Chapter 223

I don’t even know if other people will come in in a while, it is not safe, so there is no way to serve the treasure that Zhen Jin gave him here.

Helpless Zhang Qing had to sit in a chair, waiting for other changes in the house.

I don’t know how long it has passed, just when Zhang Qing was already waiting a little boring.

Suddenly, another burst of light appeared in the room.

Someone is here again! Is it possible to be a member of the Wang family?

The ring in Zhang Qing’s hand began to move slowly, secretly guarding this person who was about to be sent.

Watching the light that transmitted the formation gradually disappeared, a man with a short stature and a black face appeared in the formation with a square scarf on his head and a robe.

As soon as the man appeared, he looked around for a while, then found Zhang Qing, and then his eyes lit up.

Grasping Zhang Qing’s hand, he said very enthusiastically.

“My friend, are you here to participate in the trial too?”

Zhang Qing suddenly jumped by the enthusiasm of the black-faced man was a little at a loss.

“Trial? Are you not from the Wang family?”

Zhang Qing asked while pulling out his hand silently.

“Wang family? What Wang family, I don’t know.”

He didn’t mind seeing Zhang Qing being pulled out, the still very enthusiastic man replied.

“Then how did you get in.”

Zhang Qing, who still didn’t believe in men, continued to ask.

“Fellow daoist is the first time to come to this place of trial. Although I don’t know which entrance you entered, but I really don’t know what royal family you are talking about. I entered from the beam entrance of Wei State.”

“What? Wei Guoliang? Is it possible that there is more than one entrance to this secret realm.”

Zhang Qing thought in surprise.

What is the name of fellow daoist Dao name?

Seeing Zhang Qing’s delay in speaking, the black-faced man asked again.

“The Kingdom of God, the Lord of God.”

Zhang Qingyan replied concisely.

“Oh, fellow daoist.” The black-faced man eagerly slapped Zhang Qing.

“What god fellow daoist, my last name is Zhang.”

Zhang Qing was a little bit wry smile by the black-faced man.

However, he discovered that the black-faced man was not eager to others, but seemed to be chattering.

That brother Zhang is here for the first time, my surname is Hao, you can call me Hao Yin, brother. You came from that entrance. If you have any problems when you come, there are brothers in your family.

Seeing this black-faced man talk more and more farther and farther, more and more talked, feeling that he can talk about old age by himself, Zhang Qing quickly interrupted.

“It seems that fellow daoist Hao is not the first time to come to this trial. I am indeed here for the first time. Can I talk to Zhang about the place of this trial?”

When Hao Yin saw Zhang Qing finally talked to him, the expression on his face became more eager.

“You don’t need to call me fellow daoist Hao, just call me brother Hao, you can also call me Xiao Hao.”

Hao Yin waved his hand and politely said to Zhang Qing.

“This place of trial Hao has the honor to visit once, and today I will tell Brother Zhang what is in this place of trial.”

“In fact, there is nothing to say. The place of this trial is nothing more than the three trials. As long as you pass the three trials in the legend, you can get the inheritance of Duyang.”

Hao Yin raised an index finger as he spoke.

The first level is the survival battle. Two groups, a total of 50 groups fight together, and the top ten can advance to the second level.

Zhang Qing understood why Hao Yin was so eager to himself when he heard this.

Then, Hao Yin raised his second middle finger.

The second level is the illusion test.

illusion test? Can you be more specific?

Asked Zhang Qing, who had been defeated by the illusion outside.

It is impossible to be specific, it is said that it is a test of people’s inner fear.

Zhang Qing nodded and asked again.

“The third level?”

“I don’t know the third level, because I haven’t been in, but no one has been able to get the inheritance so far. It must be difficult to think about it.”

When Hao Yin said this, the expression on his face became extremely serious.

Just after speaking, the door inside the house suddenly opened

Let’s go, the first level is about to begin.

Seeing Zhang Qing’s eyes were looking at him, Hao Yin said to Zhang Qing.

After speaking, let’s take a step forward. Walked out the door.

Seeing Hao Yin walk out the door, Zhang Qing also walked out soon after.

Walking out of the door, a Great Hall suddenly appeared in front of him.

There were already a few people standing sporadically on the Great Hall.

They are also standing there in pairs. Talking.

Zhang Qing thought, walking in the square.

How should I find Zhen Jin’s father, and whether I should fight for this heritage.

Before I could figure out a way, I walked into the Great Hall.

“Forget it, take one step and count one step.”

Zhang Qing gave up the idea of ​​thinking and turned to look at Hao Yin beside him.

“Brother Zhang, don’t be nervous, the trial is about to begin, and the spirit will tell me to wait for the rules in a while, just listen carefully.”

Seeing Zhang Qing looking at herself, Hao Yin said to Zhang Qing.

After a while, a hollow voice sounded, and the noisy voice in the Great Hall suddenly fell silent.

Everyone, in groups of two, 50 groups for a match, a total of five people can advance, and the loser loses the qualification for the trial.

Qi Ling’s voice did not change feelings or emotions, and after simply speaking, there was no voice.

At this time, Hao Yin next to Zhang Qing began to chat again.

“Brother, don’t be nervous, as long as we pass the first level, we can get rewards. We are both Realm of the master of the higher universe. Anyway, we can’t get the inheritance. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself…”

Zhang Qing was really annoyed by Hao Yin’s words.

Hao Yin was interrupted rudely.

“Do you see that I am nervous? There is still a trial to start, don’t say it.”

The interrupted Hao Yin had a trace of embarrassment on his face. He replied with a whisper.

“It’s good if you don’t be nervous, am I afraid you are nervous.”

“And what do you mean by passing the first level and getting rewards?”

Hao Yin, who thought Zhang Qing would not talk to himself again, was a little bit confused.

“I mean, what did you mean by passing the first level and getting rewards?”

Zhang Qing was really not too cold about Hao Yin’s remarks, but it was a little bit unbearable to see that he was rejected by himself, so he had to find a topic with Hao Yin again.

Hao Yin, who heard that Zhang Qing was indeed talking to him, showed a happy face again.

“Every time you pass the first level, you will have a chance to get a reward. Depending on how many people our team eliminates, you can get different rewards. Last time I passed the first level by chance, and I waited for a Chaos Magic. Treasures.”

Hao Yin proudly showed off to Zhang Qing, Zhang Qing was also taken aback, although he already had a lot of Universe Magic Treasures, but in fact, the ordinary master of the universe had a Chaos Magic Treasures that was enough to make people excited. NS.

In this way, Zhang Qing meditated in his heart, and Hao Yin continued to speak to Zhang Qing.

The first level of the trial will begin.

At the beginning of the first level of the trial, Zhang Qing found that he and Hao Yin had arrived in a huge empty square.

Everyone in the square has been told together. Now they are also cautiously choosing to get together with their own companions and wait and see each other.

Hao Yin next to him also waited and watched, but his face worsened as he watched.

Brother Zhang, we actually have more than a dozen titles of the Lord of the Universe. Fortunately, the death here will not be a real death, but will be out of the game.

Hao Yin looked at the people on the opposite side with despair and said to Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing followed Hao Yin’s gaze and found that in the middle of the square, there were several masters of the universe.

Several people are on guard against each other, how do they move towards others To put in one’s eyes.

After all, in their eyes, only a few people with Realm can become enemies, and the rest are the masters of higher universes.

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