Chapter 224

Not to worry!

On the bright side, only the master of the high universe, Realm’s Zhang Qing, is of course not followed by others, and he is secretly happy in his heart.

Planning to do a thing after the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole.

When everyone is restraining from not taking the first shot, while slowly waiting and watching.

Suddenly, the initiative of a named Universe.

Seeing that the man waved his hand to call out a big knife surrounded by black energy, he cut off at the nearest superior Universe lord.

In an instant, countless shadows left the broadsword and hit the person first.

The slashed Lord of the Universe did not expect that the other party’s title, the Lord of the Universe, would sneak attack him.

I haven’t waited for any response, just one blow! The master of the advanced universe who was attacked was chopped in two.

The corpse fell slowly to the ground, and soon the blood stained a large area of ​​the ground.


I don’t know who yelled “Kill!”

After that, everyone was like a starting gun in the arena, and everyone started together in unison.

Get started first!

Several people surrounded Zhang Qing and Hao Yin!

Fortunately, there is no title of the Lord of the Universe. Although Zhang Qing is not afraid of the arrival of the title of the Lord of the Universe, Zhang Qing still does not want to expose his own strength prematurely.

Everyone present seemed to be aroused by the smell of blood flowing on the ground.

There were fewer and fewer people left, and before long, there were only 17 people left on the court, including Zhang Qing and Hao Yin.

The corpses were sent to nowhere, leaving only patches of blood on the ground.

The remaining people gradually calmed down.

Among the seventeen people, there are a total of six names of the Lord of the Universe. One of the companions of the Lord of the Universe seems to have been eliminated. There is only one person beside him, silently watching the other two team titles of the Universe. Lord, panting heavily, it looks like he’s been attacked.

“Everyone, why don’t we get rid of the masters of these advanced universes first, and don’t let them profit from the ant fishermen in the end.”

The master of the name Universe opens the channel.

As soon as the voice fell, the remaining ten masters of the higher universe all subconsciously moved closer to each other in an attempt to protect themselves.

The remaining titles, Lord of the Universe, didn’t seem to see the dozen or so people close together, but carefully considered the words of the title, Lord of the Universe.

Then, silently surrounded the remaining ten people.

The dozens of high-ranking universe masters who were surrounded watched them in anxious manner, but there was nothing to do.

Zhang Qing was also surrounded.

It seemed that I had to expose the actual situation as a last resort. Fortunately, Zhen Jin was not brought in, otherwise the current situation may not be able to protect her well.

Zhang Qing thought to himself, but found out strangely that the Lord of the Six-Name Universe just surrounded the crowd and didn’t take any action.

In fact, the remaining five-named universe masters on the field are also guarding each other in their hearts, and don’t want to take the initiative by themselves to prevent being attacked by others.

When the two sides were confronting each other, behind, who was unknown, whispered quietly.

“Everyone, now I’m afraid we can only fight hard. Instead of being besieged and killed by the six of them, we should fight hard and fight together and kill one person first! Anyway, we will be eliminated.”

Everyone was silent on their faces, but secretly communicated.

Zhang Qing was naturally happy to mix in.

Suddenly, when the masters of the six-named universe were still on guard against each other, they were regarded as the masters of the higher universe of ants!

Suddenly, countless Magic Treasures spells were cast all at once, flying around.

Give your strength to the master of the universe without the title of teammate alone!

The remaining titles of the universe are not that the masters of the universe retreat one after another. After all, ten high-level universe masters have worked together enough to make them only temporarily regress.

He was injured and lost the title of teammate. The Lord of the Universe was hit by ten attacks. Even if he was strong, he could only be eliminated in the end.

And its counterattack before being scouted also caused five high-ranking universe masters to be beaten off and had to scoot.

Another six people were lost on the court!

The remaining six masters of the higher universe came close together in silence.

Zhang Qing glanced at the crowd coldly and saw the remaining six masters of the universe, without any thoughts in his mind.

As long as these people don’t provoke themselves, there is no need to go and find them to fight.

Hao Yin obsessively saw Zhang Qing looking at everyone, thinking that Zhang Qing was going to take action and hurriedly pulled Zhang Qingyi corner tentatively and asked: “Brother Zhang Qing, are you going to take action against the remaining six? These few? It’s not easy to deal with the guy, it doesn’t look very different from your Realm, you are afraid that you will suffer.”

The sound is not loud, but it is for everyone to hear.

Zhang Qing stared at the six people for a while, and the six watched the weapons in Zhang Qing’s hand move continuously.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Qing smiled helplessly and looked at the cupped hands of the six people and explained.

“This guy is just talking about it, or else let’s take care of the remaining ants first. What do you keep these people for?”

After all, when I was about to take a shot, I saw a person coming and looked at Zhang Qing and said coldly: “These people don’t get rid of them, maybe they will be useful in the future, but the guy next to you is useless, right? ”

The words were full of jokes, and they were meant to test Zhang Qing. If Zhang Qing directly pushed Hao Yin out to let everyone out, everyone would be there for a moment.

After all, this kind of companion without credibility is of little use.

Hao Yin also looked up at Zhang Qing, swallowed and shook his head and refused.

“Brother Zhang Qing, although my strength is low, I can still help you a little bit. Then I can help you hunt for treasures. Everything I find is yours.”

There was even a little pleading in the words, which caused the six people to ridicule in unison: “Zhang Qing, right? What good is it for you to keep this guy by your side? Why don’t you let us get rid of it and relieve you of a little trouble? .”

Zhang Qing just shook his head, glanced at the crowd, and explained indifferently, “You still have to deal with your own affairs first. Each of you want to take action against the other person, and talk about companions, humble dogs, right?”

The words were full of sarcasm, but it angered everyone in an instant.

The Lord of the Universe waved his hand, and the black long sword in his hand pierced Zhang Qing directly.

But Zhang Qing didn’t hide at all, standing there quietly watching this scene happen.

Hao Yin was terrified for a moment, for fear that Zhang Qing would harm him.

Turning his head and looking at Zhang Qing, he pointed to the long sword slowly stabbing and asked in confusion: “Brother Zhang Qing, this long sword looks so powerful, are you not going to avoid it for a while?”

Avoid? This long sword is inevitable, how to avoid it?

The only way to destroy this long sword is to destroy it, or kill the Lord of the Universe.

However, the Lord of the Universe was smart, hiding aside and controlling the long sword far away from the remaining five people.

Zhang Qing smiled disdainfully, turned his head and looked at Zhang Qingjiu with a smile and said: “Okay, you just stay and watch with me, no need to take action or avoid, I will keep you alive.”

Hao Yin, who got Zhang Qing’s speech, naturally let go, even if he had already felt the long pressure.

The two didn’t mean to evade, they just watched the sword quietly.

Zhang Qing’s eyes flashed at the same time, only to see the figure of the five universe masters who were watching the battle suddenly disappear, and he appeared next to that person in the next second.

The man didn’t make a sound, and he was knocked out of the game for an instant.

As for the Masterless Longsword, it dissipated in a flick of his hand.

Zhang Qing coldly glanced at no one, and asked with a bit of joking, “Why? This is so good that even his own companion is tied, but I don’t need a bit of face. Since I have torn my skin, you and I still wait quietly for the time to come. Well, after all, it’s easy to bring one when I am scouting.”

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