Chapter 222

The other person who was asked also looked confused: “Is there something wrong on the road, wait a minute.”

But the gray-robed old man, who had waited for a long time and still no one came, paced back and forth for a long time, and finally couldn’t help it.

“Never mind! Mother, I won’t come after waiting for a long time. You can stay where you are and wait for them. The old man will lead the others in first!”

The somewhat grumpy old man said to the other person, regardless of whether he agreed or not, he turned his head and greeted the other person, and walked towards a teleportation formation.

“Really, at this age, the old man Wang Zhi still has such a grumpy character.”

The white-haired old man didn’t get angry when he saw it. After talking to himself, he calmly found a place to sit down at the entrance of the cave and waited silently.

They are all Elders of the royal family!

“This should be it.”

Zhang Qing held the map in his right hand, and said to a cave with his left hand.

Turning around, he said to Zhen Jin: “Wait first, I’ll go in and have a look, you will come in later.”

Without waiting for Zhen Jin to respond, he walked to the cave.

Zhen Jin nodded quietly, and then whispered to Zhang Qing’s back as if thinking of something.

“Be careful.”

Zhang Qing waved his hand without turning his head, as a response.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Zhang Qing looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

If there is no problem, you have to step in.

“Little friend, please come back if you are not allowed to enter here.”

Suddenly, a voice came from the cave and rang in Zhang Qing’s ear.

“I’m afraid it’s someone from the Wang family.”

“Why are you not allowed to enter? I came here to find someone, who are you?” he replied.

Zhang Qing thought to himself, and then walked in to find the location of the voice.

Entering the cave, Zhang Qing found an old man with white beard sitting crouched on the edge of the cave.


Seeing that Zhang Qing refused to listen to dissuasion, the old man still entered the cave, so he sighed, then got up and said to Zhang Qing.

You little friend really doesn’t know good or bad, only the strength of the master of the superior universe, dare to run wild in this secret realm.

“That is to say, the old man is easy-going, if I change someone else, I will kill you here.”

The old man first persuades the protagonist to be sincere. Then he asked: “Who are you looking for?”

Seeing this, Zhang Qing had a plan, first slowly approached the old man, then bowed and asked: “Is the senior senior, your surname is Wang?”

“How does the little friend know the old man?” the old man asked kindly.

“No, no, no…, Junior has a friend who wants to say something to senior.”

“A word? What is it?” The old man was immediately interested, and even if he noticed that Zhang Qing was slowly approaching, he didn’t care. After all, a kid of the lord of the superior universe, what else can he get closer to.

“It’s a word from a friend named Wang Liang who asked me to tell you.”

“What! Wang Liang? What did he say.” Hearing the word Wang Liang raised his brows, the old man asked hurriedly.

After all, the delay of Wang Liang and Wang Biao made the old man very worried about what went wrong.

And Zhang Qing mentioned Wang Liang at this time, which made the old man very curious about what happened to the two of them.

“He said the thing he told me to tell you was…”

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Qing deceived himself and flashed behind the old man, the Universe ring in his hand glowed with a faint light, increasing Zhang Qing’s own strength by a hundred times! , On the other hand, a small clock is also slowly turning.

“You said…what…Zhuzi! How dare you?”

Then Zhang Qing took the opportunity to flash behind the old man before the old man reacted, just about to take out the Magic Treasures defense, but found that own speed has become a lot slower for some reason!


Zhang Qing’s punch, which increased his strength by one hundred times and weakened the old man by fifty times, hit the old man’s back firmly.

The strength after being multiplied by a hundredfold raged and destroyed the old man’s body madly.

Even the old man was punched with a huge hole in his back.

The poor old man didn’t even know why Zhang Qing would make a raid, and he couldn’t figure out why a small master of the Universe could have such a strong power.

So much so that a dry face, before his death, his eyes were still full of doubts and incomprehension.

“Zhang Qing, are you okay.”

Zhen Jin, who was waiting outside the cave, heard a vague fighting sound coming from inside, and hurried over to check and saw Zhang Qing as if he had just fought, Zhen Jin said worriedly.

“Of course I’m fine, let’s go in now.”

Zhang Qing pointed to the teleportation formation in the cave and said, “The person who stayed here to guard the Wang family just now has been removed by me. It seems that this place should lead to the land of Duyang inheritance.”

The white-bearded old man who stayed here and waited for Wang Liang and others was regarded by Zhang Qing as the guardian here, but it didn’t matter to him who was already dead.

“This place of inheritance is extremely dangerous, I may not be able to protect you well, are you sure you still want to go in? In fact, it’s the same for me to go in for you to find your father.”

Zhang Qing frowned as she looked at Zhen Jin and said.


Zhen Jin readily agreed after thinking about it.

After all, she is not the kind of little girl who doesn’t know good or bad and doesn’t know how to advance and retreat. Zhang Qing’s previous attitude and actions have already let Zhen Jin know that he is not the kind of person who agrees but does not do it.

And this place of inheritance has already entered a lot of masters of the Wang family, she knows that if she enters, she might drag Zhang Qing’s hind legs.

“Well, then you tell me your father’s appearance. If you can find me, I will help you find your father.”

Zhang Qing was surprised when she saw Zhen Jin’s promise so quickly. Just now, she was still thinking about how to persuade her not to enter.

After all, although he has the ability to forcefully kill the title of the Lord of the Universe, the situation in the land of inheritance is not known for the time being, and the people of the Wang family may not be able to pay attention to her everywhere.

After Ping Ji and Zhang Qing talked about his father’s appearance, Zhang Qing walked towards the teleportation formation.

“My son, you wait.”

Just as Zhang Qing was about to walk to the formation, Zhen Jin stopped him.

“What else is there?” Zhang Qingzhuan asked.

But seeing a box flying over, Zhang Qing stretched out his hand to catch it.

“this is for you!”

Zhang Qing looked at it and remembered that it was the treasure that Zhen Jin had mentioned.

“Are you not afraid that I won’t help you find your father if I get something?” said Zhen Jin, Zhang Qing’s smiling team.

“Don’t be afraid! I believe you.”

“I don’t know how dangerous this place of inheritance is. You are helping me find my father. How can I be a villain.”

Zhen Jin also said with a smile at Zhang Qing.

“This treasure is a drop of the heart and blood of a Taoist practitioner that my father found in his early years. Taking it can complement your Three Thousand Avenues.”

“After entering, find a place to take it first, and then find my father after breakthrough. Also, if it is too dangerous, come out.”

Zhen Ji said the first two sentences to Zhang Qing with a smile, but the last sentence became serious.

Obviously speaking seriously.

“Don’t worry, I will do my best.”

After listening to the words, Zhang Qing did not make any procrastination. After making a promise to Zhen Jin, he put the box away and walked into the teleportation array.

A burst of purple light flashed by the activated teleportation, and then Zhang Qing was teleported away.

The environment here is really weird.

Zhang Qing, who appeared again, had clearly entered the land of inheritance.

As soon as he entered, Zhang Qing discovered the weirdness here.

He seemed to be teleported to a small room where there was nothing but a chair and a table.

Zhang Qing tried to get out, but the door couldn’t be opened at all.

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