

“Oh, haven’t I already told you before, I just ate some small fish and some lost weight, but I was caught by those old men.”

Qilin Rui Beast also said to Zhang Qing in front of him with some guilty conscience.

Looking at the Qilin Rui Beast with a guilty conscience in front of him, Zhang Qing also narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at this Qilin Rui Beast and said.

“I advise you to recruit it honestly.”

Qilin Rui Beast breathed out a sigh of relief when he learned that the lie he said was a little bit uncontrollable.

“In fact, this is the situation. I was young before, and I was a little ignorant. Then, I just ate the pets of these old men.”

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